Jasper Arlow

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File:Jasper Arlow Formal.jpg
Jasper Xanthium Arlow
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

12 ABY (age 31)

Physical Description





1.52 m / 5’


46kg / 101lbs


Copper, waist length



Personal Information
  • Kiss Kiss, a custom E-11 Blaster
  • Rex, KX-series Security Droid
Chronology & Political Information

Mechanic, Droid Engineer


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



[ Source ]

"People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway."
―Kent M. Keith, The Silent Revolution

"Gotta be the good."
―Jasper's personal motto.

Jasper Arlow Professional Mercenary in House Hoth of Clan Odan-Urr.

Born into a big, happy family, it’s no surprise that Jasper is loud, energetic, always smiling, and endlessly positive. For the past six years she’s been traipsing the galaxy in search of her older brother, who left home when she was very young. Jasper has managed to survive on her own without much issue, recently discovering that her brother’s last known residence was on New Tython. Through her best friend, Elequin, Arcia Cortel's nearly-adoptive daughter, Jasper learned of New Tython’s fate and found her way to Odan-Urr. The young girl is persistent in her attempts at spreading joy. She will go far out of her way to lend a helping hand to virtually anyone, even an enemy or a droid. Her personal motto is: "Gotta be the good" and she will embody that phrase until her dying breath. Most tend to think that Jasper doesn't take things seriously or that she doesn’t understand the gravity of a dire situation. While not entirely inaccurate, Jasper does understand danger and will shape up and hold it together when she has to. She is exceptionally good with machinery and technology. She can fix or jury-rig broken equipment under heavy fire or stress with relative ease. Slicing is equally easy, specifically communication systems and locks or security cameras. That being said, when it comes to battle itself, Jasper is all but useless. She can shoot a gun and, by biscuits, she’ll unload her clip into a group of ‘bad guys’- whether or not she hits anything is an entirely different story. And when guns fail, well, Jasper will kick, bite and holler into exhaustion. Aware of her shortcomings, she built Rex, a modified KX-series Security Droid, who carries her equally souped-up E-11 blaster, Kiss Kiss.



Jasper Xanthium Arlow was born on May 5th, 12 ABY on the planet Corellia. Her mother and father, Helen and Roan Arlow, own a small cafe and mechanics repair shop, Arlow and Sons and still reside there presently. Jasper is one of six children: one brother, Tobias, and four sisters, Cecil, Sawyer, Kaden and Finley. Jasper's family is a very loving one. Her father taught her how to run the shop while her mother always tried to encourage her to be more lady-like. When Jasper was 7 years old, her brother, who was 17 at the time, ran away from home. Her parents were distraught and heavily encouraged all their daughters to remain close to home and insisted that ‘space’ was a dangerous place to go. Tobais never returned.

The Arlow Family (Top, Left to Right: Sawyer (12), Cecil (14), and Tobias(14). Bottom, Left to Right: Kaden (8), Jasper (3), Roan (36), Helen (33), Finley (6).)

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File:Jasper Fixing Things.jpg
Jasper building her first droid.

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File:Jasper Relaxed.jpg
Jasper Arlow 34 ABY

Jasper after work

A Loving Family

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File:Jasper and El.jpg
Jasper and Elequin
Jasper's Flower

Jasper's Flower

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"I'm Going on an Adventure!"

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File:Jasper Bunny Shirt.jpg

The Brotherhood

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File:Jasper Painting Spot.jpg
Jasper painting Spot

Say Hello to my Not-so-Little Friends

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Droid Family


Jasper's droid, Spot

Spot (BB-unit Droid) Cosmetic Personality Modification


Jasper's droid, Rex

Rex (KX-series Security Droid) Built from the salvaged chassis of a KX-Series Security Droid, Rex is Jasper’s Hand in combat as well as a ‘caretaker’ of sorts. Jasper’s needs come first in Rex’s mind. He is forever busy ensuring that she is comfortable and safe. Rex has been upgraded to perform more subtle and smoother movements than a standard issue of his series. This does reduce his reflex time and general movement speed, but allows him to better serve in his caretaker role for Jasper. Additionally, Rex has been designed with combat efficiency in mind and will fight on behalf of Jasper. As well as all of her droids, Jasper has given Rex a custom paint job. His legs are painted with bold yellow and pink stripes (to match her lucky socks) while the rest of his body is covered in Jasper’s signature five-pointed red rose symbol.

Jasper painstakingly and lovingly crafted Rex to function as her friend, caretaker, and bodyguard. He’s essentially her security blanket. She will never abandon him, treats him the very same as any humanoid. Jasper worries for his safety and will put herself in harm’s way to rescue him from the battlefield.


Jasper's droid, Roger

Roger (B1 Battle Droid) Cosmetic Personality Modification


"I call 'er Kiss Kiss cause she's only got two of them Viper grenades."
―Jasper Arlow
Jasper's custom E-11, Kiss Kiss

Physical Appearance

Jasper Arlow is a Human woman of short stature who is rarely seen without a dimpled smile poised upon her strawberry-pink lips. Her fair, freckled skin is often covered with splotches of dirt and grease from long hours spent tinkering away at work. The boisterously twangy drawl of her sing-song voice tends to fill any space with an excited energy. Jasper’s lean, almost boyish figure frequently causes those around her to overlook the girl, either passing her off as "one of the guys," or just nothing spectacular to look at in general.

Vibrant, emerald-green eyes seem to glow with a joyful blaze, accented sharply by a thick, waist-length head of copper. Jasper typically ties her hair up, with colorful ribbons, into two messy buns atop her head to keep it out of her way while working. Despite her best efforts, random strands still manage to fall in the way. At the end of the day or for formal occasions, she keeps her hair to one side in a single braid or will let down to swing freely.


Jasper’s style is fairly eccentric, but her main requirements for clothing is that they must be fun, functional, and comfortable. Turquoise cotton shirts, baggy cargo shorts, and a brown denim jacket are her go-to choices for everyday attire. She pairs her leather work boots with obnoxiously loud socks, one of which must *always* be pink and yellow striped, "for good luck."

While working, she tends to wear standard-issue olive green coveralls over her everyday clothing. In addition, she wears her leather tool belt fitted with various small pouches and clips for her tools.

Personality and Traits

"I can fix it!"
―Jasper Arlow


Other Talents

Notes and References