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| | {{Obbie charinfo |
| | |image=[[image:chaaron.jpg|250px]] |
| | |name=Chaaron Mar |
| | |homeworld=[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ryloth Ryloth] |
| | |birth=4 [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/ABY ABY] |
| | |species=[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Twi%27lek Twi'lek] |
| | |gender=[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Female Female] |
| | |hair=None. A pair of ebon [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lekku lekku] protrude from the rear of her skull. |
| | |eyes=Unverified |
| | |height=1.78 metres |
| | |weight=60 kilograms |
| | |allies=*[[Dralin Fortea]] |
| | |enemies=*[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Zeison_Sha The Zeison Sha] |
| | |saber=Red (single bladed) |
| | |form=Unverified |
| | |fightingstyle=*[[K'thri]] |
| | *[[Broken Gate]] |
| | *[[Dulon]] |
| | |profession=*[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Jedi Dark Jedi] |
| | *[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Assassin Assassin] |
| | |position=*[[Protector]] |
| | *[http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Apprentice Apprentice] to [[Dralin Fortea]] |
| | |era=*[[Dark Brotherhood Era]] |
| | |affiliation=*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]] |
| | *[[Clan Tarentum]] |
| | *[[House Gladius]] |
| | *[[Obelisk Order]] |
| | *[[Antei Combat Center]] |
| | |dossier=[http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=10503 10503] |
| | }} |
| | ''"To each their own tastes. Mine is for corpses."'' |
| | - Chaaron, regarding her bloodlust. |
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| | Chaaron Mar is a female Twi'lek Dark Jedi and a member of the [[Obelisk Order]]. A former slave to Huttese kingpin Fossa the Hutt, she slew him in his sleep, donning her trademark mask and fleeing the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Moon moon] of [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nal_Hutta Nal Hutta]. Prior to joining the Dark Brotherhood, Chaaron was briefly involved with the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Zeison_Sha Zeison Sha] on [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yanibar Yanibar], before falling to the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Side Dark Side] and becoming a menace to fugitives and lowlifes across the galaxy. |
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| | She currently trains beneath the tutelage of [[Dark Jedi Knight]] [[Dralin Fortea]]. |
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| | == Character History == |
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| | === Origins === |
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| | [[image:fossa.jpg|thumb|left|190px|Fossa the Hutt]] |
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| | Sold into [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Slavery slavery] from her homeworld of Ryloth, Chaaron eventually became the property of crime lord Fossa the Hutt, who operated (unsurprisingly) out of [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nar_Shaada Nar Shadaa], the "Smuggler's Moon." Like other female Twi'leks, she was admired for her beauty and allure, a chauvinist concept that disgusted her to no end. |
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| | Rather than traditional dancing veils, Chaaron was provided meager costumes of mesh lattice, the colors complimented by the charcoal pigment of her skin. Fossa became especially enamored with the young lady, and chose to make her his personal attendant and bedservant. She was forced to dance for the depraved Hutt and the audiences he hosted, suffering further indignities at the her master's beckoning. Rarely, Fossa would use Chaaron as an escort to plays and operas, as he possessed a great penchant for theatre. To this end, his personal quarters were decorated with all manner of theatrical |
| | ornaments, which Chaaron was forced to use for Fossa's exclusive pleasure. |
| | |
| | Desecrated and rueful, Chaaron spent many nights with the bitter taste of tears upon her lips, praying that her grievances would somehow be alleviated. |
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| | === Death of a Hutt === |
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| | ''"The moment the slave resolves that he will no longer be a slave, his fetters fall. Freedom and slavery are mental states.”'' |
| | - Mahatma Gandhi |
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| | Over time, Chaaron's misery only amplified, sending her into bouts of manic depression that frequently earned her |
