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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|name=The Plagueian Path
|governing=*Masters of Plagueis
|deities=*[[starwars:Dark Side of the Force|Dark Side of the Force]]
|locations=[[Temple of Plagueis]]
|artifacts=[[Taskmaster#Mantle of the Taskmaster|Mantle of the Taskmaster]]
|ceremonies=*The Snow March
*Lightsaber Pilgrimage
*Knighthood Ceremony
|holidays=*Exodus Day
*Day of the Fox
|founding=*[[30 ABY to 39 ABY|34 ABY]]
|founder=[[Kal di Plagia Vorrac]]
|members=*[[Unus Domus|Rollmaster Domus]]
*[[Kal di Plagia Vorrac|Taskmaster Vorrac]]
*[[Tra'an Reith|Master Reith]]
|era=[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
{{Quote|Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you|Darth Plagueis}}
{{Quote|Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you|Darth Plagueis}}

==  Mystery of the Wise  ==
First designed in 2010 to replace a defunct Master/Student Program, the '''Plagueian Path''' is a new system under which Ascendant Journeymen receive fair and complete instruction from a body of Masters and [[Plagueis Summit|Summit]] members. Originally designed as the Rule of Two Program, the Path was not implemented in [[Clan Plagueis|Old Plagueis]] due to Summit squabbles and administrative gaps but has since taken its place as the educational program for [[Plagueis|House Plagueis]].

=== Preface  ===
== Overview ==
There is a sacred tradition proscribed by the oldest Jedi, whether Dark or Light, that states that each student of the ways of the Force, no matter the path they choose, must always earn their place on it. The Light is as unforgiving as the Dark, and the Dark as fulfilling as the Light, but always one must be prepared to learn, and therefore to teach, or lose the path which is trod. Three great Trials are proscribed from time immemorial; three tests of worthiness and skill to keep the path, learn the path, and choose the path, or fall from it by the wayside in order to earn the rank of [[Dark Jedi Knight]].

Yet other tests exist in the Darkness, from the first tentative steps a seeker makes on the Path, to the laudable Trials of Knighthood themselves, and in this document they are explored. The first section of this document presents a thesis on the nature of learning in the [[Dark Brotherhood]]. Its subject matter is entirely based on real-life, hands on training experience and theory recognized as best-practice to an industry standard. The second section, through a redirect, contains actual information on what must be done to gain rank: The Master At Arm's [[Promotion Requirements]].
In light of both the recent and long-standing flaws with the prior Master/Student Program of House Plagueis, a change is clearly needed. When the Brotherhood of Darkness became weak and dysfunctional, Darth Bane's Rule of Two cleansed away this weakness and ensured strength. In honor of that cleansing and the power that came from it, the new Master/Student Program for House Plagueis will be called the Plagueian Path.  

In this program, we will remove what is a defunct system based on ineffective management and archaic rules and requirements. We will instate a system that focuses on friendship, skill-building techniques, and the betterment of all the members of House Plagueis.

=== Introduction  ===
=== Basic Principles ===
Though the Dark Brotherhood is fiction, it is also a rich, meaningful one, built over many years by many talented and creative individuals, and from this rich background comes the fun of the Brotherhood; feeling as if you are part of something great and historical and powerful, and by this same tradition, the path to earning the sacred Lightsaber should be as rich and meaningful if not to you personally, but the to the character whose life you lead within the Dark Brotherhood.

To this purpose, the Master-[[Apprentice]] program was instituted. From the rank of Apprentice all the way through to Dark Jedi Knight, a Master will provide guidance and training in the ways of the Brotherhood and the Orders. Here-in you shall find the requirements, advice and experience of the leaders of [[Clan]] Plagueis in reaching each rank.  
The Plagueian Path consists of four main segments: Management, Masters, Students, and Prospects. Each segment is essential to the program as a whole, but can easily be maintained and managed with the loss of members at unexpected intervals.  

Be advised that these are by no means rock solid demands – they provide a mere curriculum of possibilities for Masters. The Master may change them as they see fit, adding or subtracting from them as best suits the Apprentice, and in by same token, deciding how much time each Apprentice may need at each rank or with given tasks.  
The Management segment consists of three main tiers. Primary management of the program will be overseen by House Rollmasters, or a House Rollmaster should one exist at the time. Next up is the House Summit, who they will report to at weekly or bi-weekly intervals on the status of the program. The House Summit will then submit monthly status reports to the House Summit based on these, unless progress is requested by the House Summit before the month is up.  

As a Master, '''from a [[Krath]] perspective''', it is your job in some cases is to teach more practical things; spelling, grammar, syntax, construction, creativity, flow, style, description, planning – all the tools of writing. Primarily, however, your job is to help your Apprentice tread the path to Knighthood in a meaningful and fun way, to enable your Apprentice to truly feel as if they are part of the rich diversity of the Dark Brotherhood. This in turn lends itself to more esoteric teachings; the format and history of the Brotherhood, its lore, the lore of the Star Wars universe and the way and style our fictional world operates.  
Masters are members ranked at Dark Jedi Knight and above and are a key component of the program. As the name suggests, they are the primary teachers, though the term Master applies only to the program. In general, Masters vary widely in style, personality, tastes, and talents, but most rely on set methods of communication and a personal student or students. The exception is the Taskmaster, a Master devoted to the education of Prospects as a whole.  

