Zxyl Bes'uliik Taldrya: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Revision as of 05:41, 11 March 2019

Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
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Nihlus Vexrii
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

4 ABY (age 38)

Physical Description





1.91 m / 6'3"


77.91 kg / 172 lb





  • Upper Left Torso
  • Left Arm
  • Lower Jaw
Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Purple / Acid Yellow

Lightsaber Form(s):
  • Lightsabers
  • BR-5010 Slugthrowers
Chronology & Political Information
  • Inquisitorius Commando / Agent
  • Sith Alchemist
  • Starfighter Pilot
Personal Ship:



Dossier - Character Sheet

[ Source ]

Nihlus Vexrii is a Force Disciple affiliated with Clan Taldryan


Before Darkness

Not much is known about Nihlus Vexrii's time before the Brotherhood. He was born on his species homeworld Umbara just prior to the destruction of the DS-2 Battle Station and raised there by an Imperial science officer - a weapons developer in service to Umbaran-Imperial technical cooperation initiative. His mother died during childbirth, leaving him to be raised in a strict doctrine by his father Xil, who believed that one day a new Empire would emerge.

Prior to leaving Umbara, Nihlus spent time as a soldier with the Umbaran military. There, he received training on anti-Jedi tactics and slugthrower weapons. Vexrii served with the Umbaran military for only a few missions - receiving anti-Jedi and slugthrower training - before being offered a chance by an agent of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood to join the powerful organization.


Antei's moon, Lyspair

Vexrii enlisted in the Brotherhood. Following tradition at the time, he was dropped off via shuttle on the surface of Lyspair and made the journey to the Shadow Academy. The Test of Lore was administered and passed, with Nihlus being indoctrinated into the Brotherhood as a Journeyman. All of his possessions were surrendered to the coffers of the Dark Brotherhood and started his new career with nothing - the bottom of the food chain. Returning to Taldryan led the Umbaran to attend and graduate the Taldryan Military's training institute on Karufr. Vexrii transfered to the Dark Prophet as part of one of her starfighter wings while he continued his studies. Immediately upon joining the crew of the vessel they attended a military ceremony meant to honour the winners of the recent Rite of Supremacy - Second Darkness.

Forces from several of the Brotherhood's clan's attended the awards ceremony meant to celebrate the three victors, held just outside The Shroud. As the festivities were underway and recognition being given by the Sith, an alien race devoid of the Force commanding a fleet more than twice the size of the present forces launched an all out assault on the Brotherhood vessels. With this the Eighth Great Jedi War begun, the Dark Prophet sacrificing herself as a retreat order into The Shroud was given by the leadership.

Nihlus was one of several pilots able to successfully launch their craft before the Victory-class Star Destroyer suffered catastrophic hull failure and vented her innards into space, and successfully made a return to the Venator-class Star Destroyer Katarn which itself had suffered incredible damage and had almost failed to make the retreat. During the trip back to Antei the Umbaran served as an engineer aboard the limping cruiser until it was able to regroup with other forces. Later on, the Dark Lord of the Sith Aristan Dantes would call for a complete retreat from Antei, leading a full abandonment of the planet and the Shadow Academy on it's moon.

During the aftermath of the assault and loss of the Brotherhood center of power, Nihlus returned with his fellow Dark Jedi back to the Kr'Tal System. A short time after the Umbaran pilot returned the Cotelin-class Star Destroyer Justice was commissioned by Taldryan's leadership. Vexrii's next posting would be the Justice, his potential as a pilot not un-noticed.

Karufr, home of Clan Taldryan

Nihlus spent quite some time aboard the Cotelin-class destroyer, branching out slowly as a Dark Jedi and improving his abilities with practice. He occasionally assisted the engineers by lending an extra hand on repairs and maintenance when he could spare the time. A large portion of his time however was spent inside the flight simulators, practicing his skills in an effort to perfect them. The Umbaran quickly became known as a reputable squadron mate and enjoyed a rather relaxed position aboard the cruiser even as Operation: Swift Justice was underway.


GJW: Unification going-ons, loss of upper part of torso and arm from starfighter crash, repaired with cybernetics.

Thirst for Knowledge

Goes hunting for some knowledge/artifacts/whatever, meets Nokzeim and bests him in combat - recruiting him in the process. The two continue the knowledge quest until Nihlus returns to the DB to lead House Ektrosis

Unforgettable Mistake

Has a terrible training accident during lightsaber sparring, lower jaw severed by lightsaber with damage to vocal cords and throat. Fitted with a cybernetic lower jaw/breathing apparatus with a vocal emulator. During this time is also provided a tailored set of Sith Armor by Grand Master Muz Ashen, constructed to resemble that of the The Nephilim

Dark Summit

Assumes position as Aedile of House Taldryan, and succeeds Windos as Keeper of the Holocrons. Isolates himself in the Holocron Center on Antei, chronicling the Ancient Sith knowledge there. Starts down the road of a Sith Alchemist, learning to comprehend the ancient language, rituals, and technical processes. Constructs his first custom lightsaber, only to have it destroyed a few months later. Continues to use Herald-issued lightsabers.

