Template:Krath charinfo
A Rodian's History
- "The future is where we should look. Learn from the past, but don’t look back at it. Learn, but never remember."
- ―Koryn's philosophy on the past.
A Good Life
Koryn Thraagus started out his life as any other - a child. He was born on Kuat and lived a good life. His father was an extremely successful merchant - too successful some would say. Koryn believed that he sold black market goods, but it was never proven. His older brother was in the Imperial navy; a lieutenant. In his early teen years, his father left his family for dead, Koryn included. His father had beaten them all to near death when he was drunk one night. Or at least Koryn's mother would like to have believed he was drunk...
Koryn vowed to avenge them by killing his father. When his mother and brother tried to stop him, Koryn killed them in a fit of rage, a decision he has not looked back on since. He slit his own mother's throat, and stabbed his brother through the heart. As the blade ripped into his mother's throat, Koryn felt an overwhelming sense of power. Perhaps that is why he killed his brother, too.
- "I knew you'd be the one to find me. I always knew you held grudges. They're dead aren't they?"
- ―Koryn's father, Dreegho, upon seeing his son.
Koryn then travelled the galaxy in a ship he stole from a pirate. The Silver Palar. He travelled the galaxy from Rodia and Tatooine, to Korriban and Coruscant. But there was little luck. Eventually his father was found on Sullust. He had gone to Sullust in hope of escaping his past life and so became a miner. Koryn choked his father to death using a power that he now understands to be the Force. He finally felt he had avenged his family as his father's screams echoed out into the night sky.
A Bounty Hunter's Life
- "Death is the price we must all pay for life."
- ―Koryn.
Koryn Thraagus as a Bounty Hunter
When he was once again aboard the Silver Palar, Koryn realised that he had a knack for hunting and decided to become a bounty hunter. Koryn's favourite weapon of choice at this time was an old DC-15A blaster rifle, a relic from the Clone Wars and the only object he had kept from his past life. It had been left to him by his grandfather who claimed he acquired it in a tense, nail-biting game of Sabacc. Koryn was never quite sure of this as his grandfather was but a humble shopkeep. Koryn presumed that it had been stolen and then sold on to his grandfather. But as a child, he had always enjoyed hearing the story.
Over the years he took on many jobs from many different clientele. None moreso than the Hutts. The ruthless gangsters always wanted someone killed from rival gangs and traders to petty crooks and degenerate gamblers. Koryn only ever accepted half of the credits awarded to him from the Hutts though, and they loved him for it. They gave him more and more assignments because of this and Koryn soon became a favourite.
It's Just Business
File:Onderon Shop.jpgKoryn's Shop on Onderon
Koryn soon matured into a fine young Rodian and soon became bored of the bounty hunter life. He travelled to Onderon where he set up a repair shop. He gained a respectable amount of business and, in turn, a respectable amount of credits; not as much as the nobles but he was comfortable all the same. Soon, the inevitable happened, and a rival set up a shop across from Koryn. Seemingly unaware that Koryn was an ex-bounty hunter, the rival Ikotchi constantly mocked and taunted him. One evening, Koryn watched the Ikotchi leave his store. He grabbed the vibroblade that he had forged himself and followed his rival through the dark streets. The Ikotchi turned down a narrow side street and Koryn struck quickly. The small Rodian overpowered the unsuspecting shopkeep. He pulled the blade to the Ikotchi's throat: "As all repairmen should know, not all things can be fixed." Koryn had whispered before spilling the blood of his rival.
A Meeting And A Betrayal
- "Life is ruthless, and you must be ruthless to cope with it."
- ―Torak Occassus to Koryn.
Not long after the night he had murdered his rival, Koryn was called away on business to Nar Shaddaa. His client had asked to meet in a cantina. Upon entering, he ordered a glass of Juma Juice at the bar. A human came and sat down next to him who turned out to be his client. The client introduced himself as Torak Occasus and announced that he was a distant cousin of Koryn. It turned out that Torak didn't even have any business and it was just a ruse to get Koryn to meet with him. Torak then told him that he could feel the power within Koryn. Koryn learnt of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood of which his cousin was already a member.
