Envoy Corps Headquarters

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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New Order era.

The Envoy Corps Headquarters is located on Arx Minor and serves as its base of operations.

Envoy Corps Headquarters
General information

40 ABY


Arx Minor


Arx Capital Exchange

Physical specifications



The Envoy Corps

[ Source ]


Envoy Corps HQ Guide Map

An atmospheric shield dome, powered by a generator with a high-availability failover and auxiliary power, surrounds an interconnected series of buildings and facilities attached to a small, private space port for shuttles and designated personal crafts. Secure shuttles go back and forth between Arx Minor and planet Arx, ensuring even members of the Envoy Corps without access to their own ships have the ability to visit the training facilities or turn in contracts, missions, or bounties.

The main walkway leads to the Central Administration building. A second, on the opposite side of the hangar leads to the moon's Flitz Hotel location.

Central Administration

Central Administration

The main building, which can only be entered by traveling through the short tunnel connecting it from the private space port, houses the central administration for the Envoy Corps.

The small lobby has a circular desk in its center, operated at all times by two receptionist paired with KX-series security droid guards. Behind reception is a tube-like turbolift to the second floor, leading to the Exarch's office.

On the far side is blast door, guarded by droids, that opens into a more commercial turbolift that descends to the subterranean levels of the facility.

Through a door on the other side of reception, an enclosed hallway connects to the Lunar Training Facility.


S1: Processing

Where all bounties or persons of interest are held while the Envoy Corps communicates cross-departmentally with the other Societies to determine placement.

S2: Security

The next floor is a security checkpoint, where processed individuals are either placed in temporary holding cells, or brought down to the third subterranean level. Additionally, there is a hidden passage that leads to a secret door within the Flitz's security rooms to help with "removing" difficult patrons or those that would attempt to break the rules.

S3: Detention Cells

This floor has dedicated cell blocks to house bounties. While it is not intended for long-term prisoners, it is secure enough to hold even the most dangerous of Force-users or specialists, until the Inquisitorius decides where they want them transferred.

Exarch's Office

Exarch's office.

On the second floor of the Central Administration dome, hovering above the main lobby, rests the Exarch's office. A long, sectional desk with multiple monitors and terminals sit beneath large viewports overlooking both planet Arx and the rest of Arx Minor. The cable management is impeccable, with no excess or clutter anywhere to be seen.

Thanks to the current Exarch's preferences, there is a place for everything, neatly organized, and plenty of room for temporary documents, plans, or projects to be worked on. A full reception area can host a few guests, as well as a holoprojector for local presentations of missions or data. There is also a holocam station set up for the Exarch to send or record or send out mission briefings to Envoys in the field.

Lunar Training Facility

Main article: Lunar Training Facility

Accessible via a connecting tunnel from Central Administration a simple staging center with spartan hallways and a lone droid receptionist. Cleaning and maintenance staff work around the clock as the facility is always opened. A small security staff composed of organic and droid guards work rotational shifts. It was founded to help Brotherhood members train and be ready for facing down the Children of Mortis, but has now evolved to cover a wide range of combat and operational scenarios based on machine learning models ingested from the Brotherhoods combined intelligence efforts.

The Flitz: Arx Minor