Arcia Cortel

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Arcia Cortel
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

4ABY - (Age 34)

Physical Description







52.1kg/115 lbs




Olive Green


Optical Implants

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Obelisk Prelate


Captain of AGV Nighthawk

Personal Ship:
Known masters:
  • Zeklynd Csularin (NPC)
Known apprentices:

Arcia’s Dossier

[ Source ]

Arcia Cortel is a former operative of Imperial Intelligence, currently serving Clan Arcona as Captain of the AGV Nighthawk within House Galeres, holding the rank of Obelisk Prelate. With strong ties to the Dajorra Intelligence Agency and certain members of the Arconae, Arcia has sworn her loyalty in upholding their directives and ensuring safety of Clan Arcona and its members. Her past is littered with moral rises and falls through her various alignments, however she has recently fully embraced her place within the Dark Side of the Force. She is an extremely capable strategist in both naval and ground warfare and has recently retired from being an assassin, instead focusing on her ship’s crew and augmenting her martial combat with the Force.

Character History

A Bright Childhood (4ABY - 20ABY)

In 4ABY, two officers of the Imperial Navy, known as Jasper and Ellie Corden, brought new life into the galaxy. Their careers were at a point where early retirement was permitted, so they decided it was time to settle down with child. The couple relocated to Ellie’s home, the fortress world of Anaxes, where she carried out the remainder of her pregnancy. After several months of peaceful living for Ellie and a professor’s billet at the Academy for Jasper, their daughter was born, whom they named Destri. The two former Imperial Officers took great joy in raising their little girl and teaching her the lessons of life they learned both as children and adults.

The planet Anaxes.

Education for Destri came easily, as she had already been able to test out of much of her course study, being considered something of a savant at a young age. Several of her teachers recommended that she graduate early and a few others even went as far as sending her name and schooling portfolios to the Imperial Academy Recruiters, who began to monitor her closely. Destri maintained her status as top of class at age sixteen and graduated with all outstanding honors from her studies in 20ABY. She immediately sought to apply for the Imperial Academy, and due to her exquisite test results, intelligence and demeanor, was accepted only months after.

With the blessings of her parents and all that they taught her, Destri felt she was ready and knew what to expect from a life in the Imperial Navy. While en route to the Academy shuttles, Destri encountered her first Force user. She recognized his status due to the armed guards trailing behind him, the sheer power that emanated from him, and the lightsaber he wore openly on his belt. The man locked eyes on her as he approached and halted before her, noticing her piercing gaze returned. Most would have averted their view, but she seemed to not be afraid; more intrigued. A wordless conversation quickly began and finished as each set of eyes sized the other, the girl’s eyes pausing on the Imperial Intelligence insignia, when the man chuckled aloud and patted Destri’s shoulder before moving on. Destri’s parents quickly hurried her away, saying she would miss her shuttle, but she knew they were afraid of the Sith she had just given herself to in silence.

Imperial Life (20ABY - 27ABY)

Destri was prepared for what the Academy had to offer due to her upbringing and pre-schooling under former Imperial Officers. The coursework was demanding and the standard recruit could easily fail without the proper guidance. Destri, however, with her previous excellence in schooling, completed most of her initial training near the top of her class yet again. The older recruits did not take to a younger surpassing them and frequently displayed this through various acts of hazing that caused Destri to stop mingling during off hours. Due to the frequent quarrels, the instructors placed Destri as her training group’s squad leader for the duration of her stay, to see how the group would cope with one another.

The art of combat came to Destri very slowly and her squadmates would use it to their advantage. She did not have the physical prowess most others did, but where she lacked the strength to stand toe-to-toe, she made up with extraordinary reflexes that far surpassed the others. This combined with her sheer intelligence in most situations she was placed in continued to allow Destri to remain above the rest of her squad on most of the physical training exercises as well as standard coursework. Destri’s hard work came to fruition when her squad performed exercises for visiting officials, to which several of them began taking note in her ability to adapt to any situation with little to no time for preparation.