Somehow, Koryn and Torak managed to get into a fight with two humans. The cousins killed the humans; no-one really cared on Nar Shaddaa. The humans were probably thugs or petty criminals anyway. But Koryn never expected his cousin to betray him. After Koryn had run one of the humans through with his blade, Torak swung his sword. The glistening, blood stained blade ripped through Koryn's left arm. The Rodian collapsed from the pain. But he clearly heard his cousin's words before he blacked out: "Feel that? That pain? Get used to it. You'll likely feel worse than that in your lifetime." Koryn had contemplated and meditated over these words many times, both before and after he joined the Brotherhood. When he awoke, the Rodian found that his arm had been replaced with a cybernetic model; Koryn always presumed this was the work of his cousin - an apologetic gift - but he never proved it.
A Place in the Galaxy
Koryn remembered clearly the words his cousin had said about the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He spent the next few months flying from system to system searching for the Brotherhood and his place in the galaxy. Eventually, he came upon the planet of Antei, the Brotherhood's home planet.
Finding Darkness
When Koryn arrived on Antei, he made his way to the Shadow Academy. He was welcomed by the Master At Arms, Kraval Novir and promptly completed the Test of Lore. Koryn was inducted into House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae. He spent as much time as he could at the Shadow Academy, honing his wisdom of the Dark Side. The Rodian was helped along greatly by the words of Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine. Cuchulain provided encouragement to the Apprentice whenever he could and soon Koryn found himself promoted to the rank of Novice.
Koryn was diligent in his studies, which was very unusual for a Rodian. He hoped that by studying, he would be more like his grandfather, and less lke his father. He hated his father with his very essence. Every day, the memory of his father drove Koryn closer to the Dark Side. It ate into him like a plague, unearthing the true evil within him. The more the hatred burrowed within him, the stronger and more powerful the Rodian felt; the stronger he felt, the more time he spent in the Academy, refining his knowledge of the Dark Side. Koryn had finally found a purpose for his hatred of his father, a purpose that would serve him well on many occasions...
None of Koryn's close family is left alive. The following section details all that is known of his family.
File:Gleevor.jpgPortrait of Gleevor Thraagus
Koryn's grandfather, Gleevor Thraagus, was born on Rodia in 68 BBY. He was born into clan Thraagus who like most Rodian clans, were frequently engaged in clan wars. Gleevor was extremely peaceful for a Rodian and rarely got into any fights growing up. He was a more academic Rodian and took pride in his studies. In 51 BBY, he enrolled in Matza Academy and took courses in Business Management, Business Ethics, and Accounting; he passed all three with flying colours.
After graduating, Gleevor travelled to Coruscant to open his own sales company. However, he soon found that Coruscant was too huge to warrant a successful small business. He left Coruscant after a month and travelled to Ryloth. He set up his business in Sal'Kaasa, a haven for Rodians on Ryloth. Over the coming months, the business flourished and the Rodian opened another shop in the Ryloth capital of Lessu. Although his second shop didn't do as well as his shop in Sal'Kaasa, it did still provide a modest income. Gleevor bought and sold most things at his shops. But the one thing he vowed never to buy was black market or stolen goods.
Because he could only be at one shop at any one time, Gleevor had to hire someone who could look after one of the shops. He hired a young female Rodian, Felima Nokata, who would look after the shop in Sal'Kaasa. Every few days, Gleevor would visit Sal'Kaasa to check how Felima was doing and to pay her wages; a modest sum of 250 credits a day. This was more enough to get her by in the world and could afford her a few luxuries.
Soon, Gleevor's visits to Sal'Kaasa became more and more frequent until he found himself travelling to Sal'Kaasa every day. He realized that he was falling in love with Felima. One evening, he met Felima as she was locking up the shop for the night. He gave her a ride back to her homestead on the outskirts of Sal'Kaasa. Felima thanked him for the ride and before she could get out of the speeder, Gleevor leaned towards her and kissed her. It was then that Felima, too, realized that she had fallen in love.