As a Master, '''from an [[Obelisk]] perspective''', you have the task of teaching the ways of combat, defense, stealth, assassinations and the inimitable art and style of the legendary lightsaber. You must pass on your knowledge and skills with this through the mediums, intricacies and strategies that can be employed within Jedi Knight, Jedi Knight Outcast and Jedi Academy, at the same time educating your Apprentice in the operation and workings of the Brotherhood and Order on a fictional and practical basis so they may achieve their own glory for the betterment of the Obelisk Order.  
Students are members between the ranks of Protector and Jedi Hunter, advanced beyond the teachings of the Prospects and awaiting instruction from a specific Master. If a Master without Students is unavailable, a Master can oversee several students at once and the Taskmaster can also assist them. Students also have the option to approach the rank of Dark Jedi Knight without a Master, if they so choose.  

As a Master, '''from a [[Sith]] perspective''', you must convey the ways of power; strategy, mass warfare, space combat, tactics, weapon payloads and effectiveness, fortifications and flight skills. Through the multitudinous systems of X-Wing Alliance, TIE versus X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Stars Wars Battlefront,  and Star Wars Empire At War you are to tutor and educate your charge in all their details and nuances while showing them the inner workings of the Sith and the Brotherhood, so that the Crowns do not tear it asunder in their bids for personal power.  
Prospects are members between the rank of Apprentice and Acolyte, representing the newest and least-experienced members of the Brotherhood. They are taught by the Taskmaster, who introduces them to the methods of Brotherhood activity and helps to orient them in the ways of the Club as a whole. Prospects are indoctrinated quickly and helped into the world of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood with as little friction as possible.  

To be a Master, you must have a good grasp on all these concepts and points of knowledge, and be ready and willing to share them with your Apprentice, to help them grow and develop their character, and chart their journey on the Dark Path until they are ready to wear the mantle of Knighthood. If you feel you are not ready for such, then I recommend learning to be so, as your Apprentice will look to you as the ultimate source of their guidance.  
Key to the program is the concept of freedom. Students entering the program should enjoy the full benefit of having someone to help them on their path, Masters should have the opportunity to be rewarded by the Management, and Prospects should be helped along as smoothly as possible. Only the Prospects have to receive the emails and communication of the Taskmaster; Upon attaining the rank of Protector, and at any rank above, being part of the program is completely optional and their decision will not be held against them. They are welcome to rejoin at any time.  

The program will help to bolster activity in the House, all the while bolstering the ties of friendship, skills, and interests of Plagueis' membership base. At any point, should the House Summit deem the program's numbers insufficient or sufficient once more, the program can be deactivated and reinstated with minimal effort needed to establish new records.

==The Path and Trials  ===
== The Duties of Oversight: Management ==
{{Quote|It is only the ignorant who despise education|Publilius Syrus}}

The strength of the Plagueian Path lies in its ability to adapt to membership changes and unexpected departures. As such, the duties of Management fall primarily to the Rollmaster, as well as the House Summit. Each group has their own specific part in running the program. While everything involved in their duties is absolutely essential, it is all streamlined and easily maintained to ensure the smoothest transition possible between the Leaders of the House.

To give Apprentices a structure without confining them, and give them ‘hurdles’ to cross so they feel and see their accomplishments, we enhance the growth of their characters while also providing a sense of satisfaction and interest to the person behind the character, and by this methodology, the Trials of Knighthood and the Path of Kun came into being.
=== Rollmaster ===

The '''Path of Kun''' charts their advancement through the ranks of [[Novice]], [[Acolyte]] and [[Protector]], having already attained the rank of Apprentice in the [[Shadow Academy]] and thusly joined [[Clan Plagueis]].  
The Rollmaster is the main administrator for the program. They maintain the rosters of Masters, Students, and Prospects. Also, they help Students find Masters and vice versa. They submit promotion requests for members to the Dark Council for approval, appoint Masters to the program when they volunteer, and are a source of reward for Masters of the program. The specific duties of the Rollmaster are:

After this point, and having reached this rank, the Apprentice has made it clear they wish to truly be part of the Brotherhood, and have shown the skill necessary to obtain their rank. However, it is also in many cases that they are not truly sure what they are doing or where they fit in, and the Trials of Knighthood help give direction and form to these goals, so that by the end of them, the Apprentice knows their place in the Star Wars universe, understands how it works, and has developed a character that further enriches that which has been laid down before.  
*Maintain Rosters of Masters, Students, and Prospects in a Word Document or similar text document that can be transferred to the next Rollmaster when their service is concluded.
*Help Students and Masters find suitable pairings, and mediate disputes between them.
*Actively seek out Masters for the program.
*Send Weekly or Bi-Weekly reports to the House Summit on the status of the Program, including rosters and pairing status.
*Work with the House Summit to identify and reward outstanding Masters.
*Submit promotion requests for Students and Prospects.
*Remove Masters from the Program that are a negative influence on Students, based on evidence of inappropriate behavior or Student request.
*Act in the duties of Taskmaster when/if no Taskmaster is available.

