Kal Vorrac: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|weight=130 lbs
|weight=130 lbs
|cyber= Both legs, left arm, kidney, pancreas, liver.
|cyber= Both legs, left arm, kidney, pancreas, liver.
|allies= *[[Arcadian]]
|allies= *[[Vivackus Kavon]], [[Mograine]], [[Jaecyn Kai Interm]], [[Sanguinius Tsucyra]], [[Aeshi]]
|saber= Red
|saber= Red

Revision as of 04:59, 12 June 2009

Kal Vorrac
Kal Vorrac
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

15 BBY

Physical Description







130 lbs






Both legs, left arm, kidney, pancreas, liver.

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):

Teras Kasi, Grappling

Chronology & Political Information

Assassin/Dark Jedi


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



[ Source ]

Kal Vorrac is currently a Sith Warrior of Clan Plagueis and House Satal Keto. A man of manipulation, he has practice in pulling the strings of all around him. While usually preferring to fight from afar and play with lives as if on a dejarik board, his shadowy past as an assassin allows him to fight when he needs to. That said, he grapples with age as he continues his ascension through the Dark Side.

Character History

Early Years(Age 1-19)

Second-Hand Boy

Kal's origin is rather meager and depressing, though it laid the groundwork for his challenging life and his twisted persona. Abandoned by the parents he never knew when he was just a week old, a note told the people his name, Kal, and that he was to be taken care of. He was found in a case for a rifle, stamped with the mark VORRAC INDUSTRIES, INC. The name Vorrac was used as his last name, and it was more than fitting, as his grandfather's name had given rise to the defense contractor that produced both rifle and box.

As such, Kal Vorrac was adopted by a Deathstick dealer's twi'lek slave. The dealer, an Ithorian named Haido Kuzh, let her keep the child because she'd been more than devoted in her duties to him. The boy was raised by a series of uncles and cousins, in reality customers, clients, and lackeys. They took a shine to the little green-eyed boy, whom they found to have a voracious mind. He was taught how to handle a blaster, how to fight, and many languages.

When he was at the age of ten, innacurate by a few months because they called the day he was found his birthday, Haido began to think the boy was becoming a burden. He forced him to work for his meals, his clothing, and his shelter. For a time, he became Haido's drug runner, able to survive on the streets of lower Coruscant because of his blaster, the dirty tricks he knew, and his quick wits and reflexes. Eventually, he robbed a few people and began dealing his own deathsticks, finally getting rid of the rags and meager food Haido "paid" him with. The boy began buying nice clothing and shoes with the money, having learned charisma and manners from dealing with the many women that the Ithorian and his customers associated with.

Soon, though, a few of Haido's customers found that Vorrac had stolen from them, and brought trouble to Haido's doorstep. The Empire was already tough enough on criminals, and Haido had to make a bargain with the vicious trandoshans to slave out his adoptive son, else he would have lost his legs. Kal tried to flee the place, but the reptilian aliens cornered the boy. They didn't expect his aim with a blaster to be so good, though, and he killed them both with a quick-draw of his pistol. Seeing what he'd done and knowing nothing good would come of it, the boy ran away, stowing away on a cargo freighter to find a new home. What he found was just another Hell, one far worse than the last.

The Smuggler's Moon

A startled dockworker was left with nothing but a gasp of surprise and a broken knee the day he found a young Kal Vorrac, twelve years old, scrawny, and dressed in dirty and torn clothing. The young boy gave him no chance to really react, hefting a heavy droid part at his knee and shattering the cap, giving him time to use the one skill he had always been a master of. Kal Vorrac ran like hell.

What he didn't realize at the time was how devilish and dark of a place he'd found, learning the name of the place from an old cripple in an alleyway. Having stolen from a man in a blaster shop, Kal earned the right to know that he now walked upon the surface of Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon. For the first week and a half in this new place, the hotbed of criminals and scum that orbited the world of the Hutts, Kal slept under, inside, and behind whatever would keep him from prying eyes. He obtained food and water by using his small frame and quiet demeanor to steal from, sabotage, and even hurt the many people around. Morals and ethics never came to his head, for he'd never known them; it was just another meal, another drink.

In time he gathered a few nicknames, including a very vulgar Trandoshan word that called him thief in very colorful terms. He was the littlest thief, or the ankle biter. It only took so long of this before different people offered him opportunities. The first was a Sullustan named Gav Sumbul, who offered him the job of fixing broken machinery in exchange for the use of a shower and consistent food. In reality, Gav owed a large debt to some very aggressive Hutts and needed to make money without spending too much. To Kal, however, exploitation and charity rhymed quite well.

Physical Description

Vorrac has black hair, emerald eyes, and skin pale as ice. While not an overbearing man, he is fairly tall at six feet and keeps his medium build in perfect physical condition. His hair is kept so short that he is nearly bald, and his face is kept free of facial hair. His left arm and both legs are prosthetic parts, coated in a black armourweave similar in appearance and texture to skin. Kal always wears his Brotherhood robes, both for effect and to conceal his false body parts.


Kal is cold from a life of killing, calculating from a history of guarding his back. He likes to play with everyone and everything near him, at times even trying to subtly manipulate those far above him in status and power. He sees everything, even his own life, as a potential asset to be exploited and expended if need be. It is this disposition that supplies him with his main traits, and his only two fears.

Kal shows arrogance frequently, thinking himself naturally above all others. Also, he shows extreme vanity in his obsessive self-care and his maddening drive to make others serve him. While he is willing to dip into many luxuries, he believes in detachment from belongings and caring. He will use a woman for his lust, but he loves no one. He will enjoy a luxurious setting one moment, and burn it to the ground the next to kill the enemies within. He loves and cares about nothing, keeping himself healthy only so that he may be entirely able to use and control.

He fears only two things. Firstly, as stated, he fears growing too old to survive in his vicious setting. Secondly, he fears complete out-maneuvering, being left without any options. It is in moments like this that he fights the hardest, going nearly insane with the desire to survive and succeed. His arrogance, vanity, and lust for control can often be exploited by his betters, who know that planting such a voracious manipulator as Vorrac into a system of power can easily destroy or subvert potential rivals or foes. This manipulation of the Sith is similar to planting a vicious disease to combat another.

Finally, Vorrac is left with a strong sense of insecurity. This is why he controls. He has severe abandonment issues from the many parental figures in his life, which is what makes him isolate himself. Overall, this is the most tragic part of Kal's existence, the feeling that no matter how much he conquers, how much he consumes and destroys, he will never be worth anything. It is this that pervades every fiber of Vorrac, filling him with self-destructive rage and a ravenous drive to conquer and dominate.


For an unknown reason, Kal Vorrac influences and teaches many younger Jedi. From his former apprentice, Vivackus Kavon, to less-formal proteges like Kara Rohana and Mehrunes Dagon, Kal is known for finding and teaching young talent. His ways of doing this are shadowy and seem to vary, though few like to even guess what sinister purpose may lay within his techniques. Most recently, however, Mograine has been introduced to the fold of Apprenticeship.

Positions Held


  • Kal is a master of the game Dejarik, having studied the game as it was played on six different worlds.
  • Kal is known to build a new lightsaber every few weeks.
  • A commonly-known fact about Kal Vorrac is his avid hate for all forms of droid.
  • Kal is fluent in basic, high galactic, rodese, huttese, dosh, and twi'leki. He also comprehends certain varieties of droidspeak.