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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Krayiss II is a largely barren and arid wasteland that is not exactly hospitable and barely habitable. The dark reddish brown surface looks like a vast desert with the exception of large pillar shaped rock formations jutting from the ground along about two thirds of the planets surface. Holding neither flora nor fauna of any native type, it is also not suprising that Krayis II is also devoid of any useful material or minerals. There are however some ancient discoveries that suggest there was once an attempt to mine something from withing the core of the planet but little is known other than a few artifacts containing bits and pieces of vague information written in an ancient script. In some places the surface takes on a deathly deep black as though permanently stained by the carbon from gigantic and catastrophic explosins or bombs. However, after further scans of the planet revealed the only standing monument, that of a giant Obelisk sticking starkly and ominously above what was once the greatest Sorcerer's library/temple in the old Sith Empire, it is now beleieved that they are the craters of long dead experiments in Force manipulation which failed to monumental proportion. The only other recognizable geological formation is known simply as the 'crater', which so blithely came from the 'incident'. It is possible this event may have involved an overly ambitious Sith named Jev Sunrider. His ghost has been seen now protecting the old ancient temple/library and it's everpresent beckoning to treasure and lore seekers throughout the Sith empire. Whether this was before or after his descent into madness brought about by his studies of the Dark Side is not known. This planet was in its prime, a center for Sith knowledge and intensive study of the Dark Side of the Force. As a result in ancient times this planet was a crowning jewel in the Sith's vast interstellar holdings. Along with Ziost, Khar Delba, Rhelg and Korriban it was the very heart of their stronghold in the Outer Rim. Even now in the present day with the One Sith and Dark Jedi Brotherhood reaching into the galaxy on their own quest for knowledge and power, Krayis II has again become relevant. Will this planet be the site of yet another struggle for power and dominance within the Sith Empire, or will it become a bastion of knowledge for ALL Sith Force sensitives, acolytes and the like? Only time will tell. One thing remains certain, beneath it's dark and brooding exterior, Krayis II holds s secret that could literally bring wolrds to their knees.

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* [[Wes Biriuk|Wes Biriuk Erinos]]
* [[Wes Biriuk|Wes Biriuk Erinos]]
* [[Celahir Erinos]]
* [[Celahir Erinos]]
* x Valerius
* [[Valeriuskane]]

[[Category:Dark Crusade Krayiss 2]]
[[Category:Dark Crusade Krayiss 2]]

Revision as of 09:50, 15 February 2013

Krayiss II

Outer Rim Territories


Esstran Sector


Krayiss System


One: (Krayiss Prime)

  • Hakagram
  • Nakgru


Rotation period:

25 standard hours

Orbital period:

162 local days




26% Oxygen, 73% Nitrogen, 1% Others





Primary Terrain:

Mountainous, Barren

Native species:

Sith (formerly)



Major imports:


Major exports:



Sith Empire

[ Source ]

Krayiss II is a largely barren and arid wasteland that is not exactly hospitable and barely habitable. The dark reddish brown surface looks like a vast desert with the exception of large pillar shaped rock formations jutting from the ground along about two thirds of the planets surface. Holding neither flora nor fauna of any native type, it is also not suprising that Krayis II is also devoid of any useful material or minerals. There are however some ancient discoveries that suggest there was once an attempt to mine something from withing the core of the planet but little is known other than a few artifacts containing bits and pieces of vague information written in an ancient script. In some places the surface takes on a deathly deep black as though permanently stained by the carbon from gigantic and catastrophic explosins or bombs. However, after further scans of the planet revealed the only standing monument, that of a giant Obelisk sticking starkly and ominously above what was once the greatest Sorcerer's library/temple in the old Sith Empire, it is now beleieved that they are the craters of long dead experiments in Force manipulation which failed to monumental proportion. The only other recognizable geological formation is known simply as the 'crater', which so blithely came from the 'incident'. It is possible this event may have involved an overly ambitious Sith named Jev Sunrider. His ghost has been seen now protecting the old ancient temple/library and it's everpresent beckoning to treasure and lore seekers throughout the Sith empire. Whether this was before or after his descent into madness brought about by his studies of the Dark Side is not known. This planet was in its prime, a center for Sith knowledge and intensive study of the Dark Side of the Force. As a result in ancient times this planet was a crowning jewel in the Sith's vast interstellar holdings. Along with Ziost, Khar Delba, Rhelg and Korriban it was the very heart of their stronghold in the Outer Rim. Even now in the present day with the One Sith and Dark Jedi Brotherhood reaching into the galaxy on their own quest for knowledge and power, Krayis II has again become relevant. Will this planet be the site of yet another struggle for power and dominance within the Sith Empire, or will it become a bastion of knowledge for ALL Sith Force sensitives, acolytes and the like? Only time will tell. One thing remains certain, beneath it's dark and brooding exterior, Krayis II holds s secret that could literally bring wolrds to their knees.


Information to go here...

An artist's impression of a Sith Pureblood


A picture of taken from Krayiss II's orbit of Hakagram and Nakgru.

Krayiss II is orbited by two satellites. The first, Hakagram, orbits the planet at a distance of 247,000km above the surface. Its sibling, called Nakgru, is 249,000km above the surface; both of these are roughly 3,150km in diameter. The moons appear to be leashed to each other, most likely due to tampering by the ancient Sith Master of the library-temple on Krayiss II, as Nakgru leads Hakagram across the sky by 28,350km. This apparent tethering is curious as it means that Nakgru travels at a slightly faster speed to maintain it’s exact distance from both Krayiss II and Hakagram.

Both moons have entire regions covered in gigantic Sith runes carved into the surface. It is believed that this is what safely maintains the moon orbits. Further investigation has shown that at one time these engravings may have been large enough to be seen from the surface of Krayiss II under the right circumstances. Many of the runes correspond to some of the runes written on the obelisk atop the Sith library-temple.

