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{{Sith charinfo
  |name= Seviss "Nihilus" Vaa
  |homeworld= Iridonia
  |birth= 8 ABY
  |death= n/a
  |species= Zabrak
  |homeworld= [[Calabrex]]
  |birth= 4 ABY
  |death= 26 ABY
  |species= Chiss
  |gender= Male
  |gender= Male
  |hair= None
  |hair= Black
  |eyes= Dark Brown
  |eyes= Dark Red
  |skin= Tan
  |skin color= Blue
  |height= 2.0m
  |height= 1.905m
  |weight= 81.65kgs
  |weight= 102.06kgs
  |allies= Clan Taldryan
  |enemies= Other Clans of the Brotherhood
  |saber= Training Saber
  |fightingstyle= [[Teras Kasi]]
  |profession= Dark Jedi
  |position= Sith Flight Member
  |era= [[New Jedi Order Era]], [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
  |affiliation= [[Clan Taldryan]]
|affiliation= *[[Clan Scholae Palatinae]]
  |ship= Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor
*[[House Dorimad Sol]]
*[[Banshee Brigade]]
|masters=*[[Kraval Novir]] (Sith Master)
*[[Shikyo Keibatsu]] (Krath Master)
*[[Jeric Cyrin]] (Sith Master)
<!-- |dossier=[[dossier:8186|8186]] -->

[[Seviss Nihilus Vaa]] is a [[Dark Jedi]] Brotherhood member belonging to Clan Taldryan's [[House Dinaari]]. A member of the Battle Team Dark Fire Brigade, Seviss takes pride in his achievements over the past years. He is a history major with a [[Shadow Academy]] Degree in History. He knows all about the Sith Empires and the Old and New Republics. He is a journeyman looking forward to one day being promoted to the rank of [[Dark Jedi Knight]].
'''Cado H'darr''' was a [[Dark Jedi Knight]] and a member of [[Scholae Palatinae]]

== Seviss Vaa's History ==
''More coming soon…''
=== The Next Generation ===
'''"8 ABY - 13 ABY"'''

