Saal Kesyk

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

10 ABY

Physical Description





appr. 5'3


158 lbs


Dirty Blonde



Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Personal Ship:

The Blue Thunder

Known masters:

Andrelious J. Inahj



[ Source ]

Incendus is a dark jedi and a member of the Order of the Sith.

Character History

Sadness. Anger. Rage. All of these things would go on to write the early life of Incendus, a man of secrecy and honor.

Incendus was born to a nineteen year old woman on Coruscant, years after Skywalker's Jedi Purge. As a child, his parents were never married. They separated early, after he had turned two years of age. Growing up, he led a normal life on the outside; he was successful with the opposite sex, smart, and friendly. But on the inside, he was a cold, lonely person, whose destiny was undoubtedly surrounded in pain and despair.

When he was seven, he learned what life was really like. He witnessed his best, most loyal friend died. And after that, everything started to fall apart. He would learn true pain in the years to come. He started learning to fight after that. He learned the true values of life: Honor. Loyalty. Wisdom.

When he turned 13, he entered combat with a gang. They had attempted to rape a girl about his age, and he stood up to them. In the end, he lost, but went home with a purpose that day: To stand up, for those who could not do so themselves. The girl that he met that day, Valus, would go on to become his partner in his quest to fight.

Into the streets of Coruscant's underworld, they went, and inducted members into an order of heroes, one that would lie in secrecy for ages. Before long, it was a large army of strong, patriotic, independence-declaring teenagers, with the willpower to fight anything. That is, until the government got involved.

Operation Sweeping Dawn

After years, the organization worked strong and hard, wiping out the gangs and wrongdoers of the planet, bringing peace and harmony to Coruscant. It's amount of members had risen to over 10,000. Though they deserved credibility, the government abnegated it to them. They even went as far as to quarrel with them, spilling teenage blood all over the planet. The organization, now known as La Resistenza, was not hesitant to retort with physical combat, and the war began.

Not long after it had occurred to Incendus that the government was against them, Incendus was assaulted by an assassin, one who hunts him to this very day. After a long, hard battle, the assassin fled. Realizing that they meant business, Incendus led 500 young men and women onto Republic military landing zones, where they hijacked many LAAT gunships, and flew them to their hidden base on an inlet, which lay inside an asteroid field outside the system. There, they prepared a bombardment upon the Republic's military base.

When they flew above the system, an incomplete blockade awaited them. Incendus contemplated with despondence at the fleet. He had hoped that it would pose more of a challenge, and knew that if the entire military was not prepared to fight them outside of the atmosphere, that the true confrontation lay inside the system. Nonetheless, his strike team waded carelessly onto the planet, despite numerous objections by high ranking members of the organization.

Once the team was inside, the rest of his "fleet" followed. Along the way it was smooth, until they arrived to their destination. The entire perimeter was surrounded by AT-TE's and Anti-Air Cannons. Incendus immediately ordered his pilots to deploy passenger soldiers, realizing that it was the only possible way to win. He also called in ground support, who were on stand-by in case plan "A" went wrong. And it had.

Incendus apperceived the fact that he would be a fool had he not created a back up plan. Unfortunately, neither of the two worked, and he was forced into running from the government, who had labeled his patriotic organization as a group of terroristic insurgents.

Joining the Brotherhood

Unknowingly, he had attracted attention from the DJB, who offered him a chance to declare sovereignty upon the Republic. In 36 ABY, he came to the Shadow Academy, where he was put into Clan Arcona and House Qel-Droma. When he was promoted to Acolyte, he was assigned to a master named Andrelious J. Inahj.

His current status is Guardian.

Operation Rolling Thunder

Clan Arcona was going to war. The Chiss had a blockade keeping the clan from a major route through the Dajorra System. Incendus and the other members of Shadow Gate were to rig the power cells of a space station to overload from a remote detonator. Scelestus gave the team positions: Zakath and Legorii were at the front, leading everyone through the attack; Incendus and Andraste were to watch the flanks so that the team wasn't surrounded; and Cethgus and Walker brought up the rear. Scelestus was to assist the front and to rig the subsystems to explode.

Incendus landed in the hangar, and made his way to the briefing room. Scelestus gave Everybody had to pick a color. Incendus was 'Agent Red'.

Everybody boarded the gunship that would be carrying the team to the space station. Incendus carried a blaster and an electrostaff, his favorite pair of weapons. Incendus hoped that his expertise of pole-type weapons would come in handy when the battle began. He felt everyone's emotions harden as they left for war.

