Sins of an Empire: Episode 1 Prelude

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
New Order era.
Sins of an Empire: Prelude
Conflict: The Taldryan Republic sends a diplomatic team to meet with the Human League to defuse the growing conflict in Dalicron, but at what risk?
Date: 42 ABY
Location: Frelos system

  • Gander Denos
  • Kael Durran

  • Diplomatic Envoy Team
  • OSI Infiltration Force
  • Military Armed Forces
  • Resurgent-class Star Destroyer
  • Blockade Fleet




[ Source ]

Sins of an Empire: Prelude is the lead-in to a Three-Part series within the Dalicron Sector, and a part of the Taldryan Republic Campaigns.

This campaign ran from June 3rd, 2024 to July 1, 2024.

OHCSS - For Your Eyes Only

The following is classified information given to those who are On Her Chancellor's Secret Service or allowed to have it, and is considered top secret. This information is not to be disseminated in any way under pane of death.

What is Known

Friendly Forces

Contains known information of the Dalicron Excavation Conglomerate, or DEC, which has recently been blockaded by the Human League within the Frelos system.

Enemy Forces

Contains detailed information on what is known about the Human League, their leadership, and military functions.

Contains the currently assessed strength and compliment of the Anhinga Fleet, as it stands from last surveyed report by our Bothan Spies.

Theatre of Battle

Introductory Story

In the shadows of a once-thriving society, where the echoes of progress were drowned in the symphony of despair, a new chapter unfolded — one drenched in darkness and fear. A movement known as Denosianism, a clandestine group that emerged from the abyss of discontent under the leadership of Gander Denos, had seized control of the planet's reins from the Dalicron Sector High Advisory Council after being voted into power by those who once thought they would be their saviors. Initially, they had promoted just causes and worked to benefit the sector’s people as a whole regardless of rank, position, job, or even social class.

Once the Denosiasts had been confirmed as the next ruling class of Dalicron, all of that changed. As their ominous banners unfurled across towering buildings, casting an oppressive pallor over the urban landscape, the denizens found themselves ensnared in a dystopian nightmare. The air, once alive with the hum of everyday life, now whispered with trepidation. The Denosiasts, now openly identifying as the Human League which was fueled by an insatiable hunger for dominance, initiated a relentless crackdown on the civilian populace -- particularly against those who were not human, with public executions in the streets and on holonet channels. The planet's once-vibrant streets became haunting corridors of surveillance and oppression, with every step echoing the weight of impending doom; especially for all non-humanoids that resided there. The citizens began to grapple with the harsh reality of their newfound existence, with fear gripping their hearts like a vice. The Human League wielded power with ruthless efficiency, much like the Empire had decades earlier. Rumors of dissent were quashed before they could breathe life, dissenters and aliens alike disappearing into the shadows, leaving behind nothing but an eerie silence and murmurs of what could have happened. As the power that Denosianism held spread throughout system by system, the line between freedom and captivity blurred. Dalicron, once a haven for dreams and aspirations, now stood as a testament to the twisted ambitions of those who reveled in the chaos they wrought. And so, the inhabitants clung to the remnants of hope, their collective heartbeat drumming a desperate rhythm in the face of an impending storm.

The tendrils of their oppressive regime extended into the vast expanse of the Dalicron Sector, a once-flourishing region of interconnected worlds and systems. The shadow of the Human League cast a pall over planets that had known nothing but autonomy and sovereignty under the Council. Their expansion was swift and methodical, like a relentless storm sweeping across the cosmic tapestry. Subjugating neighboring worlds and systems, little was left in their wake a trail of fear and submission. Planetary leaders, once defiant voices of independence, found themselves either coerced into compliance or swiftly replaced by puppet rulers loyal to the newfound overlords. The once-diverse cultures that flourished across the Dalicron Sector now faced a uniformity enforced by the League. Striking at the heart of individuality, the group sought to erase the unique tapestry of each and every planet and system, replacing it with a monolithic ideology that brooked no dissent.

Communication channels that once buzzed with interstellar trade and cultural exchange became conduits for propaganda and surveillance. The League orchestrated a symphony of control, with every planet forced to march to the cadence of their authoritative tune. Resistance movements flickered like distant stars, small and scattered against the overwhelming darkness. These pockets of defiance clung to the hope that unity could stand against tyranny. They quickly became a beacon of collaboration and resistance, to stand in direct defiance of the League. However, as the areas under rebel control continued to fall one by one, its future remained uncertain. Its denizens yearned for the day when the shadows would lift, and autonomy would be reclaimed from the clutches of oppression. To that end, several of the rebel factions reached out to the Taldryan Republic in the neighboring Seitia Sector for assistance. And, the Republic did indeed respond. But not how they had expected.

