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|type= Force Disciple
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|firstname= Shanree

Latest revision as of 16:37, 29 July 2024

Rise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
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Shanree Argentin
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

15 BBY (age 58)

Physical Description









Dirty Blonde

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):

Form IV Ataru


Dual Worshyr Fighting Sticks/Lightsabers

Fighting Style(s):

Teras Kasi

Chronology & Political Information

Colonel, Taldryan Army-Special Activities Group




Clan Taldryan

Personal Ship:

["SAG 1-337"]

Known apprentices:

Zakai Biask


#3729 - [Sheet]

[ Source ]

Shanree Argentin is a male Miraluka Gray Jedi. Born to a wealthy family he joined the Rebel Alliance Army as much to escape that box as to fight the Empire's cruel injustices. The fall of the Galactic Empire and his subsequent disillusionment with the New Republic, with its weak and naive defense policies, caused him to resign his commission and set off on a soul searching adventure across the galaxy.

Meeting a Mystic on Shili, he earned the man's begrudging respect and learned from him the ancient forms of Teras Kasi's oldest school. It was within this training that his innate connection to the Force, present as it is in all Miraluka, began to grow and blossom. At the call of an old friend, Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama, he joined Clan Taldryan with the promise of meeting disciplined Force Users who he could hone his connection with. It was ironic then that he would end up taking on an apprentice to teach in the ways of the Force by the name of Zakai Biask. He now has a commission in the Taldryan Army, and is an operative for Army Intelligence's Special Activities Group.

Character History

Origin & Joining the Alliance to Restore the Republic

Shanree Argentin was born on Miraluka to a family that wanted for nothing, but he found both his family’s expectations and his People’s introvertedness to be stifling. Because of the old Jedi tradition of abducting Force Sensitive children the Miraluka were used to hiding their young and their greater connection to the Force from their Order, and then the Imperials who would come around for the same purpose. Shanree’s potential and secret training in the use of the Force were kept hidden from even other Miralukans. Upon reaching his majority Shanree left his family home and joined up with the newly declared Alliance to Restore the Republic. Using his family name he managed to obtain a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant under an unpopular program meant to raise money for the Alliance military. He underwent initial Basic Training and then his Basic Leadership Officer Training in the course of a year, and then was assigned to a combat unit. Through the course of the Galactic Civil War Shanree distinguished himself not as a spoiled rich kid in over his head, but rather as an effective combat leader and loyal guardian of his soldiers’ well-being. By the end of the war at Jakku Shanree had fought across a half dozen worlds and risen to the rank of Army Captain.

Officer of the New Republic Army

With the war’s end strong sentiments across the newly restored Republic called for the demilitarization and demobilization of the Alliance’s armed forces in conjunction with the draw-down in former Imperial military assets. The New Republic was highly selective about which Alliance personnel could continue on in their capacities in the new system and Shanree made the cut. He became disillusioned with the peace he’d fought for over the next several years as he saw the naivete of the New Republic’s leadership was leading it to make crucial policy mistakes, and ultimately be rendered impotent under the weight of corporate lobbying and De-Imperialized politicians and military leaders. Now a Major and in his 30s Shanree was pushed out of the New Republic Army after falling afoul of a rising cabal of former Imperial officers.

How Shanree Got his Groove Back

Having spent his entire adult life fighting to restore the Republic and the democratic ideal it represented, only to see it become the tool of former Imperials, left Shanree lost and adrift. He spent several years soul searching across the Galaxy until he stumbled across an old man on the planet Shili who appeared to be under attack by a small gang of youths. Shanree threw himself into action without hesitation and acted to protect the older man, and he took some serious injuries from the youths before the Old Man proved himself to be quite capable of defending himself. It was under this Man’s tutelage that Shanree learned Teras Kasi, and began the process of healing his body and soul. It was at this point that the old soldier embraced his identity as a Force User and learned more fully how to appreciate his connection to the Force.

Joining Taldryan

At the invitation of an old acquaintance, then Consul of Taldryan Erinyes Tenema, Shanree visited Caelus. The two of them had known each-other for years and had alternately been as helpful to one-another as they had been hindrances. In an effort to put the past to bed, and to offer Shanree a project he could give himself over to, Consul Tenema invited him to come participate in the Clan’s transition to a Republic. Shanree’s old republican flames were reignited, which meant he was very interested and after a year or two of visiting he decided to make Taldryan his home. He was introduced at that time to the newly orphaned Zakai Biask as a role model and big brother figure, in an effort by Erinyes to offload the Clan’s only ward, but the two quickly hit it off famously. Zakai would accept Shanree as his Master and instructor in the ways of the Force and has learned a great deal from him in the last few years.

Shanree was recruited by the Taldryan Army’s Special Activities Group and given a direct commission to the rank of Colonel. He undertakes difficult, asymmetric missions on behalf of A-SAG and Taldryan in order to protect the Republic’s fledgling democracy. He advocates a strong military policy to secure the borders of the Republic against potential threats and a proactive suite of covert actions that seek to neutralize threats before they require larger interventions.

Personal Fight Record

Shanree looks for opportunities to test his combat skills against other skilled opponents. He considers it a great deal of fun to spar, but he also takes it very seriously as a [art of his constant physical, mental, and Force training. The following records his fight record as he tells it; For IC purposes the facts of each ACC Bout may have been massaged in order to work (such as ret-conning a result where He died) or by agreement with another player.

