The newsletter of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Since the Exodus, volume counting was reset but older issues are still just as valuable and give a link back to the past.
Editor-in-Chief, Dark Voice Tribune: Sith Battlemaster Derev Niroth
Graphics Designer, Fiction Tribune: Krath Priest Ricco Vao
Puzzle Designer: Dark Jedi Knight Ood Bnar Sythe'rae
Serial Writer: Krath Archpriest Timeros Caesus Entar
Consultant, Correspondant: Grand Master Jac Cotelin
Senior Editor: TBA
Staff Editor: Jedi Hunter Kazarelth Talîsmarr
Staff Editor, Correspondant: Sith Battlelord Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura
Senior Correspondant: Dark Jedi Knight Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae
Correspondant: Dark Jedi Knight [Dismal | Dismal Visutor al'Tor]
Correspondant: Jedi Hunter Leonidas Yadar Mandalore
Correspondant: Krath Pontifex [Arion Sunrider| Arion Aquillarum Sunrider]
Publishing of the Dark Voice is overseen by the Dark Voice Tribune.
The current issue can be found | here