The New Order

Leaves the Holocron Center to join the Iron Navy's forces shortly after the Horizons event takes place and Pravus ascends to the throne, itching to be behind the control yoke. Spends some time with them before joining the Inquisitorius and conducting missions for them. On a recon mission of his own, acquires the Sith holocron of Lord Phuxall, an Ancient Sith alchemist and weapons designer. Constructs the obsidian lightsaber Devorantem from ancient lightsaber plans concealed within the holocron.

Alchemy Obsession

Forms an obsession with becoming a master of Sith Alchemy. Returns to his studies of Sith Alchemical rites and technical processes in a bid to become a master Sith engineer.


Assigned by the Inquisitorius to infiltrate Clan Naga Sadow. Constructs the unique crossguard lightsaber Shadowsteel to specifically combat Jedi opponents. Leads into GJW XII.

The Force Must End

Forms a somewhat similar belief to Rath Oligard - that the Force must come to an end by any means, but sees the Dark Brotherhood as a means to that end. Does not believe that the answer lies with strictly with the dark side of the Force, transitioning into a Force Disciple.

Rite of Taldryan

Return to Clan Taldryan and Rite of Supremacy: Meridian

Abilities & Traits

Permanent Injuries

Blurb about his chest, arm, and jaw injuries with short blurbs about their cybernetic replacements.


Blurb about his Lore skills and language skills

Combat Training

Blurb about Nihlus' anti-Force User tactics and slugthrower training, with his skills in Jar'Kai/Vapaad highlighted.

Prized Equipment

Einherjar Armor

Production information
  • Based off Ancient Sith design
  • Designation: XT-420


Possession Item:

Item #

Technical specifications

2.0 meters




Nihlus Vexrii's entire body

[ Source ]

Full description about Nihlus' Einherjar Armor also known by it's designation XT-420, which includes a a fully-enclosed helm featuring an onyx and faceless polarized full face plate, shoulder pauldrons, vambrace-length gauntlets, a cuirass and partial plackart, integrated belt, protective tassets, knee guards, and full length non-slip-grip boots. Explain custom interface H.U.D.

Layer 1 - Bodyglove

Blurb about bodyglove

Layer 2 - Main Wiring / Power Cells

Blurb about how the wiring harness connects with the rest of the armor, and power cells in the backplate. Also include a bit about secondary wiring harnesses branching off.

Layer 3 - Outer Shell

Blurb about the titanium-chromium armor plating and it's construction/effects.


Blurb about the Helmet construction. Blurb about the programming of the Custom Interface H.U.D. and how it connects to the main wiring harness, and what kind of information can be displayed.


Main article: Imperialis

Purchased Imperialis after joining Darth Pravus' New Order and explains how he lives aboard it, occasionally has to take bacta baths in it to recover, etc etc.


File:9056 lightsaber1.png
Production information
  • Designed by: Lord Phuxall
  • Constructed by: Nihlus Vexrii


  • Ornate Obsidian Construction
  • Waterproof

Long-Handle Lightsaber



Possession Item:

Epic Lightsaber

Technical specifications






[ Source ]

Devorantem is the custom lightsaber constructed by Nihlus shortly after becoming Keeper of the Holcrons. It was constructed from a set of plans created by an Ancient Sith weapons designer and alchemist Lord Phuxall, who Nihlus had formed an obsession with. A unique thin obsidian-steel hilt flanked by dark and regular chrome jagged edges and fitted with a smooth to the touch comfort grip.

Big explanation about how it was built, and the Kyber crystal turning translucent-yellow upon it's awakening by Nihlus.


File:9056 lightsaber2.png
Production information

Nihlus Vexrii



  • Titanium Construction
  • Grip Pressure Sensor

Unique Crossguard Lightsaber


Over 20,000 credits

Possession Item:

Epic Lightsaber

Technical specifications






[ Source ]

Shadowsteel is a unique crossguard lightsaber constructed by Nihlus after joining the Grand Master's Royal Guard. It is made from a perfectly machined block of dark chrome titanium, with two crossguard blade emitters that face away and towards the user. The weapon was built for duels with lightsaber-wielding opponents specifically.

Bigger blurb on the lightsaber.


  • Former Aedile of House Ektrosis
  • Former Aedile of Independent House Taldryan
  • Former Keeper of the Holocrons
  • Former Inter-Club Training Event gaming All Star
  • Known previously as Anubis Annedu
    • Nihlus was heavily inspired by Darth Vader, who his creator considers to be the greatest of all time Star Wars character