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13 ABY (age 30)
1.8 m
80 kg
Black fur
Almost full-body cybernetic
The Collective
- Sword
- Dagger
- Dart Shoorter
- Throwing Knives
- Shuriken
- Halberd
Shadow Step
- Slicer
- Infiltrator
- Assassin
Vornskr Battalion
The Harbinger
YOUR CHARACTER is... overview of character.
Character History
Early Life
Born, always kind of quick, not a lot happens though.
Collective Cyborg
Aged 7 when Daggo learns cybernetics according to The Collective: Technocratic Guild
Masakado is kidnapped aged 8, and brutally trained in martial arts, slicing, and stealth by The Collective
The Ultimate Assassin
Aged 16, when fully grown, the Collective remove his limbs, most of his torso, and replace it with cybernetics. They also do stuff to his mind. He hates them, but has no choice but to work for them.
He fights against the Dark Brotherhood in the Twelfth Great Jedi War, and assassinates an adept. His mind begins to degrade.
Gundark Squad
Further mental degradation leads him to escape the Collective and seek a cure for what they did to him. He takes up residence in Coruscant, working as a mercenary there.
Zentru'la arrives and recruits him to his team.
They then recruit the healer Lilina Mirin
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Physical Description