In 39 BBY, Gleevor and Felima travelled back to Rodia where they married. From that day forth, the Thraagus and Nokata clans on Rodia were united. When harm came to one clan, the other clan would retaliate; they were a fearsome force, and the wiser clans steered clear of engaging with them.
In 37 BBY, Gleevor returned to Coruscant to open another shop. This time around he was more successful and he gained a moderate amount of business. A month later, he left Felima on Coruscant and returned to Ryloth in order to find a couple of Rodians to look after his and Felima's (they now both owned the company) business in Sal'Kaasa and Lessu. Over the years that he owned the company, he returned every two or three months to check on the shops and pay his staff a generous wage.
In the same year, Gleevor and Felima had their first child - a son - Koryn's father. The Business on Coruscant flourished after Gleevor's son was born.
Gleevor decided to move his family to Kuat where he could raise his son away from the noise and bustle of the city. Gleevor opened another shop on Kuat. This proved to be his most successful shop and, years later, where he acquired the DC-15A Rifle that later became Koryn's weapon. Apart from travelling to Coruscant and Ryloth, Gleevor spent the rest of his days on Kuat.
A year later, he had another child, a daughter by the name of Kuluq Thraagus. Again, the business flourished after the birth of his child.
In 13 ABY, Gleevor passed away. He was surrounded by his loving family. Before he died, he left Koryn with the DC-15A Rifle that he had always enjoyed hearing the story of.
Koryn's grandmother was born Felima Nokata in 64 BBY on Rodia. Like Gleevor, she too was academic. However, unlike Gleevor, she was also brutal; she engaged in her first clan war at the age of ten and rose up the ranks in the Nokata clan. She was home-schooled by her mother and learnt a number of languages including: Basic, Twi'Lek, and Zabraki.
At the age of twelve, Felima once again participated in a clan war. After two days of constant fighting, she began to suffer from fatigue and dodged a blaster bolt too late; it hit her in her right arm. In that moment, she becam feral and charged the opposing Tal'Hoku clan. She killed many Tal'Hoku's before she arrived at her target: Jera, the Alpha male of clan Tal'Hoku. Impressed at her feat of strength, Jera called off the clan's attack. He bowed down to the stronger Rodian and agreed to merge the two clans as one under the Nokata banner.
Over the four years that Jera had spent in clan Nokata, he and Felima developed a close and rather intimate relationship. In 48 BBY, Felima caught Jera in bed with another Rodian girl. In a fit of rage, she cut the girls throat, and snapped Jera's spine like a twig. Many have speculated, Koryn included, that such strength was a sign of untapped Force potential and that Koryn inherited his own Force powers from her. Fearing what the clan may do to her, Felima fled to Sal'Kaasa on Ryloth where she would live in self-imposed exile.
Soon, Felima found that she had to get a job. She found a small sales business in Sal'Kaasa that was advertising for help. She entered the shop and was greeted by Gleevor Thraagus, who was currently stacking shelves. She told him that she was looking for a job and Gleevor immediately asked if she could start the next day. Felima enthusiastically agreed and became an employee of Gleevor.
Gleevor often visited Sal'Kaasa every three or four days, but Felima noticed that, in 46 BBY, Gleevor's visits became more and more frequent. One night, while she was locking up the shop, Gleevor was waiting for her. He offered her a ride back to her house; she accepted. When she was climbing out of the speeder, Gleevor grabbed her arm and pulled her close. Gleevor kissed her passionately and Felima realized that she had fallen in love with him.
In 39 BBY, Felima and Gleevor travelled back to Rodia. Felima was particularly nervous about seeing her family after so long. She wondered if they still begrudged her murdering Jera. But with Gleevor by her side, she felt as if she could take on a Rancor single-handedly.
When she arrived at her family's home, they greeted her with open arms. When she asked if they had forgiven her for murdering Jera, her father smiled: "He was Bantha poodoo," he had said. "He was arrogant and cocky. You should have killed the schutta when you set eyes on him." Her family were particularly interested in Gleevor, asking him what he did and where in Rodia he came from. Felima's grandfather claimed that he had known Gleevor's great-grandfather when he was younger. He said that they had grown up in the same village and that they almost brought the two clans together.
