Zxyl Bes'uliik Taldrya

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 20:42, 14 May 2008 by Zxyl Bes'uliik Taldrya (talk | contribs) (Removed all character history for now. Rewriting, and newer copy should be up in 0-3 days.)

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Character History


Personal Weapons

"You will never touch any of my blades, until they slice through your body."
―Anubis Annedu Wrath



Exotath was an ancient weapon, belonging to the Valheru warlord Torikon Anika. When Anika fell to the Dark Side of the Force, he took the weapon with him, and enhanced it with Sith Alchemy. When Anubis had left Coruscant, he went looking for his ancestor’s temple upon Eclipse. He located it, and pilfered everything that caught his eye. He had pilfered black plated Valheru armour, Torikon Anika’s holocron, a black ring, black gauntlet, and Exotath, the Valheru Blade of Power.

After returning from the Deep Core, he was satisfied with his new possessions, more so Exotath. It was radiating with Dark Side energies, and kept the Valheru completely energized. It never leaves his side, no matter what circumstances. When it does, it is in his hands as quick as possible.

The weapon itself is truly the panicle of forged weaponry, forged by the Valheru priest Exotath. The name is a symbol to the great work that the priest had created, and a sign to remember all he did for his people. This blade is kept on Anubis’ left leg, so that he can draw and wield it with his right hand.



Sorrow was one of Anubis Annedu Wrath's favourite melee weapons, mostly because of it's razor sharp look and the fact that it was easily portable. The dagger fell into the Valheru's hands by murder actually. The Annedu had been on a mission for his master, Quejo Drakai Xyler, to locate and destroy the leader of a pirate cell. It wasn't easily, but after around a month he had a locked location on the target. Taking with him half of the Qel-Droman fleet, the Valheru sought out and did his best to destroy the target. He finished the leader off himself, slitting his throat with his own dagger, which the Annedu later took for himself, naming it Sorrow. When Anubis left for Clan Taldryan, he took the blade with him.



Named because of it's razor sharp blade, Shrapnel is probably the Annedu's second favourite close range combat weapon, the first being Sorrow (see above). Shrapnel was constructed by Anubis during his first month in Arcona, to practically replace Sorrow, but the Hunter couldn't bring himself to do it. He instead kept both weapons, as a sign that if you get to close, you’re going to have to start running. The blade is custom forged, while the hilt was removed from a sword that the Valheru already possessed. It is rarely used, and is instead kept in a protective case on display in the Tetrarch's quarters when he moved to Clan Taldryan.



Umethar was one of Anubis' last weapons given to him. It was a gift from his wife Lenna Annedu-Sconn, as a honeymoon present. He's held onto it since, carrying it into battle or training sessions wherever he is, or going. It almost never leaves his side, and is stored in a special Plasteel pouch designed to hold the blade without being destroyed or wreaked.

After the death of his wife, Lenna, Anubis became very very close to his weapon, actually using it more then his lightsaber. It was the only thing that he had left of his former wife, seeing how he had abandoned almost all of his things besides his weapons, with Arcona. The weapon is polished every day, and Wrath has vowed never to let it leave him.


Jarr-Kai Medallion (Hex Medallion)

Although a medallion or an amulet as some might call it, The Jarr-Kai Medallion or Hex Medallion is an alchemical power to be reckoned with. Instead of using modern day alchemy with machines, this medallion harnesses the Dark Side of the Force to create ancient alchemy, which can be used for almost anything if properly used.

The Jarr-Kai Medallion allows for anything to be created, except for life. There is also the 'equivilent exchange' drawback. This drawback is described that to create one thing, you must sacrafice another. An example would be sacrificing stone to make durasteel. When using the alchemical powers, a red lightning surrounds the arm or limb that the medallion is on. Anybody besides the user who touches this lightning, can experience both memory loss and brain damage.



Affliction was one weapon that Anubis had forged himself. He had sketched it out on a drawing program he had designed while sitting aboard a transport, and had the blades forged inside the Ektrosis temple, located on Taruma after taking a crooked branch and carving out the slender wooden hilt. The whole process of building the weapon to perfection took well over a week, after carving in designs to the shaft, and adding a slight paint job to the end blades. Once he had finished the job of making it, he set out to name it. After looking it over carefully, he named it Affliction. The new weapon now serves beside Umethar, as a primary weapon in Wrath's arsenal. Used more then his lightsaber, it is a great asset.


Black Plated Valheru Armour

Anubis’ black plated Valheru armour was no gift, nor did he make it himself. The set had belonged to the great Valheru warlord Torikon Anika, the Annedu’s ancestor. Anika had escaped the assault on the Valheru people by the Old Republic, finding his children later on after the escape.

Afterwords, he moved the remaining men he had left, as well as his family, to the Deep Core planet of Eclipse. There they formed a small society, led by Torikon. He was Force Sensitive, and soon felt the call of the Dark Side.

He gave into his hate and lust, and became a warlord to be feared. He used his powers to keep a hold on his people, until his son escaped from the planet, and the society of Valheru people. His armour was originally silver plated, but being a user of the Dark Side, he sought to change that. He used Sith Alchemy to enhance all of his belongings, even his armour. It was stronger then most armours out there, and was lighter too.

It came with a black helmet with adorning jewels, which were later removed by Anubis. The helmet was also comprised of the materials that the plates were, for better protection from enemy attacks. When the Annedu had it in his grasp, he gave it a slight blaster resistant coating to protect him better.

By the time he was finished, it was worth twice as much then when it was found by the descendant, making it extremely valued by most people. As a safety precaution, he wired the suit into his cybernetic arm, making it so that unless the security system was deactivated with the right passcode, the armour wouldn’t separate.

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Trivia

"Trivia time!"
―Anubis Annedu Wrath
  • Has had three previous masters, well, more then that. Around 5.
  1. Vardar
  2. Horus Black-Heart
  3. Ashia Kagan
  4. Ashura Isradia
  5. Quejo Drakai Xyler
  • Has been a part of three different clans, two of them twice.
  1. Clan Taldryan x2 (Current)
  2. Clan Naga Sadow x2
  3. Clan Arcona
  • Brother and formal rival to Talos Annedu
  • Tetrarch of Hex


  • First earned title of ICTE All-star January 12th, 2008. He earned:'
  1. A Crescent with Ruby Star
  2. 36 Clusters of Fire.


NONE Assistant Envoy of House Ludo Kressh
27 ABY
Davin Olar
Unknown Envoy of House Qel-Droma
28 ABY
None, KSoE Disbanded
Unknown Rollmaster of House Qel-Droma
28 ABY
Vardar Battle Team Leader of Hex
28 ABY - Present