For two years, Destri trained at the Academy for her basic training as well as advanced schooling for signals analysis and covert infiltration for a means to erect communications devices behind enemy lines. With the training she was provided, Destri learned more on how the communications field worked as well as learning to blend in with her surroundings to remain hidden in crowded situations by taking on different personas. In 22ABY, Destri completed her initial and advanced training and was placed into the Imperial Navy as a Lieutenant holding a desk oriented job. She fought tooth and nail to be re-evaluated and stationed in a more suitable role, but she eventually gave in and assisted handling the orders of various strike teams to insert and erect the communications devices that she was specifically trained on.

Lieutenant Corden’s disagreement with her assignment was widely known, but her ability to perform her abilities to the best were more recognizable. She made sure that each job was placed with Imperial Officers and soldiers whose dossier’s reflected to be the best choice for each situation, proving that her attention to detail was uncanny. Even though she was rather vocal with her disagreements towards her placement, her superiors continued to inform her that the position was just a ‘foot in the door’ and she would eventually get the placement of her choice in due time. Come 25ABY, after a rather lengthy time serving in her distribution and analysis position as well as a promotion and the occasional award for outstanding service, Destri was approached by two ranking Imperial Officers while in transit to her place of work on Bastion.

Destri Corden, as seen in 25ABY

The two officers did not introduce themselves by name, only as ‘Commander’ and ‘Captain,’and informed Lieutenant-Commander Corden that they were both part of Imperial Intelligence. Destri learned that she was being watched and reviewed since her first year in the Academy and everything she had accomplished in the Navy was recorded and recognized. After a short meeting, Corden was taken to the offices of Imperial Intelligence where she was briefed in full and reassigned to serve Imperial Intelligence as a critical communications and analysis officer on board the Communications Dreadnaught Silent Runner. With this transfer, she was also elevated to the rank of Captain, giving her weight to her position.

Aboard the Silent Runner, Destri was in direct connection with a single strike team assigned to infiltrate enemy forces and disrupt communications to allow for military occupation. She was selected for the role due to her intimate knowledge of many variations of communications devices, so she was also able to give the strike team experienced intel regarding any situations they would encounter. On the side, Captain Corden would relay information back and forth between the remaining groups of ISB Agents, due to working with one of the most advanced communications and holonet transceivers in the Imperial Navy aboard her ship.

Captain Corden served prestigiously for another two years, creating more efficient ways of handling encrypted data and expanding her knowledge of various ships systems. During this time, she also continued to train physically to keep herself in the top percentage of physically fit crewman aboard the Silent Runner. Throughout her career, her superiors and ship mates noticed that the Captain’s reactions, either in combat training or through use of ships systems, were unnatural. It was as if she was being driven by an unseen force which quickly caught the attention of the darker sides of the Empire. The attention she happened to grab, though, changed her life forever.

A Life in Shadows (27ABY - 29ABY)

According to Captain Corden’s official dossier, towards the end of 27ABY she went MIA during a classified mission with her strike team, which she began physically joining since mid 26ABY. Several investigations were launched in attempts to locate the Captain, but all were officially halted after orders from Imperial High Command were issued to cease all search and rescue missions. A funeral ceremony was conducted on both the Silent Runner and her homeworld of Anaxes in commemoration to her outstanding service to the Imperial Navy. Both of her parents were in attendance.

In a location still classified in all related files, Destri met with her superiors from Imperial Intelligence after awakening from a drug induced coma. She was told that she was taken from her position in the Imperial Navy, falsely declared as deceased and stricken from Imperial record to further be of use for Imperial Intelligence as a covert operative. Corden was given advanced training in hand-to-hand combat through the art of Teras Kasi and furthered her linguistic ability to encompass several new languages. Initially only used for menial tasks, such as information retrieval and alteration, Destri quickly became adept in subterfuge. Her covert operations training, weapons use and communications espionage made her the perfect operative.

