This page holds sections of information that will be helpful for members to find and understand better about what the Dark Jedi Brotherhood offers for gaming. The Fist of the Brotherhood oversees all things that are gaming.
Rites of Combat
The Rites of Combat apply to all Gaming Nights and other gaming competitions. - They are the rules to all gaming in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, failure to comply to these rules may result in bans from the activity.
Gaming Nights
Gaming Nights are Brotherhood-wide events that run 24 hours a day from Sunday to Saturday every week and is the standard competition for when submitting matches. After completing your match(es), you and your opponent will decide who will report and that person will login to the DB Website and submit the scores from the administration option "Submit Gaming Activity". Clusters of Fire are recommended over the weekend and are rewarded depending on which platform was played and how many players were involved.
Each week is also an opportunity for a member to earn a Pendant of Blood.
Supported Games
Game Guides:
FIST-o-matic Bot
A bot was created thanks to James. This bot allows you to join a queue for PvP games and report scores directly from Telegram. Here are the commands for the Fist-o-matic.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Guilds, Clans, and Groups
- Star Wars - The Old Republic MMO, Jedi Covenant Server
- Empire Guild: Dark Jedi Brotherhood
- Republic Guild: Knights of Odan Urr
- Refer to the TOR Wiki Page for how to join.
- Star Craft 2 Clan
- DarkJediBrotherhood [TDJB]
- Request Clan invite in game.
- Star Wars Commander Squads
- Empire Squads (Mobile)
- Dark-Brotherhood - Led by Ra'gnar (Apply to Join in game)
- DJB Squad - Led by Halcyon
- Republic Squads (Mobile)
- Odan-Urr_Knights - Led by Liam
- Empire Squads (PC)
- DJB-PC - Led by Brimstone
- Request membership to any open Squad through the App
- Star Conflict Corporation
- Request invite in game, coordinate with the following individuals
- CEO - Valhavoc (search for Valhavoc in game)
- VP - Landon Cruise (search for LandonCruise in game - Caps sensitive, no space)
- Officer - Drake Starfire (search for LTDrakeStarfire in game - Caps sensitive, no spaces)
- Destiny Clan (PS and Xbox)
- Diablo 3 Clan
- Dark Brotherhood [DJB]
- Request Clan invite in game.
Cluster Values
Clusters of Fire and Earth are earned by Gaming with other DJB members. For specific information on how to earn Clusters for each platform, refer to the Gaming Platforms page.
All games have capped daily cluster values. Star Wars games are capped at 50 Clusters of Fire and Clusters of Earth daily, Non-Star Wars Games are capped at 30 Clusters of Earth and Clusters of Fire daily. If a member exceeds the daily cap, any clusters earned will roll over to the following day. Any Clusters still in the queue at site reset (Friday) will not roll forward to the following week.
DJB Voice Server
The Dark Jedi Brotherhood has its own Voice Communication Server, through the use of the TeamSpeak 3 chat application. For those of you who have never heard of TeamSpeak, check it out here. Basically, it's a server where anyone with a headset can come and talk to each other in real time. Headsets are cheap, and can be bought at stores such as Wal-Mart and Best Buy.
Setup Information can be found on the DJB Voice Server Wiki Page.
Gaming Servers
Refer to the Gaming Servers Wiki page for a full listing of any servers which are supported by the DJB.
The Old Republic Guild
The Dark Jedi Brotherhood's The Old Republic Guild refers to both the Sith Empire and Republic aligned guilds under the banner of the Brotherhood. The guild is currently on the Jedi Covenant server.
Create Brotherhood chat (/create Brotherhood) and ask for an invite there from an officer to join the guild, or contact any of the Officers listed on the wiki page over IRC for an invite.
Grand Master's Royal Guard
The Grand Master's Royal Guard or GMRG for short, is the Dark Jedi Brotherhood's gaming society. Through gaming, you are able to earn robes, lightsabers, and fictional perks. Take the GMRG SA Course and with an 85% or higher you will become a member.
Advancement within the Guard is determined based on total Clusters of Fire and Pendants of Blood that a member has earned.