Port Kasiya

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Port Kasiya






Native species:

Twi'lek, Human

Immigrated species:


Official language:






[ Source ]

Port Kasiya is the central settlement and city on the moon Kasiya. Located in the western Sarutabaruta Lowlands on the coast, it is the only major hub that exists on the moon outside of smaller settlements that openly conduct trade with the city to survive.

The city itself is controlled by the Arasaka Corporation, which operates from the heart of the City Center district. The

City Structure


Early Formation

War of Port Kasiya

See history article War of Port Kasiya.

The Six Districts

The city is broken up into six distinct districts, with the latter five of them controlled by an individual gang within that district. The first district, the City Center, is under the control of the Arasaka Corporation which controls the city as a whole and to whom the gangs have given allegiance. Since the arrival of Clan Taldryan in the Caelus System, the balance of power in the city has greatly shifted and the gangs have become more emboldened to stand against Arasaka.

City Center

Considered the heart of Port Kasiya, the City Center is the core business and operations district for the city. It is located directly over the ocean, maintained by underwater pillars and levels which make ascertaining the true size of the City Center almost impossible. This district has two sub-districts, the Arasaka Waterfront and Arasaka Plaza. The central city headquarters is also housed here as well, the Arasaka Tower.

Arasaka Tower

Consisting of 72 floors above ground, and an unknown number of floors underwater, the Arasaka Tower is the primary headquarters for the Arasaka Corporation and the palisade of power for Port Kasiya. It is also the most heavily guarded and fortified location within the city, having its own personal elite security force.


The Holmes District is the current home of House Ektrosis located in the northwestern quadrant of Port Kasiya. While it is not as glamourous as the rest of the city, it has a very strong and lively night life and a bustling commercial shop district. Due to recent crime increases the Port Kasiya Police Force, or PKPF, conducts extremely regular patrols throughout the district.

On the northern edge of Holmes is a Podracing Track that extends into the cliffs above, down through Holmes itself and into an underwater track. It has the distinction of being one of the largest and most difficult tracks in the [[Starwars:Outer_Rim_Territories|Outer Rim Territories], having hosted the Podracing Opening Round in 38 ABY. It is being widely considered to host the Grand Finals for the 39 ABY season.

Illegal activities include boxing clubs, mixed martial arts clubs, and an event supposedly called the Kumite though no one can confirm or deny it's existance.


Eastbrook District is the northernmost district of Port Kasiya, nestled into the cliffside up to it's summit. Various mansions exist throughout this district, as well as the personal homes of numerous Arasaka executives. It also has the last remaining speeder movie theater in the city. Because of the clientele that live in this area, it is patrolled by a special police unit that actively enforces the law and ensures only those who should be there are there. At it's heart, it has a large fountain with a statue of a giant (MORE TO COME)

Vista Del Rey



Landmarks and Locations

Arasaka Waterfront

Eastwind Estates

The Colosseum

Downtown City Center

Southside Industrial District


Taldryan Republic
About The Clan
History of Taldryan Taldryan Prospectus Sons & Daughters of Taldryan Taldryan's Vault
Republic Leadership
Clan Supreme Chancellor: Cassandra Oriana TyrisVice-Chancellor: Ood Bnar
Magistrates of the Supreme Chancellor First Magistrate: Meleu KarthdoSecond Magistrate: TBA
Military Forces
Main Taldryan MilitaryTaldryan Defense Force
Naval Forces Taldryan Republic Naval Fleet
Armed Forces Taldryan Republic Armed Forces
A brotherhood within a Brotherhood.