There are always three Trials, to represent the three hurdles of rank that lead to Dark Jedi Knight. The first confers the rank of [[Guardian]], the second, [[Jedi Hunter]], and the final leads to being a Dark Jedi Knight, so that when the final is passed, the Apprentice has earned their [[Lightsaber]] in truth. Each of the three Trials will teach an Apprentice some new part of their character, the Star Wars universe or perhaps themselves or their fellow Dark Jedi. They should always be enriching in some fashion, and useful and interesting.  
The House Summit acts as assistance and a sort of safety net for the Rollmaster, keeping record of their status reports, helping them to reward Masters, and temporarily maintaining their duties between Rollmaster appointments. Also, they can help to promote Students and plan events to keep the Plagueian Path's membership busy and having fun. The Specific duties of the House Summit are:

Likewise, both Path and Trials are meant to be fun and stimulating, as well as a learning experience, and as such there should never be any haste or speed un-necessarily involved within them. Prodding and pushing will sap the fun from everything; allow reasonable time to be given to work on them, but by the same token, it is expected that an Apprentice will not rush Trials to completion to gain rank faster, and will find them useful and have a sense of pride when done. The Trials are meant for learning and growth and fun, not as a fast track to higher power. Such morality often shows that the Apprentice is not enjoying the Dark Brotherhood, but instead seeks to gain rank to have power and dominance over others in this fictional setting, and this can only lead to problems. Neither is it wrong though for an Apprentice to complete a task quickly, provided the Master feels it has been done completely.  
*Receive and keep record of the Rollmaster's reports, to a minimum of three months' worth at a time.
*Submit Monthly reports to the House Summit on the progress of the program, using data from the Rollmaster's records.
*Help the Rollmaster to promote Students and reward Masters in times of high activity.
*Reward the Rollmaster for exceptional work in the management of the program.
*Maintain the duties of the Rollmaster when no Rollmaster is yet appointed.
*Remove Masters from the Program that are a negative influence on Students, based on inappropriate behaviour or Student Request.
*Deactivate and reactivate the program depending on overall effectiveness and House activity levels.
*Investigate the progress of the program when needed by requesting an update directly from the Rollmaster.

=== House Summit ===

===  Giving Feedback  ===
While the House Summit's main role in the Plagueian Path is that of logistics, they hold the primary power to activate or deactivate the program at any time. The decision to do this will be based both on records from the program and data gathered by request of the Quaestor and Aedile. The Quaestor and Aedile do not have the authority to force anyone to participate in the program, though they may ask Masters that are derelict in their duties to leave the program temporarily or, in the case of extreme offense, for good. 
{{Quote|If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others|Tryon Edwards}}

All branches of Management are required to keep anonymity and confidentiality in regard to Student and Master requests or complaints, unless otherwise allowed by said Student or Master. This is to protect the members of the Program from undue harassment and to keep disagreements and poor choices from spilling over into larger conflicts. Regular progress data and reward data does not constitute confidential information.

One of the most difficult parts of a being a Master is giving feedback on Trials. Very few Apprentices will submit a Trial first time that meets the criteria of what the Master believes to be suitable entry, and for this reason, a Master must be able to get a clear mind as to what they are looking for, and be able to give constructive feedback without sounding arrogant, condescending or facetious.
== Mastery ==

To tackle the first point, we must consider again that every Apprentice is different, and that while you are judging the content, form and construction of a Trial, you are not to take into account your own personal bias’ and preference in that judgment. For example, if a character happens to choose their race as being Twi’lek, the Master must not judge the Apprentices Trial more harshly because it does not fit with that the Master thinks a Twi’lek must be like. The work must be taken on its merits, insight and form without bias, unless what is written is totally opposed to established, ‘official’ canon or errata of the Dark Brotherhood or Star Wars in general. This can sometimes be a hard balance to maintain, given the fact that everyone has opinions and sometimes topics can touch very strong opinions, but it is a necessity so that the absolute fairness required of a Master can be maintained and so that an Apprentice always receives due credit for their work. Set aside your own images and opinions, and judge the work for what it is, not what you think it ''should'' be.
Masters are the primary element of the Plagueian Path. A Master oversees anywhere between one and several students at a time, befriending them and helping them to advance toward success in House Plagueis and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Requirements for Mastery are as follows:

The second point is perhaps the hardest. In giving feedback and opinion, just as in point one, always maintain your sense of fairness, and ensure that when faults and mistakes are highlighted, they are done so in a constructive fashion that neither bruises the ego of the Apprentice nor fails to put the point across. Explain why what was said was not quite what was being looked for, and explain how it can be done better or differently with a rationalization. If spelling or grammar is poor, explain this and suggest methods of improvement, just as if flow is jumpy, explain why it seems so from a readers point of view, and how this can be remedied from a writers point of view.  
*Rank of Equite 1 or higher without prerequisites; Equite ranks should already have sufficient skills and maturity to teach.
*Rank of Dark Jedi Knight, pending one month of Knighthood and Management approval.
*Submission of one Primary Skill, two Secondary Skills, one Preferred Communication Method, and a Preferred Student Capacity for roster purposes.

