Pride of Owyhyee
Corellian Engineering Corporation
CR series
CR90 corvette
3,600,000 credits
ID 47142
150 meters
48.6 meters
32.6 meters
2,100 G
950 km/h
Girodyne Ter58 high-output ion turbine engines (11)
Class 2.0
CEC subspace hyperdrive
Mason-Branger 7085 ionization reactor and regulator
Phoah-Kingsmeyer 484-J4E screen control and shield projector
Ferro-magnesium ceramic
Pax Hustana variable array sensor units (2)
Corellian Chain Management NavCom Unit
- Taim & Bak H9 dual turbolaser turrets (2)
- Taim & Bak H9 single turbolaser turrets (4)
Up to 600
Up to 3,000 metric tons
1 year
The Pride of Owyhyee is a CR90 corvette commissioned by the Galactic Empire in 3 BBY and completed by Corellian Engineering Corporation in 1 ABY. The vessel was acquired by the Anzat mercenary group Alpha's Omega in 14 ABY from a corrupt, former Imperial admiral. The mercenary group used the vessel until it was "liberated" by the Knights of Allusis in 32 ABY following the Battle of Purity Rock.
Vessel Info
- Commanding Officer – TBA
- Executive Officer – TBA
- Weapons Officer – TBA
- Navigation Officer – TBA
- Chief Engineer – TBA
Original SchematicThe Pride of Owyhyee is a CR90 corvette originally used as a system patrol craft by the Galactic Empire. The The Pride of Owyhyee was heavily modified by Alpha's Omega after the group acquired the vessel from the Imperial Remnant under questionable circumstances. The group added secondary and tertiary sensor arrays to enhance it's scouting capabilities and spot enemies from greater distances.
The interior of the vessel was heavily modified by Alpha's Omega to support the group's mercenary activities. Sensor shielded cargo compartments were added for smuggling, a sizable brig was installed to hold captives and the ship's conference room was upgraded with state of art holoprojectors and communications equipment for mission briefings. The rest of the vessel was left in its original condition, including the stock blue paint job, to allow the The Pride of Owyhyee to blend into system traffic or pose as a patrol vessel when needed.
The CR90 corvette was designed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation as a diplomatic ship, it would see use within the annals of the late Galactic Republic, Imperial Senate, and later as a combat craft in both the early rebellion and Rebel Alliance. Measuring 126.68 meters in length, it featured two dual and four single turbolaser turrets, and had the ability to reach a maximum speed of 950 kph. Capable of carrying an entire diplomatic escort, it had a passenger capacity in the hundreds. Although the ships were not built as carriers, three RZ-1 A-wing interceptors could be attached to the docking rings, allowing a small escort to be with it. They would serve as the backbone of the early rebellion and Alliance.
Service in the Empire
The Pride of Owyhyee dockedThe Pride of Owyhyee was originally commissioned by the Galactic Empire in 3 BBY and completed by Corellian Engineering Corporation in 1 ABY. The Empire christened the vessel Emperor's Cutlass and placed the vessel into service as a patrol vessel in the Anzat sector. The Emperor's Cutlass remained stationed in the Anzat sector until the entire sector was absorbed by the remnant faction Greater Maldrood after Emperor Palatine's death in 4 ABY. The warlord and former High Admiral Treuten Teradoc ordered the ship's name be changed to Cutlass.
While still in service of Warlord Terdoc's Greater Malrood, Cutlass saw action in minor skirmishes against other Imperial Remnant factions and New Republic forces. Following Terdoc's assassination, Greater Malrood was in a state of chaos. During the confusion an unscrupulous former subordinate of Teradoc sold the Cutless to Thett Omega for personal profit before destroying all records of the transaction and fleeing to Republic space.
Alpha's Omega
Having acquired the Cutlass at a substantial discount, Thett Omega set about contracting the various modifications that would make the vessel more suitable for Alpha's Omega operations. Once all the modifications were complete the vessel was re-christened Omega's Cutlass and entered into the organization's small fleet. While it was the Omega's Cutlass, the vessel remained in constant use by Alpha's Omega for a variety of missions and support roles. Most notably the vessel was used in raids on civilian shipping, kidnapping operations, infiltration, and as a support/command vessel for ground operations.
Knights of Allusis
The Pride of Owyhyee Unit PatchThe vessel was "liberated" by the Knights of Allusis during the battle team's escape from the Purity Rock detention facility. The vessel was renamed The Pride of Owyhyee and integrated into the Tythonian Space Militia of the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force. The Pride of Owyhyee is currently attached to the Knights of Allusis as a command and support vessel for the strike team.