| | the wrath of her master. At some points, she would seem to be submissive and resigned to her existence, abiding Fossa's wishes silently and without contention. In other instances, she would become overactive, aggressive and defiant to her owner's instructions. This often led to thorough beatings or severe torture, conducted in such a way as to not leave obvious ailments or cosmetic wounds on her body. The concept of her own mortality weighed heavily on the desperate woman, who grew to wish for death rather than live forever as an indentured harlot and whipping girl. Such violent helotry warped Chaaron's pysche, who couldn't reconcile the contrast of such covetry only to be assailed. |
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| | Her mind snapped. |
| | |
| | Following a night of prolonged, indentured intimacy with Fossa, Chaaron remained awake in his room silently, waiting for the arrogant tyrant to fall asleep. She delighted in the vast array of beautiful adornments the Hutt had collected, preoccupying herself with their splendor while Fossa drifted off into slumber. Painfully positioning herself to his flank, she wrapped her chain around the Hutt's throat, crushing his windpipe. She constricted his neck tightly, as to stifle his vocal cords, wrenching so severely that the sheer pressure destroyed her bonds as she ended her master's life. He did not die peacefully, or quickly. |
| | |
| | The savage act thrilled Chaaron, sharpening her senses and offering a happiness and clarity she had never experienced. Her conscience remained clean, her deed commited under the pretense of morality. She sighed and rejoiced with satisfaction, leaving all behind except for a single memento - |
| | |
| | Fossa's favorite drama mask. It would come to serve several purposes, shrouding her in anonymity as a protest to the subjugation of her species for their pulchritude. |
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| | === The Zeison Sha === |
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| | [[image:zeisonsha_warrior.jpg|thumb|right|200px|The skilled Zeison Sha resisted Imperial rule.]] |
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| | Fleeing Nar Shadaa aboard a trade vessel in fear of capture, Chaaron was taken to the Outer Rim planet of Yanibar. As the natives had resisted Imperial occupation, it was considered to be in Wild Space and thus was largely uncolonized. It did, however, possess a standard starport and trade outpost, providing the largely introverted planet with supplies and the trappings of the outside galaxy. Slipping off of the vessel, she wandered for days, searching for further civilization. Eventually collapsing from the ailments of fatigue and hunger, her life was saved by the intervention of the planet's native sect of Force users, the Zeison Sha. Feeling sympathy for the stranger, they carried her back to their settlement. |
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| | The did not know of her deeds, or the darkness lurking within her heart. |
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| | Sensing her potential in the Force, the isolationist community began to teach Chaaron how to use it, as the Zeison Sha specialized in telekinesis. They integrated her into their society, known for their survival skills and ability with a unique weapon called a discblade. The discblade could be imbued with the Force and, when thrown, would return to the hand of it's wielder. Using telekinesis, Chaaron became quite skilled with the armament, though her proficiency never exceeded that of others amongst the Zeison Sha. She trained passionately in their ways, developing a stable understanding of the Force and even fervently studying the arts of hand to hand combat. The Zeison Sha imparted to Chaaron a knowledge of Broken Gate, a soldierly discipline practiced by the Jedi of the Republic. Such conduct developed an unnatural amount of phyical strength for one of Chaaron's slender physique, a trait she became lovingly reknowned for amongst her peers. |
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| | Although the Order was not definitively a light side sect (as they despised the Jedi), they came to dislike Chaaron's aggressive ways and taste for warfare, as the skills they taught were meant for survival and not for harm. As she excelled, Chaaron became arrogant and fractious, ignoring the protests of those who had nurtured her. She began to develop aptitude in the dark side, warping her telekinetic prowess and wielding her powers recklessly. Her audacity and brashness saw her exiled from the Order, to which Chaaron responded with homicidal rage. In the ensuing battle, her face was viciously mutilated and scarred by a discblade. Sensing defeat or worse, Chaaron bitterly fled Yanibar, though not before vowing to exact her revenge. Not fanatical in their philosophies on the Dark Side (as the Jedi), the Zeison Sha allowed her to leave, hardly viewing the maladjusted young lady as a viable threat to an entire Order. |
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| | === Drifter === |