After, visiting Felima's family, the lovers visited Gleevor's family. His family were ecstatic that he had found a nice girl like Felima and couldn't believe it when he told them that they had come to Rodia to be married.
The next day, the couple were married in an extravagant ceremony. Clans Thraagus and Nokama were finally united under one banner. Gleevor often claimed, to the amusement of Felima, that he "tamed" her.
In 37 BBY, Felima and Gleevor travelled to Coruscant to finally realize Gleevor's dream of owning a shop there. Coruscant was so... different to any planet that Felima had visited before. It was actually loud to look at; it was always bustling with activity. The shop on Coruscant did moderately well; a lot better than Gleevor succeeded the first time he had visited Coruscant.
In the same year, Felima and Gleevor had their first child, Koryn's father.
In 24 BBY, Felima and Gleevor decided to move their family to Kuat. They could raise there son more easily there, away from the noise of Coruscant. The couple opened another shop here that proved to be their most successful.
A year after arriving on Kuat, Felima and Gleevor had a daughter, Kuluq Thraagus.
In 10 ABY, at the age of 74, Felima passed away.
- "Twas not mercy that stayed my daughter's hand; it was passion."
- ―Felima's father on her sparing Jera's life.
File:Rodian Clan War.jpgClan Tal'Hoku engaged in a clan war
Born in 74 BBY, Jera was raised by his grandparents; his parents had died during a clan war. As such, he was taught traditional values of war. He was raised on conflict from an early age. By the time he was six-years-old, he had already mastered seven forms of hand-to-hand combat and was learning an eighth. He was also extremely skilled in weapons use; he first picked up a blaster pistol at the age of three. Since then he has been taught how to handle both melee and ranged weapons to tremendous quality.
By the time he was nine-years-old, Jera had already participated in four clan wars. At the age of sixteen, along with a group of disgruntled Tal'Hokus, Jera overthrew the current Alpha male. The group elected Jera as the new Alpha male. He was one of the youngest Alpha Males of a clan in the known history of Rodia.
Very little is known of Koryn's father. Below is what has been scraped together from archives and databanks.
Koryn's father was born Dreegho Thraagus on Coruscant in 37 BBY.
In 24 BBY, Gleevor and Felima moved their family to Kuat. Dreegho was enrolled by Gleevor into the best Academy on Kuat that credits could afford.
At the age of 16, in 15 BBY, Dreegho dropped out of the Academy telling Gleevor that he did not enjoy his studies. He became a salesman like his father. Many presume, Koryn included, that Dreegho bought and sold black market goods, but it was never proven.
At some point between 10 BBY and 7 BBY, Dreegho met his future wife and Koryn's mother, Veexo. Sources say that the pair fell in love at first sight.
In 6 BBY, Dreegho and Veexo were married in a large ceremony. Rumours suggest that many noblemen and rich politicians were present at the ceremony, although these rumours are not confirmed in any databank or archive.
In 5 BBY, Dreegho and Veexo have their first child, Koryn's brother.
In 7 ABY, Dreegho and Veexo have their second child, Koryn.
In 10 ABY, Dreegho's father passed away. Devastated by the loss of his father, Dreegho turns to drink. Within a few weeks, he is an alcoholic. This causes many problems with his family and will haunt him later in life.
In 22 ABY, Dreegho viciously assaulted his family; his motives for this are unclear. In fear, he flees to Sullust to become a miner in the hope of creating a new life for himself.
In 24 ABY, Koryn manages to track Dreegho down. He is killed by Koryn's latent Force abilities.
While working as a miner on Sullust, it is believed that Dreegho changed his name to Drex Olkana. He worked under this guise for two years. Although he still enjoyed a drink, he had stopped drinking as much. He led a good life on Sullust, but found no one that he felt he could call 'friend'.
As with his father, very little is known about Koryn's mother.