In a strategic move, the Taldryan Republic Naval Fleet established a formidable blockade along the sector line between the Seitia and Dalicron Sectors. It was a symbolic stance on paper only, a line drawn in the cosmic sand against the relentless march of the Denosiast regime. The blockade became a beacon of defiance, a testament to the resilience of those who cherished the ideals of self-determination. While the Human league sought to expand their dominion, the Taldryan Republic refrained from direct military intervention in the Dalicron Sector. Instead, they heeded the strict degree of the Senate to remain neutral. Despite the pleas for assistance from the beleaguered planets of Dalicron, the Taldryan Republic maintained a careful balance, holding fast to the principles of non-aggression stipulated by the Senate until a time when the League would breach the sector line.

The blockade, maintained by Taldryan and Seitian forces, became a buffer zone between the oppressive reach of the League and served to weaken the flickering flame of hope kindled by the rebel forces within Dalicron. The decision to refrain from direct involvement left a bitter taste among those who yearned for liberation in Dalicron, especially the Traditionalists and Lady Second Cassandra Tyris. They both argued that a calculated approach was necessary to prevent the conflict from escalating into a galactic conflagration. With those requests falling upon deaf ears, they instead turned to diplomacy, urging the Senate to explore diplomatic channels, seeking support from other sectors and systems sympathetic to the cause of freedom.

After hours of deliberation, an effort to attempt and defuse the situation was agreed upon, and a small diplomatic force was created and sent to the Frelos system within the Dalicron Sector to meet with General Kael Durran, Denos’ Second-In-Command, on board the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer “Dominion’s Wrath”. What will come of that meeting, has yet to be seen…

An Attempt at Diplomacy


  • 1 - Journey to the Frelos system and rendevous with the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Dominion's Wrath.
  • 2 - Meet with General Kael Durran, Denos' Second-in-Command and Commander of the Mestiphran.
  • 3 - Negotiate a Peace Treaty to end the blockade of Trexxa and the Frelos system.


The Diplomatic Team, lead by "Aequitas" Anderson who served as Vice-Chancellor of the Taldryan Republic, rendezvoused with the Dominion's Wrath in the Frelos system. The team which was handpicked by him, consisted of Alaisy Tir'eivra, Jorm Na'trej, Circe Orvar, Morax Darkblade, Shanree Argentin, and Aticus Jade.

Upon arriving at the Dominion's Wrath and being forcefully guided in by tractor beam, they were greeted by several battalions and an older officer directly off of the ship's ramp by the name of Reede Holbrook. Immediately after the meeting, it was clearly evident of the man's disdain towards several members of the diplomatic team who were non-human; the Vice-Chancellor himself included.

This disdain extended to crew and troopers that they passed as Holbrook guided them to the conference room where they were to meet with General Kael Durran, the second-in-command of the Human League.

On the journey there, Morax became curious about several officers after overhearing on the intercoms for two of them to report to differing locations; Executive Officer Briggs to the bridge, and Commander Canolli of the 23rd Heavy Division to Deck 47. Particularly the fact that, for whatever reason, while foreign visitors were on board the executive officer of the ship was not on the bridge already to begin with.

Worse, both himself and the others were put on edge by the fact that there were numerous divisions on the ship despite this being a diplomatic mission. Jorm, however, assumed it par the course as since this was a Resurgent-class ship, having that level of infantry on board was only natural. He wasn't as worried about the executive officer, however, as his focus was more on the fact that the 23rd Commander's name made him hungry.

Circe was ever aware of her surroundings, and focused more on protecting the group. The animosity and dislike of the group, again, ever focused by the crew among the murmurs and quiet speaking going on around them. Almost as if they couldn't believe that there were aliens on their ship. Anders chided Jorm for being hungry at a time like this, that he should have eaten ahead of time.

Deciding to make the best of the situation, however, he directed himself toward Holbrook asking him for information about how proud he must be of the Human League's efforts on Trexxa. Holbrook however disregarded the question as if he were hard of hearing, doing the same to Anders' follow-up question by answering with one of his own asking about the Taldryan Republic and their journey here. His words were placed so precisely, that as others tried to speak, they were unable to.