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| | For a short time, Chaaron operated as a masked vigilante and hired assassin under the sobriquet "Veil." She used the credits she earned to travel from place to place and train in various killing arts, cautious not to linger for too long in fear of suspicion or subduement. Capture would have meant slavery or death, neither of which were acceptable circumstances. To further obscure her identity (as well as her scarred face, something she is self-conscious about), Chaaron wore the pallid mask stolen from the bedroom of her first victim, Fossa the Hutt. |
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| | It was during this period that Chaaron began intensive indoctrination in the Zabrak martial art, K'thri. Having grasped the bulk of other disciplines, the ambitious Chaaron sought and established a rapport with a reclusive master of the cabalistic craft. It is unclear exactly how she achieved such a thing, as the Iridonian champions of the form are typically xenophobic and protective of their traditions. Regardless, Chaaron managed to overcome such impediments, also becoming fluent in the Zabraki vernacular. |
| | |
| | Chaaron did not arouse specific acclaim nor aplomb in her endeavors as a hired executioner. As her intent was not truly to topple villainy or corruption, she stuck to preying on easier targets, murdering slave owners and small time crime bosses. In fact, her actions saved larger criminal enterprises so much work that they just left her alone, allowing her to exterminate moderate threats and indulge in her delusions of grandeur. In candid axiom, Chaaron was little more than a serial butcher and would-be usurper, who lacked the willpower to infiltrate and confront more powerful institutions. She killed because she liked it, convincing herself that she carried out necessary and noble work. Chaaron was merely the epitome of a warrior assassin. |
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| | That was, until she joined the Dark Brotherhood. |
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| | === In Darkness === |
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| | [[image:darkhood_man.jpg|thumb|left|200px|A mysterious member of the Brotherhood sought and recruited Chaaron.]] |
| | |
| | The galaxy, in the midst of so much conflict and vast struggle, offered little restraint to Chaaron's homicidal tendencies. She galavanted around known space as a self-proclaimed "punisher," seeking and ending lives with a vulturine bloodlust. The only semblance of stability Chaaron possessed was her refusal to execute children, or those she deemed innocent. This would sometimes bring her into conflict with her employers, typically nothing more than rich poseurs or overzealous mid-level gangsters. |
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| | She would simply kill them, and claim her payment anyways. |
| | |
| | Her slaughterous methods earned her the attention of the Dark Brotherhood, who eventually revealed themselves following an enduring period of observation. Bearing a curious ability in the Force, while not possessing a lightsaber or other Jedi paraphernelia, made her an intense target of interest, one that the Brotherhood wished to mold into something more sinister.' |
| | |
| | A mysterious figure offered her power and clarity of purpose, appealing to her sanguinary habits and erroneous perception of reality. His slithering final words struck an eerie chord with the corrupted Chaaron, who was simply unable to refuse. |
| | |
| | ''"You would be ''wise'' to accept our ''offer'', girl."'' he insisted. |
| | |
| | Having tasted the empowerment lent to one by the Force and desiring a higher purpose, Chaaron agreed to leave with the stranger, who, without saying a word, simply incapacitated her through some unknown method. When she woke up, she found herself aboard the Shadow Academy flagship, ''[[Arcanum]]''. She never learned the stranger's identity - she could only imagine whether or not he knew hers. |
| | |
| | Assimilating herself into the clandestine society, Chaaron claimed her niche in the [[Obelisk Order]], her martial knowledge and onslaught of scholarly pursuits seeing her rise quickly through the ensign ranks of [[Clan Tarentum]]. |
| | |
| | Assigned to [[House Gladius]], Chaaron soon developed a relationship with [[Dralin Fortea]], with whom the bizarre Chaaron seemed to identify. The Master-Apprentice consanguinity is a kinship that Chaaron honors fiercely, and she would follow Dralin beyond the edges of the galaxy. She only hopes that such strong affinity is reciprocated somewhere within the depths of her Master's dark heart. |
| | |
| | == DJB Facts == |
| | === Positions Held === |
| | *Apprentice to Dralin Fortea |
| | |
| | === Outstanding Achievements === |
| | *Was promoted to [[Protector]] within four days of joining the Brotherhood. |
| | *Holds a [[Dark Maven]] Degree in both Philosophy and General History. |
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| | == Skills & Abilities == |
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| | [[image:discblade.jpg|thumb|right|150px|A Zeison Sha discblade]] |