Koryn's mother was born in 31 BBY as Veexo Hu'San.
In 13 BBY, Veexo graduated from the Academy on Kuat.
At some point between 10 BBY and 7 BBY, Veexo and Dreegho met and fell in love.
In 6 BBY, Dreegho and Veexo were married.
In 5 BBY, Veexo and Dreegho have their first child, Koryn's brother.
File:Veexo holding Koryn.jpgThe only known picture of Veexo. She is holding a young Koryn.The couple have their second child, Koryn, in 7 ABY.
In 22 ABY Dreegho beats Veexo and the rest of his family to near death in a, supposedly, drunken rage. Koryn vows that he will find and kill Dreegho. Veexo and his brother attempt to stop him and he kills them out of hatred for his father.
Koryn's brother was named Luxor. He enrolled into the Imperial Academy and eventually made the rank of lieutenant; he was one of only two non-human officers along with Grand Admiral Thrawn, but his presence was relatively unknown.
Data deleted by the Galactic Empire.
Choice Of Weapons
DC-15A Blaster Rifle
Koryn's DC-15A Blaster Rifle
Koryn's DC-15A Blaster Rifle was left to him by his grandfather shortly before he died. As a child, his grandfather had often told him that he had won it in a tense game of Sabacc against a Clone General.
Although heavier than the more common E-11 Blaster Rifles, Koryn prefers this as it has less recoil than a lighter weapon. However, Koryn found that one downside to the DC-15A is its difficulty in aiming due to the instability of plasma gas. But with training in the Force, Koryn has learnt the art of telekinesis in order to keep the rifle more stable and, in turn, more accurate.
File:Koryns Vibroblade.jpgKoryn's self-forged Vibroblade
While working as a repairman on Onderon, Koryn forged his own Vibroblade. The blade was forged from Cortosis, which Koryn had to steal from a nearby prestigious workshop. Due to the brittle texture of the Cortosis, it didn't take Koryn long to forge the blade. The hilt of the Vibroblade Koryn forged from Chalon and burnt to a deep bronze hue. The hilt, he then wrapped in Tyrian Cloth, a reminder of his species' heritage on Rodia. Koryn has wished many times that he had a faithful weapon such as this by his side when he was a bounty hunter.
Training Saber
Koryn is not yet used to using his Training Sabre. He feels that it is too lightweight and has little control over its direction. However, he feels that with training, he will come to handle it, and any other Lightsaber, just as easily, if not better, than his Vibroblade.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- Has trained with many weapons in his life, both ranged and melee.
- Loyal.
- Hard working.
- Never gives in.
- Agile.
- He is a skilled repairman.
- He is an excellent tracker/hunter.
- Due to Rodians' sucker-tipped fingers, Koryn can climb quicker and with more ease than most other species.
- As with all Rodians, Koryn can see into the infra-red spectrum.
- Sometimes lacks faith in his own Force abilities.
- Anger will sometimes cause him to make rash decisions.
- Left (cybernetic) arm sometimes causes him a sharp, stinging pain.
- As Rodians exude a musky aroma, Koryn finds it hard to disguise his whereabouts as easily as other species.
- Weak in comparison to some species.
- Koryn is slow to trust people. Those who have earned his trust have received a great honour.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
House Acclivis Draco Journeyman Senator.
House Acclivis Draco Movie Newscaster.
Outstanding Achievements
- Promoted from Initiate up through to Novice in a matter of hours. Yes that's right hours.
- Placed first overall in the Dark Tides events earning himself an Anteian Cross, a Crescent with Ruby Star, and five Crescents with Amethyst Stars.
- Koryn is the Apprentice of Robin Hawk and former Apprentice of Xathia.
- Can speak Rodese and Basic. Koryn speaks Basic extremely fluently for a Rodian. He is also learning to speak Twi'Leki.
- Koryn is right handed, which is lucky due to his cousin's betrayal of cutting off his left arm.
- Due to his Rodian heritage, Koryn is very aggressive. However, due to his grandfather's influence, he is also a keen academic and hopes to balance his level of aggression with his intelligence.