Palikir City is a floating metropolis located on the ocean world of Trexxa, in the Dalicron sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Situated 800 metres above sea level, the city serves as a hub for families of the workers employed on the heavy water mining and refining platforms operated by the Dalicron Excavation Conglomerate.
The engineering feat of the creation of the city is unrivaled, 75 miles across and 800 metres above sea level, the near perfect circular floating platform boasts a population of around 400 million varying sentient species. Palikir City is a self-sufficient city, with varying districts to support the population's needs, as well as a bounty of space ports.
Palikir City was founded by the Galactic Empire on discovery of an abundance of heavy water and tritiated water within the oceans of the planet. The creation of the city was for the sole purpose of housing workers and their families. Initial construction began with housing for construction workers of the platforms around Trexxa and the city itself.
The capital was under strict Galactic Empire rule from when foundations were laid in 15 BBY until its dissolution in 4 ABY. The Dalicron Excavation Conglomerate, then a smaller company used primarily as a subcontractor by the Empire, soon took over on-planet operations with ease. Workers under the Empire were severely underpaid, and those that were non-Human were treated as near-slaves.
Once the Dalicron Excavation Conglomerate had taken over, life in the city changed to a more positive, lighter note. Whilst they did not have the best pay nor treatment, it was a much better way of life for those who struggled under Galactic rule. Species began to mingle and traditions and a local culture was eventually created.
This was the case for a number of decades until the Human League began to take power across the Dalicron sector. Spreading its word of Denosianism, anti-non-Human sentiments began to form across the capital city, sparking miniature conflicts and creation of pro-Alien groups.
Space Ports
Easily accessible space ports above the water.
Palikir City features multiple impressive space ports that facilitate the transportation of workers between the mining and refining platforms on Trexxa. Larger space ports exist for larger vessels for offworld transportation.
The major space ports included Palikir North, Palikir South, Palikir East and Palikir West. These space ports were predominantly filled with luxury liners bound for off-world travel, although flights for smaller passenger ships for worker transport also had allocated hangar bays.
Due to there being almost 100 million workers rotating on a two week basis, intraplanetary transports numbers are over 3 billion passengers a year. Most of these flights were subcontracted out to various companies, although the Dalicron Excavation Conglomerate still secured a percentage of all profits from this large business.
Habitation Sectors
The city is divided into distinct habitation sectors, each tailored to accommodate the diverse needs of its residents. Naturally over time, the habitation sectors have begun to divide amongst the varying species. A good example of this is Trandoshan Town, an area of Palikir City where the population of Trandoshans is in excess of 85%. This area has become very unfriendly to Humans, especially since the advent of the Human League.
Population density has and always will be a problem in the capital. Upwards of 500,000 people per square mile in most habitation sectors creates a huge logistical nightmare. Large sewer systems run parallel and of the same size to the underground metro system that aids transportation for the local population.
Power to the city is provided by the local industrial reactors, and due to the creation of hard water on-planet, is extremely cheap for residents. The same benefit comes from free water. Water from the ocean planet is pumped through a massive tube system from beneath the city into the water below, purifying the water to become potable. Sewage is treated and then used for local greenhouse food production.
Entertainment Sectors
Palikir City boasts a vibrant entertainment scene, with numerous venues catering to the recreational needs of its inhabitants, many of whom are eager to blow off steam after a rotation on board the platforms. Whether this is a cantina or a theatre, to a casino or brothel, residents have access to a rich array of leisure options.
The largest feature within the entertainment sector is the Palikir Grand, a five star hotel, casino and resort. Fully contained within a 70-storey tall spire, the Palikir Grand hosts economic dignitaries of companies and planetary governments alike, although it is not rare to see the occasional minimum wage earner spending their monthly income in the casino situated on the first five floors of the building.
Shopping Sectors
Various shopping districts dot the cityscape, many offworld traders flock to the famous markets of Palikir City to flog their alien wares and oddities to the residents of Palikir City. Availability of all items, whether this be essential supplies or luxury items, is paramount to the governing body of Palikir City - ensuring a percentage of the money they pay the workers finds its way back to them.
Industrial Zones
In addition to its residential and commercial sectors, Palikir City hosts a variety of industrial zones dedicated to supporting the efficient running of the city. Residents near the industrial zones regularly complain and their apartment values are heavily reduced due to major pollution issues caused.
Nuclear power plants are spread across the industrial zones on the edge of the city limits, powering Palikir City as well as the thousands of mining platforms across the ocean world. Large sewage treatment plants process 1 trillion litres of waste a day.
Culture and Society
The metropolis has a vast melange of species residing within its limits, leading to a diverse and vibrant culture. This can of course cause issues, however over the many decades of the planet being heavily populated, cultural events, festivals and even traditions have begun to be created, reflecting the unique identity of the city and a now tight-knit community.
The defenses of Palikir City were few and far between. Resources of the Dalicron Excavation Conglomerate towards security and policing were lacklustre, mainly relying on older Guardian Police Droids. Non-droid security existed, but by no means forming a standing army for defense.
Despite weak man-power, leftover weaponry, batteries, military vehicles and spacecraft were used by the security forces of Trexxa from the days of the Galactic Empire’s control of the planet. This cache was stored in and around the industrial zones of the capital city under relatively low security.
Government structure.
While Palikir City operates within the jurisdiction of the Dalicron Excavation Conglomerate, local governance structures have been put in place to ensure the efficient management of affairs within its walls. Administrators oversee public services, infrastructure development and policing.
Whilst the Dalicron Excavation Conglomerate held secure control of Trexxa and Palikir City for many decades, the surge of support for Denosianism within the Dalicron sector had spread to the Frelos system, leading to The Human League gaining partial popularity within Palikir City, forcing a divide between Humans and non-Humans amongst the governing body of the planet and city, threatening its grip of power.