[[Image:Iridonia.jpg|left|thumb|Iridonia]]Born as Seviss Vaa in 8 ABY at the capital, Malidris, of Iridonia he was the 21st generation of the Vaa family. He was the first child in this generation and a year later in 9 ABY his sister, Sakura Vaa, was born. In the Vaa family it was tradition that you have one son and one daughter, and when they grow up they have one son and one daughter. The reason they do this is so the power of the Vaas Tribe stays within the Vaa family, and no other family gets power over the tribe. Though a prophecy was made that said the 20th generation would be the last generation of the Vaa family, and there would be no 21st generation. With the birth of Seviss and Sakura they thought that the prophecy that was made was faulty.
[[Category:Deceased Characters]]
=== Early Life ===
'''"13 ABY - 21 ABY"'''
[[image: Vaas_Symbol.jpg|left|thumb|Vaas Tribe Symbol]]At an early age of 5, young Seviss got his family tribal tattoos tattooed onto his body, and the mark of the Vaa Zabrak Tribe. These symbolize that he is ready to start learning the art of warfare, tactics, and leadership skills. Thought not long after he got his tattoos he developed claustrophobia due to an accident on his father’s ship when he was caught in a small area while he was trying to fix cables. During the 3 ½ years he spent on his father’s ship, and learning the things he needed to learn to be a good ruler, he saw over 30 battles where his father and the Vaas fleet defeated and destroyed other forces. Some of these forces were the Blood Raider Pirates forces, and some were left over Imperial forces. Seviss was amazed by tactics his father used, and these tactics were known and the deadliest and best tactics the galaxy has ever seen.
Seviss’s father also taught him how to use a sword, lightsaber, and the blaster rifle and pistol his father had given him over the years. Upon his arrival back to Iridonia, Seviss’ grandfather was dying of wounds he had obtained during a battle against the Empire. Before he passed away he gave young Seviss dual single handed swords that he started making when Seviss got his tribal tattoos. The swords were made out of the strongest metal known to man deep under the acid seas on Iridonia. Though things seemed bad enough with the death of his grandfather, what would come next in his life would ultimately change him forever. Four years after the death of his grandfather, the Blood Raider Pirates would get their revenge on the Vaa family. On their way to Coruscant Seviss’ father and mother were attacked by a small band of Blood Raider forces sent to make sure the Vaas Tribe Leader never made it to Coruscant.
Angered by the death of his parents, young 12 year old Seviss took the “Leviathan”, which was the flagship of the Vaas fleet, and set towards Mustafar to kill his parents’ murderers. Luckily a crew member from his fathers ship sent out a distress call of the raiders position before being destroyed. Seviss made it to Mustafar just in time to meet the Blood Raider force that killed his parents. Quickly the Vaas fleet attacked and destroyed the small band of raiders, and then turned around and warped back to Iridonia. They made it back unscathed, and when they arrived a young 13 year old Seviss was named the new ruler of the Vaas Tribe. One gift he received was from a Zabrak Prophet who gave him a fleet of 26 Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptors.
These interceptors were painted all black with red stripped paint job which were the colors of the Vaas fleet. Two more items, which were very important to Seviss, were given to him when he was crowned. One was the Sword of Iridonia, and the other item was the Sword of Darkness. Whoever had the Sword of Iridonia in their possession was the ruler of the Vaas Tribe. The Sword of Darkness was made by Seviss’ father which was a present to Seviss to show that he is ready to take on his leadership roll.
=== A Leaders Fall ===
'''"21 ABY - 24 ABY"'''
Though all the thing he had inherited, like the swords, the empire, and the amazing fleet, were all good, but his hatred for the Blood Raiders would ultimately lead to his downfall. Within a year of being named ruler of the Vaas Tribe, he waged war with the fearsome Blood Raider Pirates. He first attack a Blood Raider fleet waiting for him outside their home world of Mustafar in 22 ABY. The Vaas fleet suffered severe losses, and the “Leviathan” suffered heavy damage, but they were able to leave heavy losses for the Blood Raiders as well. Seviss and what was left of his fleet limped back to Iridonia.
Upon their return home they quickly started repairing the Leviathan, and rebuilding the rest of the fleet. Seviss’ idea was to rebuild the fleet twice the size it use to be, but through multiple setbacks by Blood Raider attacks, the Vaas were only able to rebuild only ¾ of what Seviss planned plus a few additions to the fleet. In late 23 ABY the Blood Raiders made a surprise attack on the Vaas forces over Iridonia. Seviss quickly sprung into battle with his new ultimate weapon called the “Spirit of Iridonia” which was a replica of an Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer. Along with the “Leviathan” and its sister ship called the “Honor” by the Spirits side, Seviss thought he was now unstoppable. The Blood Raider forces quickly attack the Super Star Destroyer, but even after wave after wave of attacks the Blood Raiders could not seem to even damage the enormous starship.
