Fae Taros

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Fae Taros
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

5 ABY (age 38)

Physical Description





5' 8"





Personal Information

Dlarit Corporation


Orian Assembly

Chronology & Political Information
  • Miner
  • Investor

Director of Dlarit Mining


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Clan Naga Sadow

[ Source ]


Fae Taros was born on Coruscant to supporters of the New Republic in the year 5 ABY, when the newly formed government was still fledgling. Taros lived what could be considered a ‘normal’ childhood, if not somewhat spoiled. Her family always had money, being extremely good investors, and they never had to worry about poverty. She was always a good student in school, making near perfect marks all the way through primary and secondary school. Upon graduation in 23 ABY, she was the valedictorian of her class.

Eager to go into society and succeed at life, she enrolled at the Mrisst Trade and Science Academy shortly after graduating from secondary school. She majored in geology and mineral extraction, and applied the subjects in a business environment. Again, she excelled throughout her four years at the academy, graduating once more with top honors in 27 ABY. Fae was quickly bombarded with job offers, and she accepted a position as a mining supervisor on the planet of Bespin, overseeing multiple Tibanna Gas mining operations. She kept this position for two years, before being scouted out by a member of the Dlarit Corporation. Her hard work had been noticed far outside of the city and sparked the interest of the corporation.

Having gathered information on Fae and studied her productivity record, Dlarit was ready to hire her immediately. Offering a promotion and a raise in pay, Taros accepted the offer in 29 ABY. She was hired, and as always, performed her given tasks with absolute perfection. It was not long before she was named Director of Dlarit Mining in 31 ABY. In her capacity as Director, she has done extremely well, almost doubling profits from the division and allowing Dlarit to gain a much stronger grip on the Orian System as their influence spread.

Tough Times

Fae led Dlarit Mining outstandingly throughout her next two years of service. However, despite being one of the top earners for the company, she was still looked down upon by her superiors. Wanting to be able to stand her own ground not only intellectually, she decided to take up martial arts. Being the quick learner she is, Taros learned the basics of Sliding Hands, using her small stature to deceive her opponents and floor them when necessary. It was also during this time that Fae cut her hair shorter, and began to wear more formal clothes to accentuate her position of power. So far she has not needed to use her self defense skills on anyone, though in friendly sparring matches with Dlarit members, she is someone they try to avoid, each and every one of them having easily been bested by their Director. She had finally earned their respect, and continued to lead them with an iron grip.

When news came of Dlarit losing ground in 32 ABY to a new force which called themselves the Orian Assembly, Fae began to worry if her beloved company had pushed their influence too far and invited unwanted competition and attention. Using her skills she continued to increase profits for the organization, siphoning some of that profit to her own accounts, and began to set up fail-safes that would protect her should the worst case scenario happen.

Dlarit Collapse

When Dlarit collapsed in 33 ABY Fae Taros never expected it to happen. Although they had been losing a foothold on their power over the Orian System, her superiors had constantly reassured her that all was fine, and things were only temporary. Stationed on Sepros at the time at the Last Breath Mine, the loss of the facility to the Orian Assembly struck a major blow to Dlarit. Ultimately, this was the crippling blow that cut off almost all of their easy funds, securing the Orian Assembly a major victory against the Dlarit Corporation. Although Fae was able to escape the firefight unscathed and resume her position at another mining facility on the outer fringes of the Orian System, she has grown a harboring resentment towards not only the Orian Assembly in its entirety, but to anyone who would bring further harm to her beloved corporation.

To this day her exact whereabouts are unknown. It is clear however that she is alive and still leads some of the remnants of the Dlarit Corporation with her distinct abilities. Though she has been able to turn profit on a yearly basis, it is unknown how much she still earns for the company, and what they plan to do with those profits. Managing to stay out of hands of the Orian Authority so far, it is presumed that it will only be a matter of time before she reveals herself and launches counter attack to reclaim what was once part of Dlarit Corporation.

It is more than likely that Fae has used some of her own personal funds, which she siphoned from Dlarit, to solidify her position and increase her own power within the corporation. To which extent her influence actually reaches though is still unknown.