When you are satisfied that a Trial has been passed and done as well as it could be, it is the Masters responsibility to promote the Apprentice, or, if the Master does not have authority to do so, to ensure that someone (such as the [[Quaestor]] or [[Aedile]]) does so. Write your recommendation stating what the Apprentice has done to deserve it, how well they have progressed and your belief in them, and pass this on to the other party if you cannot or would prefer not to do the recommendation yourself.
Once appointed, a Master within the program is recognized as such for the duration of their involvement with the Plagueian Path. Formal Plaguian Path emails and communications, as well as fictional events involving the program, will refer to them as such. The term Master or Mistress, assigned by gender as default but changeable if the Master in question so pleases, will precede their last/middle and last names in these formal situations. The specific duties of a Master are as follows:

*Keep in regular contact with their Student(s).
*Help their Student(s) progress toward the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.
*Help their Student(s) grow in areas of interest and skill within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
*Provide assistance to their Student(s) or others in need when possible, or direct them to assistance.
*Write promotion requests for their Student(s) when due and send them to the Rollmaster for submission to the Master at Arms and Dark Council.
*Keep the Rollmaster up to date on the progress of their Student(s).
*Act appropriately and maturely toward their Student(s) at all times.
*Assist any Student(s) unassigned or assigned to different Masters when needed.

==  The Master  ==
Based on promotion rates for their Student(s), skill progression in their Student(s), and Student feedback and requests, Masters will be rewarded suitably with Merit Awards and other such rewards for their efforts in the program. Extended service and success will be treated as a factor in the promotion of Masters.
{{Quote|The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence|Amos Bronson Alcott}}

== Taskmaster ==

As a Master, you have been through this same thing, though perhaps in some cases without the guidance provided by Trials or a specific Master. I myself did not have Trials when I was at that rank, nor did I have a Master per-se, for me, I had one person to look up to and receive guidance from, but many contributed in a hap-hazard way to my education, in a sometimes confusing and halting jumble. As a Master, if will be your job to sort out the jumbled, confusing and wrong and clarify all things for your Apprentice so that they understand what is going on, where to get information, what to do and where they can learn more. You are their guide and mentor and tutor, if not in matters of writing, in matters of the Dark Brotherhood and Star Wars. It should be your aim to teach something, even if that something is simply the names of a few famous Sith Lords, the historical significance of Duxon, what the Chancellor does or simply just what in the galaxy that thing standing at the bar in Mos Eisley is.  
The Taskmaster(or Taskmasters should the need arise) is recognized as a Master of the Plagueian Path, and is addressed as Master/Mistress or Taskmaster/Taskmistress at their discretion in formal communications. Typically, for fictional events, Taskmaster or Taskmistress is preferred to avoid confusion among participants and observers. The Taskmaster is possessed of more generic duties, though in greater volume, than those of a typical Master. They oversee the Prospects, teaching them all the basic lessons of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and helping them along the path of their first promotions. In addition, they oversee the Students of the House that are without Masters. The requirements to become a Taskmaster are:

Patience is a virtue, and you must have it in abundance to be a Master. Sometimes you will be asked questions that make you want to tear your hair out because of their simplicity, but always remember that to the one asking, they do not know, or they would not have asked. The familiar to you is alien to the Apprentice. Likewise, you will also be asked complex, far reaching questions that have no simple or single answer, or that you may not even know yourself. In these cases you must know where you could find the answer, who you could ask, or be prepared to explain in details why the answer is so sophisticated. In either case, you must always be prepared to answer patiently, fully and fairly.  
*Rank of Equite 1 or Higher.
*Management Approval.
*Email turnover of 72 hours or less.

In being a Master, you are putting yourself in the position to control the fate of a member of the Dark Brotherhood, if perhaps only for a short time. As a Master, you will say when you believe the Apprentice has truly passed a Trial, and they will gain rank at your say so. Always be fair, truthful and supportive. Comment constructively, direct in the correct ways of things and be prepared to spend a long time on subjects or topics that are not easily understood. You are in charge of their efforts and conduct, and should set an example for them by your own actions and behaviour. None should truly gain-say your opinions or override your judgment, you are their Master, and such a relationship is sacred. It cannot be stressed enough how important fairness is, as by your say so, an Apprentice will reach the coveted and significant rank of Dark Jedi Knight.
=== Duties ===
The specific duties of the Taskmaster are as follows:

*Welcome Prospects to the Brotherhood and the Plagueian Path.
*Introduce Prospects to the basic facets of the Brotherhood, such as IRC, the message forums, the Shadow Academy, and other activities.
*Steer Prospects toward their initial promotions and write requests to be sent to the Rollmaster, who will then submit them to the Master at Arms.
*Teach Prospects about being a Student and identify Prospects with high potential early.
*Direct Students toward Masters; teach Students who deign not to be Masters toward their next promotions.
*Keep the Rollmaster up-to-date on Prospect performance and progress.
*Send documents used to instruct Prospects to the Rollmaster for safekeeping and use in between or in lieu of Taskmaster appointments.

==  The Apprentice  ==
Taskmasters will be rewarded primarily on Prospect feedback and general success rate, though the duration of their service will also be a source of appropriate Merit Awards. Also, their past service as Taskmasters will be noted in the event that no Taskmaster volunteers, and they will be asked before other Masters to assume the duties. 
{{Quote|Education is like a double-edged sword. It may be turned to dangerous uses if it is not properly handled|Wu Ting-Fang}}

Furthermore, while Equite 1 is the preferred rank for any Taskmaster, should an enterprising Dark Jedi Knight apply for the slot, Management reserves the right to appoint them under probationary guidance for a three month period, with a permanent slot beyond that should they be confirmed. 