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| | *For various reasons, Chaaron is fluent in several languages, including [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Galactic_Basic Galactic Basic], [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Huttese Huttese], [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Zabraki Zabraki], and her "mother tongue," [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Twi%27leki Twi'leki]. |
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| | *A dedicated and skilled martial artist, Chaaron is proficient in a handful of combat styles. She has achieved mastery of the Zabrak discipline [[K'thri]]. |
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| | *Chaaron is a consummate guerilla and assassin, exploiting her skills in the Force to dispel light, aiding her already [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Stealth_field equipment enhanced stealth]abilities. She is familiar with the vital specifics of many species, though prefers more direct methods of execution. |
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| | *Having studied with the Zeison Sha prior to joining the Brotherhood, Chaaron is especially adept in [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Telekinesis telekinesis]. Such training has also enabled her to effectively wield a [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Discblade discblade] in combat, as well as other thrown weapons. She continues to elaborate upon the lessons taught by both Orders. |
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| | *A well trained athlete and acrobat, Chaaron's impressive dexterity is matched only by her strength. Her physical might is of a notable and unnatural quality for a being of her habitus. This characteristic is one she is proud of, having been noted for it on numerous occasions. |
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| | *A former slave and indentured [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Entertainer entertainer], Chaaron is a placidly graceful dancer (like many other Twi'lek females). Her aptitude has bolstered her ability to comprehend and effectively employ the various rhythmic techniques and motions of certain martial arts, especially [[K'thri]]. |
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| | [[Category: DJB Characters]] [[Category: Clan Tarentum]] |
Template:Obbie charinfo
"To each their own tastes. Mine is for corpses."
- Chaaron, regarding her bloodlust.
Chaaron Mar is a female Twi'lek Dark Jedi and a member of the Obelisk Order. A former slave to Huttese kingpin Fossa the Hutt, she slew him in his sleep, donning her trademark mask and fleeing the moon of Nal Hutta. Prior to joining the Dark Brotherhood, Chaaron was briefly involved with the Zeison Sha on Yanibar, before falling to the Dark Side and becoming a menace to fugitives and lowlifes across the galaxy.
She currently trains beneath the tutelage of Dark Jedi Knight Dralin Fortea.
Character History
File:Fossa.jpgFossa the Hutt
Sold into slavery from her homeworld of Ryloth, Chaaron eventually became the property of crime lord Fossa the Hutt, who operated (unsurprisingly) out of Nar Shadaa, the "Smuggler's Moon." Like other female Twi'leks, she was admired for her beauty and allure, a chauvinist concept that disgusted her to no end.
Rather than traditional dancing veils, Chaaron was provided meager costumes of mesh lattice, the colors complimented by the charcoal pigment of her skin. Fossa became especially enamored with the young lady, and chose to make her his personal attendant and bedservant. She was forced to dance for the depraved Hutt and the audiences he hosted, suffering further indignities at the her master's beckoning. Rarely, Fossa would use Chaaron as an escort to plays and operas, as he possessed a great penchant for theatre. To this end, his personal quarters were decorated with all manner of theatrical
ornaments, which Chaaron was forced to use for Fossa's exclusive pleasure.
Desecrated and rueful, Chaaron spent many nights with the bitter taste of tears upon her lips, praying that her grievances would somehow be alleviated.
Death of a Hutt
"The moment the slave resolves that he will no longer be a slave, his fetters fall. Freedom and slavery are mental states.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
Over time, Chaaron's misery only amplified, sending her into bouts of manic depression that frequently earned her
the wrath of her master. At some points, she would seem to be submissive and resigned to her existence, abiding Fossa's wishes silently and without contention. In other instances, she would become overactive, aggressive and defiant to her owner's instructions. This often led to thorough beatings or severe torture, conducted in such a way as to not leave obvious ailments or cosmetic wounds on her body. The concept of her own mortality weighed heavily on the desperate woman, who grew to wish for death rather than live forever as an indentured harlot and whipping girl. Such violent helotry warped Chaaron's pysche, who couldn't reconcile the contrast of such covetry only to be assailed.
Her mind snapped.
