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The Envoy Corps is a diplomacy-focused society responsible handling the Brotherhood's efforts to build a positive image on the greater stage of the Galaxy. While it might look like a public-relations gambit by the Brotherhood, the Council has put their full weight and support behind the Envoy Corps altruistic and philanthropic endeavors.
Guided by the Exarch, the Envoy Corps accepts and assigns out contracts in the form of operations, bounties and missions that benefit communities, cultures, and systems that are in need of resources and support. This outreach initiative operates for the betterment of the Brotherhood's reputation among rival organizations and to cement their position of power beyond the Unknown Regions. of bridging relationships between the Council and the Clans.
The Envoy Corps has been allotted three flights of Lamba-class T4a shuttles to help transport members of the Brotherhood to locations of need and to "carry" the Brotherhood's diplomatic banner.
They were also granted the use of a Charger c70 Consular-class Cruiser named The Urbanae.
Lunar Training Facility
The Lunar Training Facility on Arx Minor serves as the base of operations for the Envoy Corps. It is where the Exarch's office is located, above which sits a detention and processing facility.
Envoy Corps Mission Log
The Envoy Corps keeps a detailed record of the missions, contracts, and bounties that members take part in as Adventure, roleplaying activities.
Training 001
Envoys: Von Ricmore Mune Cinteroph
RP Transcript |
Mune and Von vs Crystal Ascendent. Utilizing the new state of the art technology, both Brotherhood fighters were able to take down the simulated Ascendent Warrior and generated valuable machine learning data for combatting the Children of Mortis.
Contact 001
Envoys: Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir Nicfer Luthol Korvis Cole Farrow Adem Bol'era
RP Transcript |
TROUBLE IN THE OUTER RIM. On the remote planet JABIIM—once home to a base for the Hidden Path—survivors from the destruction of Hosnian Prime have settled into small mining communities to live peacefully and export the planet's lone resource of value. Peaceful, that was, until the opportunistic The Empty Eyes gang moved in, set up operations in an abandoned base and started to harass and prevent the locals from trading freely. The denizens of Jabiim have broadcasted a request for aid, but lack any real hope. Marick Tyris Arconae — Exarch of the Brotherhood — has put out a call to the newly formed Envoy Corps for their first operation.
Mission Log
After reaching Jabiim, the party split up, with Adem and Nicfer infiltrating the town while the others scouted and found the optimal attack vector. Adem and Nicfers efforts paid off by getting them back door access to the bases defenses, giving the rest of the team and advantage in the fight that followed.
In the end, the team was able to successfully apprehend Sylvian Blaine, putting an end to the Empty Eyes control over the remote mining town.