Tidal Locking

To be expanded upon

Geography and Climate

Formed approximately 4.8 billion years ago, during the collapse of a nebula into a thin layer of dust and gas. The protostar, which would eventually be named Krayiss Prime by explorers billions of years later, was surrounded by a rotating protoplanetary disc which would come to be known as the Krayiss system. About 3.2 billions years ago, the protostar had gained enough mass to ignite to become a star. The surviving protoplanetary disc was removed from the inside outward by photoevaporation, the solar wind, Poynting-Roberston drag and other effects. However, evidence gathered shows that there may have been some protoplanetary orbiting the newly formed star, which led to many of them colliding to form the planets of the Krayiss system.

Krayiss II is a mountainous and barren planet. Evidence shows that this may not have always been the case, however, due to the many dried up river beds being found by survey crews. It is however, not a desert planet. Its surface is covered with exposed rock and while it has many sand dunes, its lakes the large sandy waste areas typical of desert planet’s.

Brotherhood researchers are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to further explore the depths of the planet in the hopes of finding water supplies and discover more about the history of the planet. A planet that has great meaning to the Dark Jedi of the Galaxy.

The planet lacks a large enough axial tilt to create true seasons. Temperatures are instead divided into two extremes. During the daylight hours temperatures can reach 47 degrees Celsius during the day; particularly around the equator. Temperatures as low as -5 degrees Celsius have been recorded during the night.


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Sith Temple

Information to go here...

Ancient Sith Cave Painting

Cave of Jev Sunrider

Deep within a complex of valleys, twisted upon itself like a labyrinth is a blackened structure that even the sands avoid. Within this cave is a resting place of bones, each victim lulled into madness by a dark entity formerly known as Jev Sunrider. He once served as a Jedi Master and was the Watchman of the Darada system, attracted by the treasure trove of information stored within the Temple. He simply found the wrong artifact and was completely drawn into the Dark, rotting away in his delirium. However, such was his strength of will that his spirit lingered on, inhabiting the cave for thousands of years until his presence was one that the Jedi could not ignore. Three Jedi quickly arrived, ready to dispatch a Sith monstrosity. Their attempts failed and they were defeated by the entity that Jev had become. Their last effort was one that succeeded as they bound their spirits unto him through the Force, enforcing his guardianship of the Sith library beneath the sands.

Any who have ventured into the valley have reported strange sightings, odd sounds, disappearances. Many have tried to flush out Sunrider’s spirit, but it has remained, tenacious in the face of darkness. The cave itself is somewhat of a challenge, filled with pitfalls, twists, and turns, all in pitch blackness, utterly disorientating one willing to plumb its depths. And, at the end of it all, Jev Sunrider, the vengeful spirit, guided by Jedi, endlessly seeking to protect the dark secrets of the Temple.

Darth Zash's Outpost

The Outpost stands in plain sight, honestly displaying its deadly defense capabilities. With its team of maintenance droids keeping the plethora of defensive turrets running, only the bravest would dare to approach. Darth Zash herself felt confident enough to leave this gem of an outpost on a world so rough and rugged, confident in the knowledge that it would be safe. It is mediocre in appearance - four walls surrounding a pyramidal inner structure. The only access point is the roof which opens to a specific code, lost with the death of its mistress. There are four main turrets placed upon each corner of the wall, with a plethora of other hidden weaponry mainly consisting of particle technology. To combat the sand, but also achieve a form of adaptive camouflage force field technology is used to seal off the outpost from the surface. This also allows a certain degree of heat based camouflage, making it nearly undetectable through the day as the sand is heated by the sun.

One Sith Spaceport

FPC 6.7 Anti-Aircraft Battery

Built in the year 34 ABY, this spaceport was the original resupply point for the One Sith expedition that came to Krayiss II. It has since become the focal point for One Sith forces in the region, due in no small part to the facts that it still operates as the main resupply node for Krayiss II, as well as the fact that it handles all inbound and outbound One Sith traffic. The growth in its importance to the One Sith forces deployed to Krayiss II has also meant that the spaceport itself has expanded as well, growing from a simple landing field to encompass a larger area so as to provide more space for inbound spacecraft. At maximum capacity, the field can hold a single Corvette-class ship (up to roughly 200-225m length), as well as a squadron of starfighters, although if there were no capital ship present then a combination of shuttles and starfighters or other smaller craft could fill the space normally reserved for the One Sith Corvettes. In addition to any fighters or other craft that are present at the spaceport, there are also a pair FPC 6.7 Anti-Aircraft Battery which can offer protection to the site. These batteries are light defenses only however, and point to the One Sith’s belief that Krayiss II is a relatively safe world for them to hold without overly much protection being in place for such a crucial site.

Around the what was the initial spaceport, smaller buildings have begun to sprout up as more permanent personnel were deployed to the spaceport in capacities other than simply operating the import and export of supplies. Mechanics were deployed to the world to provide the requisite support for the vehicles and machinery which was used planetside, while military troops and officers were stationed at the spaceport as both a ground-based defense force and as support for the One Sith expeditions deeper into the desolate wilderness of Krayiss II. However, more often than not the troops that were assigned to the spaceport ended up acting more like Military Police than as a fighting force, and as such the assignment was seen by many as a luxury one.

Notable Persons

Jev Sunrider

Darth Sinagar

Tor Siva



Here is the list for the contributors of both/either of the Krayiss System - Team Arcownage and the Krayiss II - Team Arcownage pages.

(Note: All names will be preceded by an 'X'. It is the responsibility of the contributing member to remove the 'X' from beside their name to qualify them as a contributor)