Following a night of prolonged, indentured intimacy with Fossa, Chaaron remained awake in his room silently, waiting for the arrogant tyrant to fall asleep. She delighted in the vast array of beautiful adornments the Hutt had collected, preoccupying herself with their splendor while Fossa drifted off into slumber. Painfully positioning herself to his flank, she wrapped her chain around the Hutt's throat, crushing his windpipe. She constricted his neck tightly, as to stifle his vocal cords, wrenching so severely that the sheer pressure destroyed her bonds as she ended her master's life. He did not die peacefully, or quickly.
The savage act thrilled Chaaron, sharpening her senses and offering a happiness and clarity she had never experienced. Her conscience remained clean, her deed commited under the pretense of morality. She sighed and rejoiced with satisfaction, leaving all behind except for a single memento -
Fossa's favorite drama mask. It would come to serve several purposes, shrouding her in anonymity as a protest to the subjugation of her species for their pulchritude.
The Zeison Sha
File:Zeisonsha warrior.jpgThe skilled Zeison Sha resisted Imperial rule.
Fleeing Nar Shadaa aboard a trade vessel in fear of capture, Chaaron was taken to the Outer Rim planet of Yanibar. As the natives had resisted Imperial occupation, it was considered to be in Wild Space and thus was largely uncolonized. It did, however, possess a standard starport and trade outpost, providing the largely introverted planet with supplies and the trappings of the outside galaxy. Slipping off of the vessel, she wandered for days, searching for further civilization. Eventually collapsing from the ailments of fatigue and hunger, her life was saved by the intervention of the planet's native sect of Force users, the Zeison Sha. Feeling sympathy for the stranger, they carried her back to their settlement.
The did not know of her deeds, or the darkness lurking within her heart.
Sensing her potential in the Force, the isolationist community began to teach Chaaron how to use it, as the Zeison Sha specialized in telekinesis. They integrated her into their society, known for their survival skills and ability with a unique weapon called a discblade. The discblade could be imbued with the Force and, when thrown, would return to the hand of it's wielder. Using telekinesis, Chaaron became quite skilled with the armament, though her proficiency never exceeded that of others amongst the Zeison Sha. She trained passionately in their ways, developing a stable understanding of the Force and even fervently studying the arts of hand to hand combat. The Zeison Sha imparted to Chaaron a knowledge of Broken Gate, a soldierly discipline practiced by the Jedi of the Republic. Such conduct developed an unnatural amount of phyical strength for one of Chaaron's slender physique, a trait she became lovingly reknowned for amongst her peers.
Although the Order was not definitively a light side sect (as they despised the Jedi), they came to dislike Chaaron's aggressive ways and taste for warfare, as the skills they taught were meant for survival and not for harm. As she excelled, Chaaron became arrogant and fractious, ignoring the protests of those who had nurtured her. She began to develop aptitude in the dark side, warping her telekinetic prowess and wielding her powers recklessly. Her audacity and brashness saw her exiled from the Order, to which Chaaron responded with homicidal rage. In the ensuing battle, her face was viciously mutilated and scarred by a discblade. Sensing defeat or worse, Chaaron bitterly fled Yanibar, though not before vowing to exact her revenge. Not fanatical in their philosophies on the Dark Side (as the Jedi), the Zeison Sha allowed her to leave, hardly viewing the maladjusted young lady as a viable threat to an entire Order.
For a short time, Chaaron operated as a masked vigilante and hired assassin under the sobriquet "Veil." She used the credits she earned to travel from place to place and train in various killing arts, cautious not to linger for too long in fear of suspicion or subduement. Capture would have meant slavery or death, neither of which were acceptable circumstances. To further obscure her identity (as well as her scarred face, something she is self-conscious about), Chaaron wore the pallid mask stolen from the bedroom of her first victim, Fossa the Hutt.
It was during this period that Chaaron began intensive indoctrination in the Zabrak martial art, K'thri. Having grasped the bulk of other disciplines, the ambitious Chaaron sought and established a rapport with a reclusive master of the cabalistic craft. It is unclear exactly how she achieved such a thing, as the Iridonian champions of the form are typically xenophobic and protective of their traditions. Regardless, Chaaron managed to overcome such impediments, also becoming fluent in the Zabraki vernacular.