Seviss left the ship, in command of one of his highest ranking admirals, with his strike force of light interceptors to help destroy the Blood Raiders attacking the starship. It was to late for Seviss to do any good when a weakness was found in the shield generators of the Spirit. Once the Blood Raiders destroyed the main shield generator in the front of the ship, it was easy for them to attack it and they blew the front of the ship completely off. One of the Blood Raider pilots shot into the hull of the Spirit, and hit one of the four main reactors causing a catastrophic meltdown and the end of the enormous starship. The explosion was so enormous that it destroyed the “Honor” which was on one side of the ship, and crippled the “Leviathan” which was on the other side of it. During which time 17 of the 26 interceptors that were in Seviss’ strike force were destroyed.
Luckily the Vaas forces caused enough damage where the Blood Raiders had to retreat back home, but Seviss knew that if the Blood Raiders were to attack again what was left of his fleet wouldn’t be able to hold the Blood Raider fleet off for very long. In early 24 ABY the Blood Raider Pirates did just that, and attacked the Vaas forces over Iridonia wiping them out within a matter of seconds. Seviss stayed on Iridonia preparing the Vaas Army for invasion because he knew this was their last stand and the only way to fend off the horrible Blood Raiders. Though after bombardment after bombardment Seviss knew there was no hope in defeating the Blood Raiders. He told the Zabraks of the Vaas Tribe to flee the planet, and Seviss and his sister, Sakura, fled to Coruscant.
=== Path to the Dark Side ===
'''"24 ABY - 27 ABY"'''
Losing Iridonia to the Blood Raider Pirates and having to exile to Coruscant was bad enough, but in 25 ABY things got even worse for the 17 year old Zabrak. In early 25 ABY Seviss and Sakura were expecting the 22nd generation to come into the galaxy. It was true, and in late 25 ABY Sakura went into labor. Sadly after 16 hours in labor she passed away from the stress. The baby boy was not in good shape either and the doctors tried saving the boy, but he died shortly after his mother passed. Seviss was in absolute rage and took out his sword and killed everyone in the room.
He then realized that something inside the metal of the sword, that his father created for him, gave him a boost of energy. He went back to his palace on Coruscant, and did some research on the dark side of the force. He found that there is a metal found on Dagobah deep inside a cave known as the Cave of Darkness. This is where his father got the name of the sword as the Sword of Darkness. It wasn’t long after he was confronted by a Dark Jedi named Kraval Novir. Kraval invited him to come to Kr’Tal, the home world of Clan Taldryan which was apart of the brotherhood known as the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Novir invited Seviss because he knew that the young Zabrak was very force sensitive, and had much hatred flowing through his blood.
=== A New Journeymen and His Exile ===
'''"27 ABY - 29 ABY"'''
Seviss accepted the offer and went to Kr’Tal with his star fighter and all his valuables to begin his training as a Dark Jedi under the tutelage of Kraval Novir. Seviss learned the path of the Sith, and what it meant to be in the Order of the Sith. Seviss quickly went up the ranks of the Journeymen, which is the beginning stages of a Dark Jedi’s life. Though when the fear of a 7th Great Jedi War broke out, Seviss got scarred and did not want to go into war because he was still shook up from the 3 year war he experienced with the Blood Raider Pirates. Kraval was angered by Seviss’ fear and unwillingness to go into war so he forced him into exile at the volcanic planet of Mustafar.
There Seviss met a Zabrak Prophet who was apart of another tribe on Iridonia when it was invaded by the Blood Raider Pirates. The prophet finished his training in the arts of warfare and the principals of sword fighting. He also started training him with a training saber the prophet had made for him. The prophet taught him how to overcome his fear of death, and showed him how to use his hatred as an advantage during battle to defeat his enemies. During one of his training sessions with live weapons, Seviss started to notice it was hard for him to concentrate. The prophet got angered with him and struck at Seviss cutting his left eye wide open.
Angered to this act of hatred, Seviss quickly moved to his mentor, stole his lightsaber and stabbed him right in the forehead killing the prophet instantly. Before returning to his clan’s home world he used one of the factories on Mustafar to build a new astromech droid for his star fighter. The droid was much more advanced then his first droid R4-K3, and he painted it all black and called it R4-K6. He also used the factory to create his armor he would use in the 9th Great Jedi War which he heard roamers about. After he created his new armor he knew it was time for him to return home to Kr’Tal. He left with his new training saber, and his new astromech droid.
Upon his arrival back at Kr’Tal he quickly gained the next rank of the Journey which was Guardian. He also received the Dark Cross which is most of the time unusual for a Journey to receive that medal so quickly. Seviss now is preparing to help lead Clan Taldryan to victory in the next Great Jedi War.
== Physical Appearance ==
