Kuat Drive Yards
EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
8,925,000 Cr
300 keters
72 meters
166 meters
1,200 G
800 km/h
7 KDY Galaxy-i5 Ion Engines
Serridge SEAL Deflector Shield
Titanium-reinforced Alloy
12 Taim & Bak XI7 Turbolasers
12 Borstel RH8 Laser Cannons
2 Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors
See Below
75 Troops
6,000 tons
2 years
Taldryan Defense Force
Taldryan Navy
Task Force Xesh
35 ABY
Altur's Storm is an EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate, one of the most common Alliance to Restore the Republic vessels. This particular vessel serves in the Taldryan Defense Force’s Task Force Xesh. It is the second vessel in that fleet and serves as the UNNAMED's primary escort.
Quick blurb about how it was made.
Quick blurb about how Taldryan got it.
None slotted, yet.