Understanding the new position fully, Destri opted to have optical cybernetics implanted to give her more of an advantage in darkly lit areas, as well as the abilities to scan, monitor and disrupt many different communications frequencies when approached. The implants replaced both of her eyes and were backed by highly resistant electromagnetic countermeasures to ensure her vision would not be disrupted by any means. A downside to the cybernetics, as she was warned frequently before, during and after the surgery, was that the implants quickly depleted energy. To counteract this, Destri commissioned specialized charging plates that would be attached to her temples and after a few short hours, the power supply would be fully charged and the secondary attachments would no longer be needed.

"Hence forth you shall be known as Operative X02"
―Imperial High Command

Working under her new designation, Destri began working towards an ultimate goal unbeknownst to her. Each of her jobs was overseen by a Sith Lord known as Zeklynd Csularin, which just so happened to be the very same man she had encountered before leaving for the Academy all those years ago. Corden was unaware of this, however, as she was never informed that her accomplishments were being reviewed. A year in the field passed before she was approached directly by Zeklynd, who explained that during her missions, both as an Operative and Imperial Officer, she was noticed to have used special ‘influence’ to accomplish her goals. Destri knew that she was guided by some unseen force, but wasn’t aware of how or why.

Sephren, the Sith Apprentice (29ABY - 32ABY)

Zeklynd educated Operative X02 that it was through the Force that she was able to manipulate others and her surroundings, and that doing so in such manners was his expertise. He then, knowing and sensing her potential, offered to take the woman under his tutelage and instruct her on more of the powers the Force and the Dark Side would give her. Without a seconds thought, Destri agreed. The Force, or what she knew of it up until this point, fascinated her as well as those who could control it. Now she was being given the opportunity to become something she praised. With their agreement set into the Force, Zeklynd bestowed upon her the name of Sephren, sealing their fates together as Master and Apprentice.

Sephren took on many names over the next three years and come 31ABY, she had accomplished many missions for both the Imperial High Command as well as her new Sith Master. During these years, Zeklynd began teaching his Apprentice many forms of persuasion, manipulation and augmenting her own physical abilities to become even more with the shadows she frequently hid within. When Csularin deemed her ready, he hesitantly offered Sephren his old lightsaber as a token of good faith towards her future training and taught her the art of saber combat, choosing Vapaad as her form to emphasize her ability of speed and acrobatics. Sephren quickly grasped the use of a saber, though her hand me down began to not feel right in her hands. Noticing this, Zeklynd sent her to an ancient Sith world, full of raw materials and heavy with the Dark Side so that she may craft a blade of her very own.

Zeklynd Csularin, Sith and Sephren’s only Master

Sephren travelled to Korriban and created her first personalized lightsaber after traversing the tombs and barren deserts that populated the surface. She searched for some time until she found an old, unpowered altar that was once used for assisting students in the creation of their sabers. After disabling several droids and taking their power cores, she reactivated the altar, communed with the Dark Side and levitated the objects given to her by Zeklynd. Through telekinesis and her connection to the Force, the saber components slipped together with ease and as the crystal took to its resting place, the blade erupted from the hilt and hovered before the woman with its crimson red hue.

As she began her journey back to the ship Zeklynd supplied her, she was ambushed by a gang of Force practitioners that had lost their minds due to being present on Korriban for far too long. Without giving Sephren any time to explain, they lashed out at her, sabers drawn, forcing the woman to defend herself with her own newly crafted weapon. Sephren quickly used the training Zeklynd provided her and through use of Vapaad, the attackers could not keep up with her sheer agility and obscene acrobatics. In mere moments the mentally torn Sith were dispatched, leaving Sephren to return to her ship and depart the cursed world.

