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Inos Moon 36 "Ore Pit"
Outer Rim
Sith Space
Orian system
28 standard hours
370 standard days
6,412 Km
Breathable, cold, dry
Frozen rock and ice wasteland
Light Side Site
Former, Jedi (very few). Current, none
Clan Naga Sadow
Inos 36
Long ago (around 7,000 BBY) a ship bearing Jedi fleeing from the horrors of the Hundred Year Darkness. This became a minor Light Side site and remained undiscovered until 33 ABY. A party of Sith dispatched by Consul Locke Sonjie, and led by Macron and then Aedile Maelous Ascarend with Lexiconus and Tasha'Vel Versea, to track down metal smugglers to the site (more to come soon)
This moon is a rocky, dry wasteland. Although it has been extensively bombarded with asteroidal strikes, it remains relatively uncratered due to it’s high level of natural tectonic activity.