Seviss is one of the tallest Zabraks known in the universe, standing at an incredible height of 2 meters. His skin is a very tan color, and his eyes are dark brown and at times, when he is in extreme rage, they turn dark red with some yellow around the outside. His body is covered in his families elaborate style of tattoos that were put on him at the age of only five years old. He normally wears his robe when he is around the brotherhood which he also uses when he is in combat in the Antei Combat Centre, but when he is away he wears his flight jacket and pants, as seen in the main picture. If you ever see him in battle he will be wearing his combat armor witch he personally designed and made himself while exiled on the volcanic planet of Mustafar. At ceremonies though he wears the armor his father made for him before he was killed by pirates.
== Seviss' Personal Belongings ==
=== Dual Single Handed Swords ===
These swords were created by Seviss’ grandfather as a gift to Seviss for becoming a man, and these were also his first swords. They were presented to Seviss just before his grandfather died of wounds he obtained fighting against the Imperial Navies years prior to its destruction. The swords were made up of a strong composite metal alloy only found in the deep acid seas of Iridonia. These swords he rarely uses anymore, and are on display in Seviss’ living quarters on Kr’Tal.
=== Sword of Iridonia ===
Created in 2,687 BBY by the first Vaas Tribe ruler, Detsuh Vaa, it was made out of the most valuable diamonds from Iridonia. Its elaborate handle was made from the same composite metal alloy that Seviss’ dual swords were made from. The sword symbolizes power over the Vaas Tribe, and has been pasted down from generation to generation of the Vaa family. Seviss received this sword once his father was killed by Blood Raider forces, and still as it to this day. Seviss only wears this sword during ceremonies within the Dark Brotherhood.
=== Sword of Darkness ===
It is tradition in the Vaa family that the father makes his son a sword symbolizing that he is ready to take on the leadership responsibilities of the tribe. Seviss’ father went to the planet of Dagobah to find this powerful metal only found in a dark cave on this planet. He finally found it, and started making the blade of the sword with this metal. The power of the metal nearly killed Seviss’ father because he wasn’t as force sensitive as his son. The handle was made of the same metal as the Sword of Iridonia along with gold that only the Vaas Tribe has found on the planet.
Seviss’ father made the Sword of Darkness to look exactly like the Sword of Iridonia. Fortunately he finished the sword before he was murdered by Blood Raider forces, but was never able to present his son with the sword. After his father was killed a Zabrak friend who was helping clean out the royal chamber found the Sword of Darkness. The Zabrak present the sword to Seviss, and this gave Seviss the confidence he needed to take on the leadership roll as ruler of the Vaas Tribe. Seviss still carries this sword into ever battle he has been in. No blaster round can penetrate the swords metal because it has so much darkness within it.
=== E-11 Blaster Rifle ===
Seviss’ father gave him his first blaster rifle which was a blaster that was used by the Storm troopers of the Empire. He’s modified it over the years as new technology became available. Some of the new modifications are a new scope for better accuracy at longer ranges, also a bigger charge for much long use than the standard charge.
=== DC-15A Blaster Rifle ===
This rifle was the last weapon Seviss received before exiling to Coruscant. It was the standard blaster rifle used by the Vaas Army. He took it with him to Coruscant, and still uses it in some of the conflicts he is in. He has also modified it just like his E-11 Blaster as new technology became available. Some modifications he made were a new scope for better accuracy at longer range, and a more powerful charge so its easier to take down a target with a single shot.
=== DE-10 Blaster Pistol ===
Made by his father for Seviss, Seviss has used this blaster pistol in every conflict he has been in when he encounters pirates or thugs one on one. He hasn’t modified it because his father built it with his own hands. The blaster can shoot a total of 50 rounds before it needs to be fitted with a new charge. The charge is so powerful that it could knock a Human 5 feet backwards.
=== Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor ===
'''"Spirit of Vaas"'''
Given to him when he was named ruler of the Vaas Tribe as a gift by a Zabrak Prophet. It was painted all black with a red stripped paint job. He fitted it with two additional Laser Cannons to give it a more deadly firepower, and he modified it to do 18,000km/h instead of the regular 15,000km/h. He also found a Syluire-45 hyperspace transport ring which gave his starship a quicker mean of transportation.
=== Astromech Droid ===
Seviss was in need of a new astromech droid after he figured his first droid, R4-K3, was out of date. So he used a factory on Mustafar to create himself a new droid and called it R4-K6. He painted it all black and now uses it on his Light Interceptor which he fights for the Dark Brotherhood in.
== DJB Facts ==
=== Positions ===
*Flight Member of Dark Fire Brigade
*Member of House Dinaari of Clan Taldryan
[[Category: DJB Characters]]
[[Category: Clan Taldryan]]

Latest revision as of 15:55, 29 July 2024

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Cado H'darr
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Date of Death:

26 ABY

Physical Description











Dark Red

Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:
Known apprentices:


[ Source ]

Cado H'darr was a Dark Jedi Knight and a member of Scholae Palatinae

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