It is hoped that an Apprentice wants to do their Trials, so that they can come to have a rich and full character and enjoy the Dark Brotherhood for all the rich writing, historical and roleplaying aspects it has. If the Apprentice is not willing to listen to and abide by the judgment of the Master, does not wish to be guided or is too arrogant to accept help or see that they may not know everything or see the time the Master is giving to them, they have no place in the Master – Apprentice program.
== Students ==

When speaking person to person, it is right and proper for a Master and Apprentice to be friends and get along well, and to enjoy each others company. It is also right though for an Apprentice to give a Master the respect they deserve. The Master is going out of their way to help an Apprentice with no gain for themselves, while the Apprentice is gaining the benefit of increased rank and the time, knowledge and tutelage of the Master. Because of this, it is expected that even when speaking person to person, the Apprentice should be respectful and thankful.  
Upon attaining the rank of Protector, a Journeyman ceases to be considered a Prospect of the Plagueian Path and is offered the choice to become a Student. They can decline, as well as revise their choice in the future, at their own discretion. If they choose to become Students, they will be instructed by a Master, though the Taskmaster and Rollmaster are also available for assistance outside their main instruction. The requirements to become a Student are:

When writing in a character based context, it is vital that the Apprentice shows proper deference for their Master. In the canon of Star Wars, Masters were the wisest and most powerful, seniors already strong in what the Apprentice is still learning, and this is doubly true of the Dark Side. The Master is stronger, older and wiser, and should be treated as such in the cut throat world of the Dark Side, where fear keeps order and brings power.  
*Achieve the rank of Protector.
*Submit a statement of Student interests for use in rosters, reports, and Master assignment and selection(Optional).

Upon reaching the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, Journeymen complete their term as Students. After one month of active Knighthood, they are welcome to apply for Mastery. In the span of that month, they are welcome to request the advice and teachings of Masters to ready them. However, the Masters can choose to politely decline without repercussion.

== The Pairings  ==
Students and Masters will typically forge a bond of friendship during their time together. However, if a Student is mistreated, harassed, or otherwise abused during their tutelage, they have the right to seek help from the Rollmaster, House Summit, and any other body of Brotherhood Leadership. They can choose to end the partnership at any time, and their statements will be kept confidential. Should their accusations bear sufficient evidence, they are of course allowed to pursue the help of the Chamber of Justice against the Master. Also, Masters who mistreat students can either be put on probation or removed from the program entirely based upon the severity of their offenses.  

===  Roster  ===
Should Students and Masters simply not get along or find themselves incompatible with one another, they can request reassignment or mediation from a Summit member at any time without repercussion or prerequisites of any sort.
! Master
! Student
|[[Tra'an Reith]]
| class="foot" colspan="2"| 

== Prospects ==
As the most common group of Journeymen and the hardest to retain, any member between the rank of Apprentice and Acolyte is automatically part of the Prospect group. In this group, Prospects learn how to navigate the Brotherhood website, introduced to its many activities and IRC, and helped through their initial promotions. Once a Prospect reaches the rank of Protector, they are given the option to become Students.
It should be noted that the Prospect group is not meant to belittle members or imply a lack of ability. It is not a group meant for members with lesser skills or younger members. The purpose of Prospects is simply to reduce the loss of members in the early ranks and speed members toward success more smoothly and efficiently. Should a Prospect so choose, they can ask to cease their involvement in the Plagueian Path and go about things on their own. At any time they are welcome to rejoin the mainstream program, and the Taskmaster will provide them help at their request. Also, these members will be considered as Students at the rank of Protector regardless of their former decisions.
== Venues ==
{{Main|[[Temple of Plagueis]]}}
In fictional terms, the Plagueian Path is acknowledged not by name, but as the Force- and Lightsaber-specific training given to members of House Plagueis. As the House and its Dark Jedi hide their identities as Officers of the Jusadih System's Stratocracy government to protect them from the prying eyes of the Galaxy at large, each Branch of the Plagueian Path will have a fictional venue hidden from the public. These may be any facilities, but are typically set as temples, ruins, or other remote sites of Force knowledge. In fictional terms, these venues are top-secret, and the risk of them being revealed would constitute a crisis within House Plagueis.
== Rosters ==
Rosters will be maintained for the Masters, Students, and Prospects of the Plagueian Path at all times. These will be maintained by the Rollmaster, or by the House Summit if a Rollmaster is unavailable.
The Roll of Mastery will contain the following:
*Dark Jedi names and Formal Program Titles for all Masters.
*One Primary Skill for each Master.
*Two Secondary Skills for each Master.
*One Primary Communication Method for each Master.
*A Preferred Student Capacity number(in the format of x-y, with x being the preferred minimum and y the preferred maximum) for each Master.
The Roll of Students will contain the following:
*Dark Jedi names of all Students.
*A list of interests, submitted by the Students to help with Master Selection.
*Any additional notes by the Rollmaster or Students, unless the Student in question disapproves.
The Roll of Prospects will contain the following:
*Dark Jedi names of all Prospects.
*Any additional notes by the Rollmaster or Prospects, unless the Prospect in question disapproves.
== Conclusion ==
The Plagueian Path will combine streamlined efficiency, adaptability, survivability, and enjoyability to create a fun and engaging experience for the members of House Plagueis, Journeyman, Equite, and Elder alike. Working in accordance with member strengths, compatibility, and approved Promotion Guidelines from the Office of the Master at Arms, it will ensure everyone progresses properly, learns what they need to, and is rewarded for their time and effort.
During times of inactivity, informal Master/Student pairs can be maintained by Rollmasters in lieu of Plagueian Path records, and venues can be treated as basic landmarks or still as generic training sites. It is up to the discretion of the Quaestor and Aedile to determine whether the Program can succeed or not.
* Original concept and document written by Kal di Plagia Vorrac, #7288, on 05/19/2010. 
* Revisions to reflect Independent House Status and proper formatting effected on 3/27/2011 by Tra'an Reith, #9050.
Any modifications or updates will be listed as they are instated. Any renovations or modifications done by members on House Summit authority will be noted here.