Once at the conference room, he was again asked several questions but deflected each of them once more feigning deafness and the loudness of the hallways and environment. Inside the room, however, he asked his own questions again while deflecting Anders' questions, much to Jorm's enjoyment.

Jorm was one of the few to notice that they were most likely being played, and commented as such quietly where Holbrook could not hear them.

Non-Player Facing Section #1

On the bridge in his command suite with the lights darkened, Kael stood at the window and sipped on a glass with ice and Jogan fruit brandy. He watched as more shuttles made their way down the surface of Trexxa, about ready for his meeting before a chime came over the intercom. It wasn't just any communication, however, but a holographic one.

Kael sat his glass down and activated it, a hooded figure with long yellow colored hair was standing before him on his desk. The figure, with a slightly distorted voice, asked Kael if the Taldryan force had yet arrived, and he acknowledged as much that they had and there were aliens among them. As he stated that he was preparing to meet with them as discussed with Gander, the figure interjected and cut him off much to Kael's surprise.

The plans had been changed, and the team was to be taken into custody. Given that the Human League wanted to avoid war with outside forces, Kael questioned this but was told that since they had chosen to come with aliens; it was evident that it was what Taldryan sought and that they would speak with Gander directly regarding this for approval.

When asked what to do with the bodies and their ship, the figure responded that neither they nor their ship will have existed. Wipe the ships records, destroy their shuttle, and launch the bodies into the star. Afterwards, both himself and the Dominion's Wrath were to report to the Chinerth system in the east for Gander's welcoming ceremony.

Kael slowly sat down in his chair and leaned back as the figure faded away, terminating the call. He let out a sigh, questioning to himself why Gander was allying himself with that damned foreign woman. He finished his glass and pressed the button on the comm, asking to be connected with Commander Cannoli immediately.

The Story Continued

Some time had passed as the group discussed the situation, Shanree remaining quiet as he instead focused inward. Being a Miraluka, he saw with the force and not his own eyes. While Anders and Jorm argued ethics surrounding Holbrook, he himself had seen the man like a confusing jumble of emotions he was unable to identify. If anything, that one detail concerned him the most.

Jade, a newcomer to the Republic and not yet part of Taldryan itself, was taken aback at the discohesion that existed within the team. For a group that was meant to be diplomatic, this was the furthest from it and felt at odds with the goals presented by whoever had made this team. Unfortunately, he was unaware that it was Anders himself who had created this team.

He did have a brilliant idea however, feeling the same as Jorm that they were potentially being played, and dove into character by asking Holbrook about how the sound of their own starfighters rushing past raised the spirit, and how he should be proud of that fact as well as how their activities on the surface were probably going.

Holbrook nearly took the bait, much to his and Anders' surprise, raising his hand almost speaking in acknowledgment. Instead, however, he caught himself at the last second and politely started to make his way out of the room but stopped by Morax.

Anders was irritated by the constant evasion of his questions, evident that it was apparent visibly in his actions but also that, in his eyes for once, Jorm was right; they were most likely being played. This was just more evidence however, that justice needed to be enacted on Trexxa and against the Human League.

He was one of the few in complete disgust that the Senate would not lift a finger to help Trexxa, much less Dalicron. He didn't blame Cassandra Taldrya for that however, he knew that she had done everything she could to convince them otherwise. This mission being the fruit of those labors.

She had even given him full authority to create the team for it, urging him to focus on diplomacy. Versatility, however, felt more appropriate especially if things went south. Even if that meant bringing aliens, he wasn't about to die here. But at least he felt he was about to be correct in the assumption that the story was going to unfold in a bad way, and the foundation would come crumbling down.

Morax spoke out against Holbrook, much to the old man's surprise, as if he wanted to deck him. Jade stepped between them and apologized for the group's demeanor, still playing towards Holbrook's anti-alien sentiments. Anders allowed Reede to leave, even with Dasha giving the old man puppy eyes as if they were on his side.

To be continued.

Campaign Supplemental Information

Initial Launch Information

Prelude Intro Fiction - The Senate

Sins of an Empire: Prelude Crawl

Text-version of the Prelude Crawl

Competition Hub

Sins of an Empire: Prelude Master Container

Special Thanks

Locale choice and Denosianism concept created by Vodo Biask.

Frelos system and Dalicron Excavation Conglomerate designed by Meleu Karthdo.

Palikir City theatre designed by Meleu Karthdo.

Prelude story written by Cassandra Oriana Taldrya.

Roleplay story written by Cassandra Oriana Taldrya.

Directed and Co-Organized by: