Template:Obbie charinfo
Koskian had a rough, to say the least, up bringing. The last of twelve children, born to a poor family in the lower quarters of Pandath. His birth families name was 'Prefect', though nobody knew what that really meant. Scrapping by on what little food his father could bring home, by the time Koskian was seven he was a wiry, short boy. Taking to the streets at an early age, he learned to scavenge with his two older brothers, Adeoc and Laso. Finding what they could in dumpsters, or unattended, Koskian didn't really know the meaning of theft till much later, they would fix what they could, salvage what they couldn't, and sell it. Eventually the three moved up to simply breaking into homes in the nearby middle class neighborhoods, Koskian being the smallest of the trio he would perform the infiltration and open the doors for his brothers.
He never knew how, but on no less then three occasions Koskian knew for certain that they had tripped a silent alarm. His brothers dismissed it the first time, thinking their little brother was simply scared, until the law enforcement officials showed up demanding to know whom there parents were. After that his brothers took his word on it when he had a 'strange feeling' about something. They dodged the police on many occasions in this manner, and made a decent amount of money to augment their father's work. His parents never condoned these actions, but being as poor as the family was, they never outright forbade them either.
On a particularly bad night, Koskian had just turned twelve years of age, he watched his eldest brother Adeoc get shot in the chest three times by one of the shady traders they dealt with. Laso ran to find help, leaving the youngest of the Prefect children behind to deal with the trader. Koskian felt a rage boil up in him that had never been unleashed, hate and anger at the poverty that he and his family lived in, and he directed this at the so-called merchant. Waking up a hour later with Laso standing above him, he was told the merchant was dead, apparently of some kind of brain aneurysm, and that Adeoc was being moved to a med center.
Relived that his brother would live, he wondered what had happened when he unleashed his anger and pain.
Teen Years
While his childhood had been a rough enough environment, teenage life in the poverty stricken lower quarters of Pandath was possibly worse. Still short for his age, the Prefect child wouldn't experience his growth spurt till almost 18 years of age, he was ridiculed and targeted by others. His eldest brother Adeoc having found a steady job, and Laso gaining admittance to the Imperial Academy, Koskian was left alone. No longer a part of a 'crew' to protect him, the 14 year old Koskian focused on day to day survival, hoping to make it to 18 so as to join the Academy as well.
In a moment of distraction while attempting a pick pocket, the young thief was caught by officials, who promptly brought him before the courts. This not being the first time he found himself there, the judge demanded he be put in remedial schooling, and probation of sorts. Disliking this immensely, Koskian spent the next few months on a closed campus in lower Pandath, where his height and light build were often the subject of jokes and amusement. In this time, Koskian became acquainted with brawling, getting into many fights with larger opponents. Every time that he lost, he learned something, and eventually it wasn't the smaller boy losing, so much as the bigger ones hurting themselves.
Gaining something of a reputation as a fighter, less and less bullies came after him, and some even began trying to make friends with the runt teen. Knowing that behavior would get him out of the mandated school quicker then anything else, he took on those who came to him and had them fight for him in a sense, rarely raising a hand where he 'felt' they would be caught. And he was right every time. His feelings from childhood never betrayed him he realized, and he wondered what this uncanny sense of luck was.
Growing stronger, and gaining street cred after completing his term at the school, Koskian set off into the world. At the age of 16, he hadn't seen his parents in several years, not since he had been placed in the school, and he had no intention of going back 'home'. Gaining ruffians and thieves, the young Prefect began setting up a gang. Using what skills they offered, they carved out a territory of protected businesses, safe houses, and drug fronts. With thieves roaming the houses of the middle class neighborhoods that he and his brothers had robbed as children, Koskian began to make quite a bit of money from tributes alone. Drugs were a good source of income he found out at that time, as was getting protection money from local businesses.
As with any gathering of thieves and lowlifes, somebody was always ready to sell out. Koskian's sixth sense, as he referred to it now, could tell who was planning on betraying him. The sensation grew the closer it came to occurring, and suddenly the police would find a would be informant at their meeting sights very dead. It was in this time that Koskian developed the quirk of using sporks as tools of destruction, after killing a soldier of his gang with one outside of a diner at night, no other weapons available to him he had taken utensils from the diner itself.
The police types found many in this state, plastic sporks shoved deep through their jugular or comparative organs and such. No law enforcement ever tracked down the crime ring to Koskian himself, and this frustrated them. No one is certain when it happened, but Koskian took on the alias 'Psyko' during this time, as his own sanity slowly eroded the more suspicious he became, killing his lieutenants when he simply suspected them of betrayal.
Discovery and Ascendancy
At about 17 years of age, Koskian, who was simply Psyko anymore, was wanted for a string of murders throughout the middle and upper quarters of Pandath, as he cut a swath through those he thought were the cause of his impoverished state. Most of his rational thought was simply gone at this point, and no one knew how he reached some of his targets, not even himself. His sixth sense was sharper then ever, showing him to passages he could never have squeezed through, yet somehow he pushed his body to do so. It's believed the first time he did this it resulted in intense pain, and eroded the thin walls he had around his sane mind, with no way to explain the how or why.
Nearing the winter months, Koskian felt...something was coming, and felt that it would be at the Pandath starport. Traveling there, he encountered a kindred spirit, at least in the feelings of anger and hate, in the form of then Jedi Hunter, Priyum Patel. Koskian could not understand the connection at the time, and Patel nearly killed him when he walked down an ally, fully aware of Psyko following him. After fighting the younger, insane man to the ground, the first time Psyko had lost a fight in years, the Force flowed between them, pulling some of Koskian's sanity back from the abyss. With coherent thoughts for the first time in two years, Priyum was able to explain many things.