Latest revision as of 22:28, 19 July 2016

The Jedi were real?
This article is part of the history of Clan Plagueis and isn't part of current events.
Please do not remove this tag or the contents. These articles exist for historic purposes.

The Plagueian Path
Organizational Information
Title of Leader:
Governing Body:
  • Masters of Plagueis
Other Positions:


Affiliated Organizations/Governments:
Religious Text:
Notable Locations/Temples:

Temple of Plagueis


Mantle of the Taskmaster

  • The Snow March
  • Lightsaber Pilgrimage
  • Knighthood Ceremony
  • Exodus Day
  • Day of the Fox
Historical Information
Date of Founding:
Planet of Founding:



Kal di Plagia Vorrac

Other Information
Notable Members:

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

"Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you"
―Darth Plagueis

First designed in 2010 to replace a defunct Master/Student Program, the Plagueian Path is a new system under which Ascendant Journeymen receive fair and complete instruction from a body of Masters and Summit members. Originally designed as the Rule of Two Program, the Path was not implemented in Old Plagueis due to Summit squabbles and administrative gaps but has since taken its place as the educational program for House Plagueis.


In light of both the recent and long-standing flaws with the prior Master/Student Program of House Plagueis, a change is clearly needed. When the Brotherhood of Darkness became weak and dysfunctional, Darth Bane's Rule of Two cleansed away this weakness and ensured strength. In honor of that cleansing and the power that came from it, the new Master/Student Program for House Plagueis will be called the Plagueian Path.

In this program, we will remove what is a defunct system based on ineffective management and archaic rules and requirements. We will instate a system that focuses on friendship, skill-building techniques, and the betterment of all the members of House Plagueis.

Basic Principles

The Plagueian Path consists of four main segments: Management, Masters, Students, and Prospects. Each segment is essential to the program as a whole, but can easily be maintained and managed with the loss of members at unexpected intervals.

The Management segment consists of three main tiers. Primary management of the program will be overseen by House Rollmasters, or a House Rollmaster should one exist at the time. Next up is the House Summit, who they will report to at weekly or bi-weekly intervals on the status of the program. The House Summit will then submit monthly status reports to the House Summit based on these, unless progress is requested by the House Summit before the month is up.

Masters are members ranked at Dark Jedi Knight and above and are a key component of the program. As the name suggests, they are the primary teachers, though the term Master applies only to the program. In general, Masters vary widely in style, personality, tastes, and talents, but most rely on set methods of communication and a personal student or students. The exception is the Taskmaster, a Master devoted to the education of Prospects as a whole.

Students are members between the ranks of Protector and Jedi Hunter, advanced beyond the teachings of the Prospects and awaiting instruction from a specific Master. If a Master without Students is unavailable, a Master can oversee several students at once and the Taskmaster can also assist them. Students also have the option to approach the rank of Dark Jedi Knight without a Master, if they so choose.

Prospects are members between the rank of Apprentice and Acolyte, representing the newest and least-experienced members of the Brotherhood. They are taught by the Taskmaster, who introduces them to the methods of Brotherhood activity and helps to orient them in the ways of the Club as a whole. Prospects are indoctrinated quickly and helped into the world of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood with as little friction as possible.

Key to the program is the concept of freedom. Students entering the program should enjoy the full benefit of having someone to help them on their path, Masters should have the opportunity to be rewarded by the Management, and Prospects should be helped along as smoothly as possible. Only the Prospects have to receive the emails and communication of the Taskmaster; Upon attaining the rank of Protector, and at any rank above, being part of the program is completely optional and their decision will not be held against them. They are welcome to rejoin at any time.

The program will help to bolster activity in the House, all the while bolstering the ties of friendship, skills, and interests of Plagueis' membership base. At any point, should the House Summit deem the program's numbers insufficient or sufficient once more, the program can be deactivated and reinstated with minimal effort needed to establish new records.

The Duties of Oversight: Management

The strength of the Plagueian Path lies in its ability to adapt to membership changes and unexpected departures. As such, the duties of Management fall primarily to the Rollmaster, as well as the House Summit. Each group has their own specific part in running the program. While everything involved in their duties is absolutely essential, it is all streamlined and easily maintained to ensure the smoothest transition possible between the Leaders of the House.


