Salth Khan

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Template:Sith charinfo A member of House Exar Kun of Clan Plagueis and the Council of the Wise.

Character History

Salth Khan was born on the thirtieth day of the ninth standard month, in the year 15 BBY. His birthplace was the planet Corellia, the capital planet of the Corellian System, which comprises the worlds of the "Five Brothers" within the Corellian Sector. The family planation has existed for generations 90 km South of the capital city Coronet, and has provided agricultural products to the native population for more than 500 years. For more than 300 years the Khan family has lived with the privileges and honors accorded to those of the planet monarchy. Salth is the youngest of 7 children born to Jacah and Milrial Khan, but at an early age was discovered to have abilities that superceded his elder siblings.

Early Education

11 BBY to 2 BBY

Coronet, Corellia
Coronet, Corellia

"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the Galaxy together." ― General Obi-Wan Kenobi

Schooling for the Khan children generally began at the ages of 6-8 years, however in Salth's case the youngster had begun to show an aptitude for reading and math by the age of four. Due to his early abilities his father spared no expense to hire the most qualified tutors and educators. During his formative years of learning Salth was also taught the essential nature of what it meant to be of wealth and power within Corellian society. He often found these lessons to be the most difficult and boring since he believed even at these early years that those with the power shouldn't have to be concerned with what those of lesser stature thought or believed. The foundations for Salth's journey to the Dark Side began during these formative years, yet it wouldn't be until his teen years that his true powers and beliefs in the nature of the galaxy and the Force would truly begin to surface.

The Call of the Force

2 BBY to 3 ABY

Quinlan "Korto" Vos
Quinlan "Korto" Vos

"An infinite mystery is the Force. Much to learn, there still is." ― Jedi Master Yoda

Early in his teen years Salth's abilities with the Force began to fully manifest itself. One day during a philosopical debate with one of his tutors the elder scholar suddenly found himself floating and spinning in the air, the result of a bored and day dreaming who had inadvertently managed to put action to his whimsical thoughts. After recovering from the ordeal, the tutor hastily resigned and fled the Khan household. After being informed of what had occured, Jacah Khan sent for a Jedi who happened to be counseling the royal families and Corellian government on what was transpiring back on Coruscant. With the Clone Wars reaching throughout the galaxy, the Jedi were doing all they could to ensure that the Republic stayed intact.

Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos arrived and instantly could feel the raw and untamed power that emanated from the young Khan, but also could feel the draw to the darker side of the Force, a draw he knew all too well himself as he continued to battle the pull of the dark side. Vos took Salth under his wing and promised that he would teach him all that he could about the Force. But the training was shortlived, and Salth suddenly found himself alone one day in the temporary quarters that he was sharing with Vos on Nar Shaddaa. Vos had claimed he was working undercover as a spy for the Jedi Order and the Republic, however in truth he had become a double agent, providing information for both the Republic and the Separtist movement.

Eventually Vos would fall further to the dark side, and subsequently was discovered by Jedi Master Agen Kolar to have completely turned against the Republic and traced Vos to Nar Shaddaa. It was here that Kolar confronted Vos, but Vos refused to return to Coruscant, and instead fled to the deeper reaches of the Confederacy territories. Salth found himself utterly alone, and also resentful of the Jedi Order.

A Darker Power Emerges

3 ABY to 14 ABY

"The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural." ― Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

Force Lightning
Force Lightning

After several years of drifting from one place to another, Salth eventually wound up on Coruscant. There he was discovered one day by an Adept from Palpatine's Dark Order. The Adept instantly saw the potential in the young force user and persuaded Salth to come and join the ranks of the newly created Dark Brotherhood that had been created by Emperor Palpatine. It wasn't long before the Adepts realized the unharnessed power that Khan possessed was both a blessing for the Dark Jedi, but also a danger. It became essential that he be trained how to control the raw power within in, as well as how to harness the darkness within his heart and use the anger that resided there when it was necessary.

