Dorian Rostu

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Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
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Dorian Rostu
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

11 BBY (45 years old)

Physical Description

Human - Korun




1.89 m (6 feet 2 inches)


93 kg (205 lbs)


Black - short fade



Personal Information

Norabe Volla


Kota Rostu

Lightsaber Color(s):

Curved Hilt Lightsaber

  • Serenity (White Blade)
Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information
  • Information Broker
  • Jedi
  • Prince Of The Lost-Tribes
Known masters:
Known apprentices:


[ Source ]

"Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness."
―Quiet reflections of a troubled mind

The prince of the lost-tribes of Korun, Dorian Rostu has become a vagabond with no kingdom and a ruler of ash and bone. Seeking a better life, he searches the galaxy for traces of scattered bloodlines, hoping to someday reunite his people and reform his forgotten culture. Leeching information like a parasite, his hunger for knowledge is insatiable as he barters and gambles his way into knowing. Utilizing his extensive list of contacts, Dorian hears the whispers of the galaxy and is an adept manipulator when it comes to getting what he wants or leveraging for gains. Intellectually acute, his mastery over the mind has provided him with an unbreakable resolve, even in the face of wickedness; for the Jedi are to look fear in the eye before conquering it. Often at odds with his brethren of Kiast, his methods, while unique and at times viewed as rebellious, remain authentic and genuine at the root of it all. Strong in the Force, this Makashi duelist of growing renown has sworn to uphold the tenets of his order, serving as a Guardian that has solemnly vowed to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Character History


Haruun Kal

Born eleven years before the Battle of Yavin, Dorian was brought into the toxic world of Haruun Kal with a title and a purpose. His father, Kota Rostu was known as a prophet to the Korunnai people and a veteran of the Summertime Wars. Because of his prophetic vision and his prowess as a combatant, he was deemed worthy to wed Narobe Volla, a beautiful, young, and sharp young woman that was next in line to lead the united Korun tribes against rising tensions from the Balawai who inhabited the lowlands and the looming threat of Imperial invasion. More of a general than a princess, Narobe would continue to prepare her people for the next chapter of the unforgettable war and in cooperation with her husband would continue shaping their son Dorian into a formidable combatant both physically and mentally. A quick learner, Dorian, even at a young age was eager to feed his mind the knowledge it craved and proved to be naturally resilient, extremely perceptive, and incredibly gifted with the Force. Even more so than his inherently Force Sensitive people. 

At this time, the stories of the Galactic Empire spreading their poison throughout the galaxy, hellbent on extending its reach and tightening its grip on entire star systems had become a common conversational piece, even amid the chaos that was unfolding in the form of a siege on the Balawai controlled capital, Pelek Baw. Narobe and her armies were finally gaining traction against the occupants of the city and just as they pushed through the Imperial presence that stirred the proxy-war and the lowlanders, the jubilant celebrations were cut short as in sensing the impending defeat and growing rebellion of the Korun tribes, the fleet surrounding Haruun Kal opened up and bombarded the planet. The devastation was unimaginable as the heat from the volley created so much heat in the atmosphere that it actually caused the water on the surface to boil. Presumably it was a genocide that erased the Korun from the galaxy. Save for a small crew that was able to slip through the cracks. Before Narobe and Kota were obliterated in the wake of the Empire, valuable intel had reached the right ears as Dorian and a select few were safely shuttled away from danger on board a stolen Imperial vessel. 


"Ashes are my peasants, a charred galaxy my kingdom."
―Dorian lamenting over the destruction of his people

(Order 66)

Spring Of Life

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The Hermit

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Seeking The Truth

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The Blind Seer

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A Walk In The Wilds

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Kuvutia Grove

Dorian's Estate

An elaborate stone wall surrounds the grounds of the Kuvutia estate located near the shimmering falls just outside of the city New Escrow. Beyond the walls of the estate, before reaching the main house, a large Lammas Tree is planted at the center of a grassy circle surrounded by a cobble stone walkway. The tree is said to be the last of its kind as its native to Dorian's decimated homeworld Haruun Kal.