Thus did Psyko learn of his sensitivity to the Force, and felt a burning will to learn more of this power. Helping Priyum complete his own mission, tracking down an agent of the Rebellion and getting information from him in a most grisly manner, he accompanied him back to the Emperor's Hammer space. Joining the Dark Brotherhood, and passing the tests that were set before him, he was sent to Clan Arcona, Priyum's own Clan. Joining House Qel-Droma, he met his Consul, the great Nighthawk, and his Quaestor Gavron Elliad. Both of these men had huge impacts on the young Obelisk's growth in the Dark Side.
Upon orders from on high that Houses would follow Order, he was moved to Galeres, where he finally found a true home. No more stuffy Krath, he found his Master, Tuojas D'Eraii, and his trainer in the way of blades, ShadowXX here. Eventually Koskian took over the House, taking on an Apprentice in future Brother Gavin Dahl, before leaving for a sabbatical of sorts.
Power and the Rediscovery
Koskian returned some years later, actually being Koskian now, having found some form of peace after assuring that his brother Laso had survived after the fall of the Empire. Spending time with both his brothers in Taanab, he was able to access bank accounts he had begun while running his gang, and departed most of the money to his brothers. Taking a sizable chunk of this for himself, he bought his own ship as well. The Class 720 Freighter Galerian Fire became his personal ship at this time, and returned him to the Coronada system in the Eos sector to find the Brotherhood in turmoil.
Returning to find his own Clan in shamble, Koskian did what he could to pick up the pieces, taking over as Quaestor of Galeres once more and waving a flag of unified Arcona. Having come back during the time of grievances against the Emperor's Hammer and it's leader Ronin, Koskian didn't have to take long to choose sides. Quickly choosing to follow the lead of then Grandmaster Firefox, formerly of Arcona, Koskian threw in his support for the secession.
The Exodus came swiftly, the fleets of the Tie Corps hounding the Clans out of the safety of the Coronada system. After some travels and losses, Arcona found it's way through the Maw, and Koskian got to set his gaze on what would be his first real home in years. The Dajorra System welcomed them with open arms, no sentient beings advanced enough to fight off the settling of the powerful Dark Jedi. In the years that followed, Koskian took more sabbaticals, before returning to finally take his place among the Arconae and as a leader of the Clan. He recently became the Quaestor of Galeres once more, his fourth tenure in his career, and focused on making the beating heart of Arcona become even stronger.
Sometime after this, he was appointed Proconsul of the Clan, and due to a misfortune befalling his Consul during conflict with a rival Clan, was forced to lead in war time.
A New Path
Shortly after leading the Clan to victory over Scholae Palatinae in a war over young members trying to curry favor through sabotage, Koskian began looking around his old home. He did not care for what he saw, as the attitude of the Clan continued to build more and more towards arrogance and blind hatred for the other Clans. Watching his Clan turn more and more towards the ways of their former task masters within the Emperor's Hammer, Koskian resigned his position upon Consul Stratego's return to duty, and left for a sabbatical.
Returning shortly after the end of the Rite of Supremacy, Koskian made a surprising move, after being contacted by the very people he had helped defeat. Those of Scholae Palatine bore him no apparent grudge, at least on the surface, and Koskian is naturally aware he is not trusted there yet. Joining with former enemies on the behest of some he has come to admire, even during the time of war, Koskian has found new strength in this, his new home.
Koskian assisted the military forces of Scholae Palatine during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of Coctyus. Serving his new Clan faithfully throughout the war led to him being made head of the forces that were to reclaim the world of Caina, and the first new Quaestor of Dorimad Sol. After retaking the planet, Koskian was forced to take another sabbatical, but has recently returned to assist the House once more.
Odd Weapons, for a Jedi
Koskian is viewed with much amusement by many Elders of the Brotherhood for his reliance on strange weapons. Primarily this is due to his creative use of plastic cutlery known as 'sporks', a spoon/fork hybrid utensil found in fast food restaurants across the galaxy as a cost reducer. Various manipulations of the Force allow Koskian to shape and mold these plastic utensils into weapons of war to be used in battle. Among his creations, some of the more notable were:
Spword - A plastic sword, usually about three feet in length, hardened to steel like quality, and a razore edge.
Spip - A surprisingly mallebale, six to eight foot length of plastic cable, that would be used as a whip.
Spaltrops - One of his more devious creations, several sporks combined could make a 'spaltrop' which would have three to four inch spikes that easily penetrated most foot wear.
Koskian and his sporks
His other happily perferred weapon is the short barrled shotgun he lovingly refers to as 'Lucy', and it has seen combat many times. While most view a weapon using solid ammunition obselete, Koskian views it more as 'creative', in that it's almost impossible to deflect a double load of buckshot pellets, compared to the number of blaster bolts most weapons fire. Among other things, he's used the weapon with solid slugs, inciderary rounds, and on one occasion blanks just to fool with an opponent.
In recent battle, Koskian lost his right hand to a lightsaber, much to his own personal dismay having never been maimed before. He has replaced it with a durasteel prostehtic hand, capable of stopping bladed weapons in mid swing with barely a scratch. The hand is also adorned with half inch spikes on the kunckles, and is controlled with micro circuits that allow free movement.
Many attribute this eccentric trait to insanity, and Koskian has never really denied it.
Teaching the Young
Over the years, Koskian has had many Apprentices.
- Gavin Dahl d'Tana
- Raidoner
- Elessar/Wolvie
- Diablos
- Yan Lao
- Rhexor
- Devani
- Etah
- Joshua Santhe