Salth accepted the training with a passion that hadn't been seen in a long time within the Sith Order. Eventually the time came for him to confront his Master, and during a training session he struck the Adept down with a fury of power and anger. The Adept couldn't fight against the unbridled power and fell quickly to the unexpected attack. The other Adepts accepted this as the way of the Sith, where only the strong survive and declared that Salth Khan was ready to take the trials to become a Dark Knight.

Salth endured the trials of knighthood, suffering through day upon day of torrment and testing. An instructor believed that Salth had reached the breaking point after more than 10 days of no water or food. He would quickly discover his error as he confronted Khan for the final test. At a pivotal moment the Adept let his guard down, and Salth attacked. But the assault was unlike anything the present elders of the Order had ever seen, Salth had absorbed the life essence of his instructor. The greatest of the scholars searched for any records of this type of Force power, but were unable to find any record of such an event in the history of the Sith.

Having successfully passed the trials for knighthood, Salth was granted the designation of Dark Jedi Knight. But the elders were still wary, for his power and control of the Force only continued to grow. Eventually Salth found himself wanting more, and being aware that the Dark Brotherhood could no longer provide him with the answers or training he needed, he left the Order to roam the galaxy in search of the answers he sought.

From The Shadows

14 ABY to 18 ABY

"There are dark places in the galaxy, where few tread. Ancient centers of learning, of knowledge." - Darth Traya

Darth Nihilus
Darth Nihilus

After several years wandering the galaxy looking for answers, Salth Khan returned to the Dark Brotherhood. But shortly after his arrival he discovered that the Brotherhood was but a fragment of what it had once been. Politics had replaced the ways of the Sith and Khan realized that the Dark Brotherhood was dying. But before he left he stumbled across a hidden holycron that detailed how a major faction of the Brotherhood had broken away shortly after he had left. Out of anger and frustration more than a thousand Dark Jedi had sought out on their own to return to the ancient ways and restore the true power of the Sith within the galaxy. Salth left immediately, seeking out this newly created Dark Jedi Brotherhood, hoping that the answers he sought could be found within its ranks. It took nearly a year, but he eventually discovered the splinter group in the Antei system.

At first he was treated as both an outcast and a spy of the Dark Brotherhood and Emperor's Hammer, but soon he was able to prove his loyalty to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. It wasn't long before his power emerged anew, and through the ancient scrolls and holycrons of the Brotherhood, Salth was able to discover the answer he had searched for so many years. His unusual power to draw the life essence from other living beings was a rare abnormality of one's mastered control over the power or Force Draining. Only two others in the historical records had ever exhibited such a power, Exar Kun and Darth Nihilus. However Salth's power hadn't evolved to the point where he needed to consume the life force of entire planets as both Kun and Nihilus had eventually done.

Through further research he learned that it was possible to keep the power in check, requiring him to exert a great deal of control in order to ensure that the power didn't run uncheck. The level of control required did have a positive effect though, it enabled him to have greater control and power to use other Force attributes in a way that only more powerful Equites and Elders could. Now as a Sith Battlelord, Salth Khan was feared by many, but had found his place within the galaxy.

For a period of time he served as an Envoy for House Exar Kun, until he was called upon to help lead Clan Plagueis into a new era of prosperity as its Proconsul. Eventually other matters would draw his attention, but he presently holds the record for the longest serving Proconsul in the history of Clan Plagueis. Serving alongside the then Consul, Dark Jedi Master Aristan Dantes, Salth learned an even greater control of the Force, as well as the deeper talents and knowledge of the Sith and the Dark Side. Now he serves as the Nightmaster of Clan Plagueis on the Council of the Wise, where he commands the fleets of Clan Plagueis, and also serves as an advisor to the Summits of Clan Plagueis.

DJB Facts

Students Trained

Positions held

Important Achievements


Interesting or important facts that do not fall under the other two categories.