The Rollmaster is the main administrator for the program. They maintain the rosters of Masters, Students, and Prospects. Also, they help Students find Masters and vice versa. They submit promotion requests for members to the Dark Council for approval, appoint Masters to the program when they volunteer, and are a source of reward for Masters of the program. The specific duties of the Rollmaster are:

  • Maintain Rosters of Masters, Students, and Prospects in a Word Document or similar text document that can be transferred to the next Rollmaster when their service is concluded.
  • Help Students and Masters find suitable pairings, and mediate disputes between them.
  • Actively seek out Masters for the program.
  • Send Weekly or Bi-Weekly reports to the House Summit on the status of the Program, including rosters and pairing status.
  • Work with the House Summit to identify and reward outstanding Masters.
  • Submit promotion requests for Students and Prospects.
  • Remove Masters from the Program that are a negative influence on Students, based on evidence of inappropriate behavior or Student request.
  • Act in the duties of Taskmaster when/if no Taskmaster is available.

The House Summit acts as assistance and a sort of safety net for the Rollmaster, keeping record of their status reports, helping them to reward Masters, and temporarily maintaining their duties between Rollmaster appointments. Also, they can help to promote Students and plan events to keep the Plagueian Path's membership busy and having fun. The Specific duties of the House Summit are:

  • Receive and keep record of the Rollmaster's reports, to a minimum of three months' worth at a time.
  • Submit Monthly reports to the House Summit on the progress of the program, using data from the Rollmaster's records.
  • Help the Rollmaster to promote Students and reward Masters in times of high activity.
  • Reward the Rollmaster for exceptional work in the management of the program.
  • Maintain the duties of the Rollmaster when no Rollmaster is yet appointed.
  • Remove Masters from the Program that are a negative influence on Students, based on inappropriate behaviour or Student Request.
  • Deactivate and reactivate the program depending on overall effectiveness and House activity levels.
  • Investigate the progress of the program when needed by requesting an update directly from the Rollmaster.

House Summit

While the House Summit's main role in the Plagueian Path is that of logistics, they hold the primary power to activate or deactivate the program at any time. The decision to do this will be based both on records from the program and data gathered by request of the Quaestor and Aedile. The Quaestor and Aedile do not have the authority to force anyone to participate in the program, though they may ask Masters that are derelict in their duties to leave the program temporarily or, in the case of extreme offense, for good.

All branches of Management are required to keep anonymity and confidentiality in regard to Student and Master requests or complaints, unless otherwise allowed by said Student or Master. This is to protect the members of the Program from undue harassment and to keep disagreements and poor choices from spilling over into larger conflicts. Regular progress data and reward data does not constitute confidential information.


Masters are the primary element of the Plagueian Path. A Master oversees anywhere between one and several students at a time, befriending them and helping them to advance toward success in House Plagueis and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Requirements for Mastery are as follows:

  • Rank of Equite 1 or higher without prerequisites; Equite ranks should already have sufficient skills and maturity to teach.
  • Rank of Dark Jedi Knight, pending one month of Knighthood and Management approval.
  • Submission of one Primary Skill, two Secondary Skills, one Preferred Communication Method, and a Preferred Student Capacity for roster purposes.

Once appointed, a Master within the program is recognized as such for the duration of their involvement with the Plagueian Path. Formal Plaguian Path emails and communications, as well as fictional events involving the program, will refer to them as such. The term Master or Mistress, assigned by gender as default but changeable if the Master in question so pleases, will precede their last/middle and last names in these formal situations. The specific duties of a Master are as follows:

  • Keep in regular contact with their Student(s).
  • Help their Student(s) progress toward the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.
  • Help their Student(s) grow in areas of interest and skill within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
  • Provide assistance to their Student(s) or others in need when possible, or direct them to assistance.
  • Write promotion requests for their Student(s) when due and send them to the Rollmaster for submission to the Master at Arms and Dark Council.
  • Keep the Rollmaster up to date on the progress of their Student(s).
  • Act appropriately and maturely toward their Student(s) at all times.
  • Assist any Student(s) unassigned or assigned to different Masters when needed.

Based on promotion rates for their Student(s), skill progression in their Student(s), and Student feedback and requests, Masters will be rewarded suitably with Merit Awards and other such rewards for their efforts in the program. Extended service and success will be treated as a factor in the promotion of Masters.


Main article: [[Taskmaster|Taskmaster]]

The Taskmaster(or Taskmasters should the need arise) is recognized as a Master of the Plagueian Path, and is addressed as Master/Mistress or Taskmaster/Taskmistress at their discretion in formal communications. Typically, for fictional events, Taskmaster or Taskmistress is preferred to avoid confusion among participants and observers. The Taskmaster is possessed of more generic duties, though in greater volume, than those of a typical Master. They oversee the Prospects, teaching them all the basic lessons of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and helping them along the path of their first promotions. In addition, they oversee the Students of the House that are without Masters. The requirements to become a Taskmaster are:

  • Rank of Equite 1 or Higher.
  • Management Approval.
  • Email turnover of 72 hours or less.


The specific duties of the Taskmaster are as follows:

  • Welcome Prospects to the Brotherhood and the Plagueian Path.
  • Introduce Prospects to the basic facets of the Brotherhood, such as IRC, the message forums, the Shadow Academy, and other activities.
  • Steer Prospects toward their initial promotions and write requests to be sent to the Rollmaster, who will then submit them to the Master at Arms.
  • Teach Prospects about being a Student and identify Prospects with high potential early.
  • Direct Students toward Masters; teach Students who deign not to be Masters toward their next promotions.
  • Keep the Rollmaster up-to-date on Prospect performance and progress.
  • Send documents used to instruct Prospects to the Rollmaster for safekeeping and use in between or in lieu of Taskmaster appointments.

