Battle of Brimstone

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New Order era.
Battle of Brimstone
Conflict: The Pretender War
Date: 42 ABY
Location: Selen
  • Selenian false gods
  • Caxqettes
  • Anyone they mind controlled

[ Source ]

The Battle of Brimstone was a battle that occurred on Selen, the capital of the Dajorra System and Clan Arcona's seat of power. It was the final battle in a years-long conflict with a group of ancient Force users who fancied themselves as gods of the Selenian people. Longstanding alliances and those still in their infancy were tested when the Arconan summit, led by their recently appointed Consul and Proconsul, called on clans Odan-Urr, Taldryan, and Naga Sadow for aid.


Long before the Arconans migrated to the Dajorra System following the Exodus, the beings who would one day be called the "False Gods" propped themselves up as the de facto rulers and deities of the inhabitants of the system. Records indicate that at some point in the first millennium BBY, these entities went into a form of Force-induced hibernation, though the exact reason for this sudden retreat from the system is unknown.

First Contact

In the year 38 ABY, while several Arcona members were vacationing on Atolli (an isle west of Ussun), the alignment of several celestial bodies in the Selenian sky triggered the release of countless Caxqettes - bloodthirsty chimeric lifeforms born from the False Gods' Dark Side alchemy - from an ancient temple discovered by SISSMA researchers. After the Caxqette threat was thwarted and civilians were evacuated to Fort Blindshot, Arconan forces discovered an empty sarcophagus deep within the temple complex.