Merely a few months passed from Sephren’s journey to Korriban before a mission arose that would alter her life forever. Paired with another Operative designated Alpha Nine, to which she had already accomplished several missions with in the past, they were to infiltrate a heavily guarded installation and steal a state of the art design for a new type of star cruiser. The kicker was that none of the inhabitants spoke common languages. The mission was to be lengthy, being undercover for anywhere up to a year. Sephren silently questioned herself regarding the mission, as she had begun to feel attraction to Alpha Nine over the past several missions they had been paired up for. Vowing to not let her personal feelings get in the way, X02 assisted Alpha Nine in preparing new identities and setting up supplies to complete their mission successfully.

Before the pair set off on their mission, Sephren encountered a new person aboard Zeklynd’s personal cruiser known as the Spectre. The man was albino, his most distinguishable feature other than the white pigment being his blood red eyes that seemed to glow from within his hood. He introduced himself as Shi, a follower of the Krath practices. He explained that he was working with Zeklynd to locate ancient lore that could give insight to new powers. Sephren recognized the Krath’s level of Force adeptness, but didn’t trust his motives. Before departing the ship, Sephren warned her Master of the Krath, who simply dismissed her pleas, sending her off to complete the mission.

Sephren and Alpha Nine had discovered a rudimentary language used throughout the habitation via monitoring of the communications satellites orbiting the planet and quickly adapted themselves to using the language on a day-to-day basis. This allowed their covers to be near perfect as they passed themselves off as technical specialists working on various systems of the installation. This allowed them to have near complete access to most of the facility and caused the mission to be completed almost without worry. After convincing an executive to allow them to test the server firewalls, they had their information and were done. Having only spent several months instead of the granted year time clock, Sephren and Alpha Nine decided to extend their stay on the beautiful planet as a sort of relaxing leave of absence. The two grew to become close to one another, knowing that their superiors would not take kindly to inter-agent relationships, but cared not for the fact and pursued their own personal connection.

Approximately a fortnight prior to when the two were scheduled to return to Imperial High Command, Alpha Nine, or Jericho as Sephren now knew him, simply vanished without word or sign of where he went. To her deep regret, Sephren realized the plans she had lifted from the facility were corrupted; most likely by Jericho before he disappeared. Knowing that returning without the package and without her partner would result in severe reprimand, Sephren choked up the courage and returned to her superiors at the High Command. As expected, she was scorned and severely punished for her failure. She was barred from taking any further contracts with Imperial Intelligence indefinitely and removed from recognition as an Imperial Operative. To her dismay, Sephren attempted to look on the brighter side of things; she could now spend more time to study and train under Zeklynd.

After returning to the Spectre, Sephren noticed that Shi was nowhere to be seen and Zeklynd frequently kept himself busy with ‘study.’ Sephren decided to keep to herself by practicing with her saber daily and honing her prowess of the Force through meditation. It wasn’t until another few months passed when she began to notice that recent speculations of her body were apparent; she was with child.

One Life Taken, Two Lives Destroyed (32ABY - 33ABY)

Reborn of Light (33ABY - 35ABY)

Okan Corinya, Jedi Master

A Light Snuffed Out (35ABY - 37ABY)


The Shadow Clan (37ABY - 38ABY)

The Dark Embrace (38ABY - Present)

Personal Weaponry

The Force

Arcia is highly attuned to the Force and uses it to augment her abilities during combat.





Telekinesis/Hammer Time

Martial Arts

Teras Kasi


Arcia's Saber, adjusted for her Dark Side Nature with Sith Code etchings.

Arcia’s primary weapon aside from her own physical skills and the Force, is her lightsaber. Originally crafted to show her connection to the Jedi Order and the Light Side of the Force, she spent several hours etching the Sith Code by hand into the hilt of the weapon. The only lightsaber form she uses is Vapaad, as it accents her fighting style perfectly with the sheer dexterity required to perform the moves involved.

Blaster Pistol

Vibro Knife


Teroch Erinos Arconae

Sight Nortorshin
