Arcadian Vuusen

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 04:20, 26 November 2009 by Solari (talk | contribs) (Windos Bot: Likified)
What a desolate place this is.
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You plan to take them on.. with just those?
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Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description





1.7 Meters


80 Kilo's






Entire right arm

Personal Information

Kal Vorrac

Lightsaber Color(s):

Light Blue

Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):

Dulon, Hapan, Jeswandi, Verdanaian

Chronology & Political Information

Assassin, Dark Jedi



[ Source ]

Character History

Birth and Early Childhood

4 ABY - 9 ABY

Arcadian, was born on the fourth year after the Battle of Yavin, too two farmers on the simple planet of Dantooine. He lived a simple life for five years, with his father Tye, mother Anna, his two brothers Strife and Furion and his sister Ellamir. Despite being under the ruthless control of the empire, life was good for the family, and Arcadian grew to be a strong boy in the few years he lived on the farm learning much of swordplay, and a little of hand to hand combat. Those years, he remembers, were the only years he truly loved before he found the Brotherhood.

For five years his life was uneventful. Then the day came when all that changed. Arcadian and his family sat around their table eating breakfast early in the morning. Their dogs heard it first, their barking echoed throughout the morning dim. Arcadian’s father left to see what was happening. The barking ceased a minute later, and their father’s head returned to the house through the window the family started blankly at it for a moment and all erupted in tears, or screams. Their mother took one look her husbands decapitated head and took control of the situation, telling the kids to hide in the basement. Shedding only a single tear she tried to shove all her kids into the basement. But Arcadian’s sixteen year old brother resisted, telling their mother that he would not let her face the men who had so brutally murdered there father. Finally their mother let him follow her, stating there was no time. No one knew what was happening save for their mother. So Arcadian, his 10-year-old brother, and his four-year-old sister sat huddled in the basement crying over the death of their father. Arcadian was only five, and as such had no inclination of how long they waited, but he suspected it was only a few minutes. They heard an explosion and shouting, gunfire, more explosions, and then a blood-curdling scream he later learned was his mother’s death scream.

All was quiet for a while, and the three small children risked going upstairs. They climbed the stair slowly, and opened the small door that lead to their basement. Entering their kitchen they found there home demolished, there was scorch marks all over the walls and floor, all their furniture and tables were destroyed, and in the middle of their living room floor, lay their dead mother. Arcadian and Ellamir rushed to her, shaking her, unable to contemplate that she was dead. Their older brother Furion stood behind them, looking around the house, their other brother Strife was nowhere to be seen. Furion entered the hallway and found one of the men whom had destroyed their house. Arcadian and Ellamir continued to try to “wake” their mother, while Furion went to the kitchen, and took his father’s sword from it’s hiding place in the secret compartment behind the cupboard. Moving into the hallway he stared directly at the man, sword in his hand. The man laughed and called to his companions saying, “there’s still a few left.” Furion stepped towards him, and the older man laughed, thinking there was no threat in such a small child (despite the fact Furion was five feet tall.) Furion reached the man, and with a merciless look in his eyes, cut the man into three pieces. Of all members of Arcadian’s family trained in swordplay, Furion excelled the most.

The man screamed at the first cut, and all of his companions rushed to see what had happened. Finding only the boy holding the sword, they wrestled him to the ground and beat him until he could hardly move, they spoke quickly and entered the room where Arcadian and Ellamir sat slumped over there mother’s dead body. They brought Furion into the room, and spoke quickly.

They decided to keep Furion as a slave, and they also decided to bring Ellamir, as she would be useful, as they put it. Arcadian screamed at them as they took his brother and sister, he hit them with his small fists trying to stop them. They all turned to look at him, and he burned their images into his mind. The man Arcadian recognized as the leader approached him, and hit him in the face with the but of his sword, the young boy fell to the ground, and was held there by another man. The leader raised his sword and brought it down, slicing off the small boys right arm. Arcadian screamed, they quickly bandaged the wound so he would not bleed out, he would instead be starved to death, they tied him to what was left of a rather large table, and left. They took his brothers, his sister, his mother, his father, Arcadian was only five years old, and now with only one arm, but despite this, the only thought coursing through his mind was “They Will Pay.”

A New Life

9 ABY-13 ABY

In Progress

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Raken Rollmaster of House Satal Keto
26 ABY
Ky Terrak
Raken Envoy of House Satal Keto
26 ABY
Ky Terrak
Wuntila Sith Commander of Satal Victus
27 ABY
Lacey Serina Mortashka Vorrac
Kal Vorrac Aedile of House Satal Keto
27 ABY - 28 ABY
Alex d'Tana
Cethgus Kuga Rollmaster of House Satal Keto (Second Term)
31 ABY - Present


  • Arcadian's right arm, up to his elbow is completly mechanical, this occured in the destruction of his home town.