Taskmasters will be rewarded primarily on Prospect feedback and general success rate, though the duration of their service will also be a source of appropriate Merit Awards. Also, their past service as Taskmasters will be noted in the event that no Taskmaster volunteers, and they will be asked before other Masters to assume the duties.

Furthermore, while Equite 1 is the preferred rank for any Taskmaster, should an enterprising Dark Jedi Knight apply for the slot, Management reserves the right to appoint them under probationary guidance for a three month period, with a permanent slot beyond that should they be confirmed.


Upon attaining the rank of Protector, a Journeyman ceases to be considered a Prospect of the Plagueian Path and is offered the choice to become a Student. They can decline, as well as revise their choice in the future, at their own discretion. If they choose to become Students, they will be instructed by a Master, though the Taskmaster and Rollmaster are also available for assistance outside their main instruction. The requirements to become a Student are:

  • Achieve the rank of Protector.
  • Submit a statement of Student interests for use in rosters, reports, and Master assignment and selection(Optional).

Upon reaching the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, Journeymen complete their term as Students. After one month of active Knighthood, they are welcome to apply for Mastery. In the span of that month, they are welcome to request the advice and teachings of Masters to ready them. However, the Masters can choose to politely decline without repercussion.

Students and Masters will typically forge a bond of friendship during their time together. However, if a Student is mistreated, harassed, or otherwise abused during their tutelage, they have the right to seek help from the Rollmaster, House Summit, and any other body of Brotherhood Leadership. They can choose to end the partnership at any time, and their statements will be kept confidential. Should their accusations bear sufficient evidence, they are of course allowed to pursue the help of the Chamber of Justice against the Master. Also, Masters who mistreat students can either be put on probation or removed from the program entirely based upon the severity of their offenses.

Should Students and Masters simply not get along or find themselves incompatible with one another, they can request reassignment or mediation from a Summit member at any time without repercussion or prerequisites of any sort.


As the most common group of Journeymen and the hardest to retain, any member between the rank of Apprentice and Acolyte is automatically part of the Prospect group. In this group, Prospects learn how to navigate the Brotherhood website, introduced to its many activities and IRC, and helped through their initial promotions. Once a Prospect reaches the rank of Protector, they are given the option to become Students.

It should be noted that the Prospect group is not meant to belittle members or imply a lack of ability. It is not a group meant for members with lesser skills or younger members. The purpose of Prospects is simply to reduce the loss of members in the early ranks and speed members toward success more smoothly and efficiently. Should a Prospect so choose, they can ask to cease their involvement in the Plagueian Path and go about things on their own. At any time they are welcome to rejoin the mainstream program, and the Taskmaster will provide them help at their request. Also, these members will be considered as Students at the rank of Protector regardless of their former decisions.


Main article: [[Temple of Plagueis|Temple of Plagueis]]

In fictional terms, the Plagueian Path is acknowledged not by name, but as the Force- and Lightsaber-specific training given to members of House Plagueis. As the House and its Dark Jedi hide their identities as Officers of the Jusadih System's Stratocracy government to protect them from the prying eyes of the Galaxy at large, each Branch of the Plagueian Path will have a fictional venue hidden from the public. These may be any facilities, but are typically set as temples, ruins, or other remote sites of Force knowledge. In fictional terms, these venues are top-secret, and the risk of them being revealed would constitute a crisis within House Plagueis.


Rosters will be maintained for the Masters, Students, and Prospects of the Plagueian Path at all times. These will be maintained by the Rollmaster, or by the House Summit if a Rollmaster is unavailable.

The Roll of Mastery will contain the following:

  • Dark Jedi names and Formal Program Titles for all Masters.
  • One Primary Skill for each Master.
  • Two Secondary Skills for each Master.
  • One Primary Communication Method for each Master.
  • A Preferred Student Capacity number(in the format of x-y, with x being the preferred minimum and y the preferred maximum) for each Master.

The Roll of Students will contain the following:

  • Dark Jedi names of all Students.
  • A list of interests, submitted by the Students to help with Master Selection.
  • Any additional notes by the Rollmaster or Students, unless the Student in question disapproves.

The Roll of Prospects will contain the following:

  • Dark Jedi names of all Prospects.
  • Any additional notes by the Rollmaster or Prospects, unless the Prospect in question disapproves.


The Plagueian Path will combine streamlined efficiency, adaptability, survivability, and enjoyability to create a fun and engaging experience for the members of House Plagueis, Journeyman, Equite, and Elder alike. Working in accordance with member strengths, compatibility, and approved Promotion Guidelines from the Office of the Master at Arms, it will ensure everyone progresses properly, learns what they need to, and is rewarded for their time and effort.

During times of inactivity, informal Master/Student pairs can be maintained by Rollmasters in lieu of Plagueian Path records, and venues can be treated as basic landmarks or still as generic training sites. It is up to the discretion of the Quaestor and Aedile to determine whether the Program can succeed or not.

  • Original concept and document written by Kal di Plagia Vorrac, #7288, on 05/19/2010.
  • Revisions to reflect Independent House Status and proper formatting effected on 3/27/2011 by Tra'an Reith, #9050.

Any modifications or updates will be listed as they are instated. Any renovations or modifications done by members on House Summit authority will be noted here.