Rohlan's Vision

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Rohlan’s Vision
Production information

Mon Calamari Shipyards

Product line:

Mon Calamari Star Cruisers


MC40a light cruiser


Light cruiser


45,000,000 credits

Technical specifications

600 meters

Max acceleration:

4 MGLT/s

Max speed (space):

>60 MGLT

Engine unit(s):

3 thrusters

Hyperdrive rating:
  • Class 1
  • Backup Class 15

Rated 1696 SBD


Rated 784 RU

  • Turbolaser turrets x 14
  • Concussion missile launchers x 2
    • Standard load: 25 Concussion missile each
  • Ion cannon x 18
  • Heavy Tractor beam projectors x 6

Starfighter Squadron x 1

  • Crewmen (3,723)
  • Gunners (35)

650 troops

Cargo capacity:

8000 tons of cargo


2 years

  • Light cruiser
  • Carrier
[ Source ]

Vessel Info

The MC40 was a small Mon Calamari cruiser which was widely used by first the Rebel Alliance and then the New Republic. Equipped with powerful shielding, heavy concussion missile launchers, turbolasers, and a support hanger, it served as an excellent multi-role vessel. The class' three engine system gave it far greater speed and maneuverability than its contemporaries such as the MC80a Star Cruiser.



The MC40a was salvaged by Clan operatives from a deconstruction yard, where it was being slowly disassembled. With the intent of limiting their actions to purely non-lethal actions, the Jedi infiltrated the facility and took the place of several work crews. Along with groups of engineers and mechanics, they were able to take hold of the vessel and restore its hyperdrive system, permitting the crew to make short jumps back to New Tython. Following its liberation, the newly christened Rohlan's Vision was rapidly rearmed and brought back to combat readiness, and soon underwent shakedown trials in preparation for its use in battle.


The Rohlan's Vision saw use in a multitude of major battles following the annihilation of New Tython. While the ship was used as a primary cruiser for House Hoth, it typically acted in conjunction with Clan Odan-Urr's flagship, the Solari. Serving as both an escort and support ship, it assisted with guarding the Clan's soldiers in a multitude of battles. Perhaps the most pressing among these was during Odan-Urr's darkest hour, where the survivors of the attempted massacre regrouped and began anew on Kiast. In this capacity, the vessel was utilized in any number of roles, from escorting convoys to serving as a makeshift cargo freighter via its hanger.

As Odan-Urr initiated retaliatory strikes against targets loyal to the Brotherhood, the speed and multi-role nature of the Rohlan's Vision proved beneficial in initiating assaults against heavily defended positions. When working in combination with a squadron of fighters, the cruiser was more than capable of inflicting substantial damage against vessels several times its tonnage. This ability was put to the test on multiple occasions, the least of which being the ill-fated raid on the Edrien shipyards where Odanite and Arconan forces were drawn into a trap. Were it not for ships like the MC40a, it is certain that such a battle would have been an end for the clan.

The Rohlan's Vision continued to serve the Expeditionary Force in multiple battles, culminating in the assault on the Grand Master's flagship. Despite a successful attack, the allied Brotherhood fleet was driven away by a new enemy. This group would soon be identified as The Collective, a faction bent on the wholesale genocide of all Force-sensitive individuals. Nevertheless, the Rohlan's Vision acquitted itself well against their enhanced Strike-class cruisers, and assisted with a victory both during the Battle of Nancora and Meridian Prime.


The service of Rohlan's Vision came to an end in 37 ABY during a mass restructuring of Odan-Urr's military, where multiple units were sold of or disbanded to better emphasize the Clan's chosen way of war. The Rohlan's Vision was one such ship, and the cruiser was sold to a planetary defense fleet of a backwater world in order to support the purchases of smaller scale attack vessels better suited to hit-and-fade tactics.