Shanree vs Anderson

Vice-Chancellor Anderson, Director of the Taldryan's Office of Secret Intelligence, accepted a request for a friendly sparring match from the Commanding General of the Army Special Activities Group on behalf of Shanree. They prearranged several rules and signals they would abide by during the match beforehand, and on the day of the bout they met at the Chyron Embassy on Kasiya to utilize their extensive facilities. The match began as arranged with both duelists saluting each other with their sabers and agreeing that they would end the fight when the first one submitted. There was a short period of testing one before Shanree used a single Wroshyr fighting stick to lever Ander's feet out from under him in a show of skill. Anderson took the display personally and became enraged. The Sith man began attempting to injure and/or kill Shanree in his anger forcing Shanree to unleash a powerful series of Telekinetic pushes that pressed the Director into the wall. Disarming Anders, Shanree grappled the man on the ground and ultimately forced his submission by tap out. Anderson left the match furious but offered Shanree a position at OSI in a begrudging display of respect for the man's skill. Shanree did not accept.

Shanree vs Alaisy Tir'eivra


Personality and Quirks

Born to wealth,Shanree has lived a life of physical and martial labor. Shanree is a genial man and well-practiced in easing into new social situations. He radiates clam self-assuredness which some see as a form of cockiness. While not entirely without some bravado, he has broadly earned his self-confidence. He enjoys a good challenge and looks forward to finding solutions that catch others off-guard. Shanree takes his physical fitness very seriously and constantly hones strength by practicing the forms of Teras Kasi and by sparring with talented partners. He is very driven and focused, particularly in his practice of Martial Arts, reflecting a sharp mind. He can with great clarity see with the aid of the Force, an ability that can allow him to see others for who they truly are.

Physical Description

Shanree is a man growing nearer to 60 than 50, but because of his active lifestyle and physical training his body is healthy and well built. Fit and tall, Shanree is not made of bulging muscles but rather of honed and hardened sinews. His physical regime includes a range of body weight exercises, cardio in the form of distance running and anaerobic sprints, as well as his martial arts practice of Teras Kasi. His goal is to keep his body strong enough, in all regards, to tackle any challenge he is presented with. When Shanree walks or moves, he does so with exceptional confidence and smoothness-- so much so that the untrained can tell there is something different about this person.

Force Powers

Force Sight and Perception

As a Miraluka Shanree can see in place of traditional sight through the Force. While not analogous to visual sight, he's found it easier to describe things in sighted terms for the benefit of those around him. In general things that are inorganic, innert, and devoid of life do not appear within the Force, though the Force flows around those things-- which Shanree and Miraluka can perceive as shadows. Living things, things that the living Force suffuses and embues glows within the Force and if they have a sensativity to the Force they will glow with vivid detail. His natural Force Sight and great potential within the Force mean that Shanree is incredibly perceptive and able to make out details that would be unseen and unnoticed by the sighted. His perception allows him to perceive who has been in a place long after they left, he can determine what they did and what they touched, and where they went to given enough time and concentration.


Always having been an athletic and active person Shanree always seemed to have a nearly endless supply of energy within himself. As he came to better understand his connection to the Force as an adult he recognized that he had an innate ability to draw rejuvenating Force Power from the environment around him. Having previously channeled this talent unconsciously, Shanree has worked to be able to consciously control it so that in combat and exertion his limits far exceed that of those of just about anyone he encounters. There is a drop of to this ability that can overwhelm Shanree with exhaustion rapidly, but his training goes a long ways to helping him understand his true limits.


Perhaps because of his natural Force Sight, Shanree has always understood the Force differently than the way Jedi and Sith have described it. For him the powers associated with Telekinesis have always come very easily and naturally to him, allowing him to manipulate objects in complex and intricate ways without ever physically touching them. He's quite comfortable juggling multiple objects or manipulating a single one with great skill.

Fighting Abilities

Matching Worshyr Tree branch light sabers and Teras Kasi fighting sticks

Shanree was taught the ancient forms of Teras Kasi from his Master, Jur Moncurun, and how to utilize the two handed fighting stick fighting style in concert with the unusual Martial Art. Teras Kasi utilizes the practitioner's balance and ability to quickly change direction to put Force Users on a more equal footing. With the heft of a Worshyr tree's branch, the fighting sticks he uses in each hand are capable of blunt force attacks and can be used to block other hard objects, even withstanding light saber attacks for a short time. Once he began to learn to use Lightsabers, after leaving his Teras Kasi training, he incorporated the saber's blade components into his fighting sticks allowing him to seamless slip between blunt and saber based attacks.

Shanree has trained for years to hone his body and embrace the Force. His prowess in Martial Arts and Saber fighting is maintained by constant practice, both alone and with others. He is well practiced in studying the tactics and idiosyncrasies of his opponents and uses this knowledge to utilize his vast knowledge and practice of Teras Kasi, often tearing the defense of others wide open to their great surprise. He is like to utilize agility, athleticism, and Force powers in combat to catch enemies off guard and open to attack from unexpected angles.


Current main character of long time DJB member Vodo Biask Taldrya