Hilt Of Rostu

While traversing the Galaxy, Dorian stumbled upon a forgotten tome, a Holocron of a Count from Serenno. The details within, described a lightsaber of a unique design, an upgraded version with a curved hilt. Still new to the Force, the Korunnai Prince was assigned a task that would help him secure his place as a Knight within the Order of New Tython. Having adopted the same form as this Count, Makashi, his goal was to not only rebuild but to modify the hilt depicted in the schematics. After careful deliberation, Dorian set out to the Setor Sector of the Outer Rim, to the planet called Vanqor. This planet was the final resting place of the Venator-class Star Destroyer known as The Endurance and served as Mace Windu’s Flagship for most of the Clone Wars. A legend of Haruun Kal, Dorian grew up idolizing this particular Jedi and was able to procure enough doonium from the vessel to forge the core of his lightsaber’s curved hilt. With an eye for flare, Dorian needed some accent pieces so next on his journey was Cantonica where he learned that aurodium, a metal more rare than gold, was used as the standard currency within the planet’s casinos. Taking his winnings, Dorian melted these pieces of aurodium down and used them for accent pieces that would enhance his hilt’s striking appearance. A significant amount of time had passed and Rostu was struggling to find a crystal worthy of his weapon. It needed to be perfect. Called back to New Tython by his master, Liam Torun, Dorian was beginning to feel defeated until the Force began to lure him away from his intended destination. The system was one he had never been to before but over the years the information merchant had heard the numerous tales stemming from a scorched planet known as Tatooine. Redirecting his ship to the planet below, he remained on the surface for two months. Dreams frequently caused him to wake in cold sweats, the Force constantly tugged at him, nearly driving him to the point of madness until one night he had a breakthrough. Naturally gifted with Foresight, a great beast revealed itself to him. After questioning the locals, he finally learned the location of the large creature. Alas, when he arrived at the coordinates, the only thing left were the bleached bones of a Krayt Dragon. He knelt until day turned into night, meditating on his next plan of action until he opened his eyes and saw a shimmering light breaking through the sand. Like an orb, it levitated, the power within the object was rare in that somehow, it felt familiar. Upon further inspection, he noticed that the item was an extremely rare Krayt Pearl. In life, the Krayt Dragon had ingested a Kyber Crystal and over time the acidity in it’s stomach had created a slurry of material that fused to form this priceless trinket. It would make for the perfect focusing crystal for his lightsaber. Upon tuning it and pouring his own energy into it, upon igniting it for the first time, he was surprised that the blade seemingly howled instead of moaned and the blade produced was serene and devoid of color, pure and white. Pleased with the outcome, there was only one thing left. It was a tradition of the Korunnai people. He would coat the hilt in Portaak Amber. This material was a resin which came from a leaf found on Haruun Kal. A natural fungicide, the Korunnai rubbed their weapons with it to prevent the metal and silicate eating fungi from degrading them. Although sticky, the resin did not rub off on the user’s hands. 


Left Forearm/Hand


Faithful Friend

The training of Akk Dogs was a longstanding tradition of the Korunnai, however, Vidogo was not discovered there. Dorian had discovered his faithful companion on Anoat where a litter of pups were being groomed and then sold for the fighting pits. A rescue took place where Dorian and Brodi Gunstar brought the booming business to its knees. Not only were the animals set free, but all funds made in the shameless act were funneled from the investors to Dorian's account. Set free, all but one fled the city. The runt of the litter, though small, showed ferocity and loyalty and whenever in Dorian's presence seemed to be at peace. He would go on to name the pup, Vidogo, meaning loyalty in Korunni. 

Tomes Of Rostu

Competition Entries

Antei Combat Center Battles

Positions Held
Before Position After
  Battleteam Leader of Galeres
May 5, 2005 - May 20, 2005
  Rollmaster of Clan Odan-Urr
Feb 24, 2020 - Aug 2021
  Magistrate to the FIST
Jul 28, 2020 - Jan 28, 2021
Radiant One