As the ship landed in the Chiss hangar bay, Zakath and Legorii wasted no time to establish a beachhead in the hanger as the others came out. After Socorra scolded the team for making such a noisy disturbance when the mission was supposed to be quiet, Scelestus had the men make a more stealthy approach along a predetermined route.

The team had little resistance from the enemy, and what little that they had was quickly dispatched by Legorii and Zakath, although Incendus did take out a few. There were, nevertheless, some close calls. Andraste was wounded and Incendus had to hold off the Chiss that had ambushed them until Scelestus could get to them with his lightsaber. Incendus treated Andraste by injecting her with a medpac and then they were off again. Along the way, Cethgus barely escaped getting hit by an unnoticed security turret. Incendus watched how Zakath and Legorii took out the unavoidable threats, Zakath with brute force, and Legorii with speed and grace. I want to be like that some day, Incendus thought to himself.

Eventually, the team came up to an internal security checkpoint. This is where they got stopped. Scelestus turned around and looked at his team, and asked, “If anyone has any ideas for getting past this roadblock quietly, now’s the time to speak up.” Cethgus had the idea to cut through the bulkhead, but from the expression on his face, Incendus knew that Cethgus didn't have much determination that this would work. Scelestus denied it, stating the fact that once they saw the lightsabers cutting through, the entire system would get shut down. Incendus glanced towards another young member of Shadow Gate, who seemed to be as perplexed as he was. They both waited patiently as the more experienced members tried to think out ideas of how to get through. Legorii proposed that one of the members acted as a hostage for a Chiss officer so that the officer would bring the hostage into the checkpoint. Scelestus quickly objected, but Incendus was thinking of it in his head. It's my turn to prove myself. Incendus looked at Scelestus, and agreed to do so.

As Walker and Cethgus returned with a swayed officer, Incendus and Zakath returned with another Chiss. While Andraste rested, Legorii and Scelestus revised the plan. The officers would bring Incendus into the checkpoint, unarmed and completely helpless, and as soon as the door opened, Legorii would lead the team to charge through and take out the Chiss guards.

And the trap was sprung. As the guards dragged Incendus in, everybody else dropped through, and to their surprise, there was a single Chiss, his finger hovering over the button that would sound the alarm and ruin the entire mission. Incendus looked back at the rest of the team, and whatched their eyes widen. Legorii imediately aimed his blaster at the Chiss' head, and threatened him that if he pressed the button, he would lose his head. Incendus heard a gasp from Socorra through his HUD comlink, he heard the Chiss yell something in Cheunh, and then he saw Legorii shoot the Chiss. The dead Chiss fell to the floor, and the entire team exhaled in relief.

Afterwards, the team took out the five remaining Chiss, and Scelestus split the team up to finish the mission. Andraste was to whatch the security monitors, Cethgus was to hack the computers and download every file that he could, Scelestus was sent to rig the cells, leaving Legorii, Zakath, and Incendus to guard and intercept anything that tried to stop them. After a few minutes dragged on, Scelestus, Andraste, and Cethgus appeared to the three, still in a defensive stance. They then relaxed, while Scelestus let them know that the job was done, then Cethgus announced that his work was done as well. They then made their way to the hangar, with Socorra's guidance.

The gunship was already there by the time that they arrived, a feeling of relief sweeping the team as they boarded it. Scelestus announced that the first round of drinks were on him, and Incendus heard an eruption of cheer around him. He eventually decided to join in, missing the feeling of importance but nevertheless glad for the success of his first major mission within Arcona.

A New Leader

During Operation Rolling Thunder, Invictus stepped down from Quaestor of Qel-Droma, and Socorra stepped up to fill the position. After Shadow Gate's victory, they were to have a meeting in the abandoned Upsilon 3. Incendus was surprised to see Andrelious there. When the meeting started, he soon discovered that his master would be taking up the leadership position for Shadow Gate. When Incendus asked what happened to Scelestus, his master just replied with "He was needed elsewhere."

Fighting Styles

Incendus has mastered the following:

  • Broken Gate
  • Carinor

Incendus is learning the following styles:

  • Wampa Do

Incendus has also mastered the secret fighting/blade style of his Family, KraytJinn-Ryu, which was taught to him by his father.


  • Unlike most members of Qel-Droma, Incendus is a Sith(most members of Qel-Droma are Krath).
  • Due to his focus on his own clan, Incendus has had little to no contact with the other clans.
  • Because of real life incidents, Incendus was unable to participate in the Operation Rolling Thunder Run-On, so he took the stories from what the other members of Shadow Gate posted and put them together to create his story for the event.