Chaaron did not arouse specific acclaim nor aplomb in her endeavors as a hired executioner. As her intent was not truly to topple villainy or corruption, she stuck to preying on easier targets, murdering slave owners and small time crime bosses. In fact, her actions saved larger criminal enterprises so much work that they just left her alone, allowing her to exterminate moderate threats and indulge in her delusions of grandeur. In candid axiom, Chaaron was little more than a serial butcher and would-be usurper, who lacked the willpower to infiltrate and confront more powerful institutions. She killed because she liked it, convincing herself that she carried out necessary and noble work. Chaaron was merely the epitome of a warrior assassin.
That was, until she joined the Dark Brotherhood.
In Darkness
File:Darkhood man.jpgA mysterious member of the Brotherhood sought and recruited Chaaron.
The galaxy, in the midst of so much conflict and vast struggle, offered little restraint to Chaaron's homicidal tendencies. She galavanted around known space as a self-proclaimed "punisher," seeking and ending lives with a vulturine bloodlust. The only semblance of stability Chaaron possessed was her refusal to execute children, or those she deemed innocent. This would sometimes bring her into conflict with her employers, typically nothing more than rich poseurs or overzealous mid-level gangsters.
She would simply kill them, and claim her payment anyways.
Her slaughterous methods earned her the attention of the Dark Brotherhood, who eventually revealed themselves following an enduring period of observation. Bearing a curious ability in the Force, while not possessing a lightsaber or other Jedi paraphernelia, made her an intense target of interest, one that the Brotherhood wished to mold into something more sinister.'
A mysterious figure offered her power and clarity of purpose, appealing to her sanguinary habits and erroneous perception of reality. His slithering final words struck an eerie chord with the corrupted Chaaron, who was simply unable to refuse.
"You would be wise to accept our offer, girl." he insisted.
Having tasted the empowerment lent to one by the Force and desiring a higher purpose, Chaaron agreed to leave with the stranger, who, without saying a word, simply incapacitated her through some unknown method. When she woke up, she found herself aboard the Shadow Academy flagship, Arcanum. She never learned the stranger's identity - she could only imagine whether or not he knew hers.
Assimilating herself into the clandestine society, Chaaron claimed her niche in the Obelisk Order, her martial knowledge and onslaught of scholarly pursuits seeing her rise quickly through the ensign ranks of Clan Tarentum.
Assigned to House Gladius, Chaaron soon developed a relationship with Dralin Fortea, with whom the bizarre Chaaron seemed to identify. The Master-Apprentice consanguinity is a kinship that Chaaron honors fiercely, and she would follow Dralin beyond the edges of the galaxy. She only hopes that such strong affinity is reciprocated somewhere within the depths of her Master's dark heart.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
- Apprentice to Dralin Fortea
Outstanding Achievements
- Was promoted to Protector within four days of joining the Brotherhood.
- Holds a Dark Maven Degree in both Philosophy and General History.
Skills & Abilities
File:Discblade.jpgA Zeison Sha discblade
- A dedicated and skilled martial artist, Chaaron is proficient in a handful of combat styles. She has achieved mastery of the Zabrak discipline K'thri.
- Chaaron is a consummate guerilla and assassin, exploiting her skills in the Force to dispel light, aiding her already equipment enhanced stealthabilities. She is familiar with the vital specifics of many species, though prefers more direct methods of execution.
- Having studied with the Zeison Sha prior to joining the Brotherhood, Chaaron is especially adept in telekinesis. Such training has also enabled her to effectively wield a discblade in combat, as well as other thrown weapons. She continues to elaborate upon the lessons taught by both Orders.
- A well trained athlete and acrobat, Chaaron's impressive dexterity is matched only by her strength. Her physical might is of a notable and unnatural quality for a being of her habitus. This characteristic is one she is proud of, having been noted for it on numerous occasions.
- A former slave and indentured entertainer, Chaaron is a placidly graceful dancer (like many other Twi'lek females). Her aptitude has bolstered her ability to comprehend and effectively employ the various rhythmic techniques and motions of certain martial arts, especially K'thri.