Quote of the Day/Archive

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 01:17, 3 March 2008 by RevengeX (talk | contribs)

Here in lies the collection of Daily Quotes gathered by the Wiki Staff.

Sunday March 2nd, 2008
<``Pho|atWork> ceth isn't in the same brain activity as the rest of us
<Dante|1> he's british.. it's not his fault
<Dante|1> they speak funny
<``Pho|atWork> thats what inbreeding does
Saturday March 1st, 2008
<Ceth_Zor-El> I just dont get it, I wanna do more writing but people give me fiction
Tuesday February 12th, 2008
<Ceth-ACC> were not all geeks :P
<`Yad|bbl> I know
<`Yad|bbl> some of us have lives
<`Yad|bbl> why do you think I dont do ICTE that much
<``Pho|atWork> cuz u suck
Sunday February 10th, 2008
<Hel-Pa_Sklib> Heh, just got rid of my girlfriend. :P
<NexusCock> The RoS is coming up Sklib
<NexusCock> good timing
Friday February 8th, 2008
Darth Kruhl: "I am prepared to die."
Roan Fel: "Good. I'm prepared to kill you."
―Darth Kruhl and Roan Fel on Bastion
Thursday February 7th, 2008
<Debric|LOST> I'm being super serial.
<Doni`Tzu> "Today on Hitler!, we'll be talking wiz Hollywood hunk, Christian Slater!"
<Debric|LOST> :P
<Amiz> lol
<Doni`Tzu> "So... zey say... we get to see your butt." "Heh, well, that's right" "Can... can we see it now?" "Well.. okay Hitler" "Oh, he's goink to do it!"
<Debric|LOST> To get tickets to Hitler, dial 1-800-shnaukameunchesenhausen
<Bloodfyre> Very little amuses me as much as Donitz poking fun at anything with a German accent. :P
<Doni`Tzu> If you are goink to be in ze Los Angelez area, und would like teeckits to Hitler!, call 213, DU WIRDEST EINE KRANKENSCHEWSTER BRAUCHEN
Wednesday February 6th, 2008
<Khobai> The EH was cool till those 7 jackasses destroyed it by splitting off from it
Tuesday February 5th, 2008
<`sw-afkz0r> that guy knows me too well already.
<`sw-afkz0r> i WAS going to rape him
Monday February 4th, 2008
[`sw-afkz0rz] I hear of people bringing sexy back
[`sw-afkz0rz] and i want this
Sunday February 3rd, 2008
<`sw-afkz0rs> allow me to introduce myself, i am swiper, destroyer of worlds. Most people DO INDEED masturbate the first time they talk to me.
Thursday January 31st, 2008
<`sw-afkz0r> the problem isnt pedophiles, its sexy children.
Sunday January 26th, 2008
<GRD|Narad> is JA better than JO?
<`Storm> way better
Monday January 21st, 2008
<`Braecen> There is a reason I was Consul, Yeldarb. I do know how to utilize the resources around me.
<`Braecen> I'm still not done with you, Arch.
Wednesday January 9th, 2008
[19:28:06] <ThranO> <Cethgus> I've got someone I want to talk to Thran...ok? <TO> ummm, ok. (Talk to FRANK *Drug help Hotline*) <TO> What the hell is happening? <Cethgus> Its a drug help hotline. <TO> I don't need a Drug help hotline, I know how to use them just fine thank you.
-- Thran Occasus reiterating a previous conversation with Cethgus
Tuesday January 8th, 2008
My IP was blocked... probably because of my disbelieve in Darth Nephet's powers!
- Xia Long commenting on the nemesis of Clan Naga Sadow.
Sunday January 6th, 2008
[12:50] <MuzZz> QUESTION COMING!
[12:51] <MuzZz> 13. (DB-people that are here) What color is Halc's hair?
[12:51] <Halc|Away> Green
[12:51] <`Rilk-1> Green
[12:51] <Halc|Away> Bitches
[12:51] <Revenge|7> Emerald
[12:51] <FK|1> green
[12:51] <Loc2> emnerald
[12:51] <MuzZz> point Revvy. :P
[12:51] <Revenge|7> Snot colored
[12:51] <FK|1> Emerald green
[12:51] <MuzZz> damn, Halc.  :/
[12:51] <Halc|Away> Muz...please find a ditch to die in :P
- #shadowacademy Trivia Session
Friday January 4th, 2008
"I can't believe that so many people don't understand the use of the Show preview button, it just befuddles me. Maybe we should make it bigger and flash on and off!"
- Wiki Tribune Astronicus Aurelius Sadow in conversation with a Wiki staff member.
Thursday January 3rd, 2008
Three internet rules "If it says it is a dude, it is a dude. If they say they are a chick, it is a dude. If they say they are a kid, it is a cop."
- Raken
Wednesday January 2nd, 2008
<@Ylith> :P
<@Shikyo> Ylith, if you dont like your saber, go cry in your iPod :P
- Ylith in conversation with the Herald, Shikyo
Sunday December 9th, 2007
The Assassin's Creed is a lot more organized than the Dark Brotherhood and has a lot more cooler missions but the Dark Brotherhood has a huge history, their own god, and are the stereotype of all assassins (in a good way). - Eiyuu_Kou (speaking about the VG, but still sounds cool if it was about us)
Tuesday December 4th, 2007
"I still believe that Chewie was formed from sentient pocket lint that Han Solo pulled out one day while looking for credits for a beer."
- Malidir Dinistr Erinos
Sunday December 2nd, 2007
"Let pwnage rain down upon the infidels"
- Kir Taldrya Katarn
Saturday December 1st, 2007
"Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope... Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose against statistically long odds."
- HK-47