Yridia III
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Yridia III | |
Astrographical | |
Region: | |
Sector: | |
System: | |
Suns: |
1: Yridiae |
Moons: |
1: Magnus |
Distance from Core: |
1.2 AU |
Orbital period: |
650 Standard Days |
Physical | |
Class: |
Terrestrial |
Diameter: |
10,000 km |
Atmosphere: |
Type I |
Climates: |
-23 to 43˚C |
Gravity: |
Standard (1.09 Standard) |
Primary Terrain: |
Forested |
Points of interest: | |
Societal | |
Affiliation: | |
[ Source ] |
Yridia III is a lush, though largely uninhabited world. Covered in thick vegetation the planet is dominated by untamed forests and seas teeming with megafauna, threatening enough to ward off virtually all bids at settlement or even exploration. The only moderately successful attempt was an Imperial research team, which established a facility at approximately the same time as the penal colony on Yridia II. The weather patterns are extraordinarily erratic and stormy.
Yridia III is dominated by vast tracts of dense megaforests, with trees often reaching heights in excess of 350 meters. There exists an extremely complex, hardy ecosystem within these forests populated by almost innumerable variations of super predators and colossal herbivores. There exists only one major ocean on the planet, though, due to its extreme depths there is next to nothing known about its ecosystem. There is almost always at least one hurricane-level storm developing over the ocean and another hammering the mainland. The average rainfall on the planet is more than some entire sectors.
Though much of the planet is at sea level, there are several large mountain chains towering above the low-lying forests. These mountains are blanketed with much smaller, though also denser, vegetation than the lowlands. It is here that the Imperials built their small complex of now overgrown buildings.
The Pyramid, base of the Nekros Syndicate and once the base of the now closed House Reinthaler and battleteam Spectre, can also be found on Yridia III.
Tarentum Dominion | ||
Planetary Systems | Yridia system | |
System Orbits | Yridiae • Yridia I • Yridia II • Yridia III • Yridia IV • Yridia V • Yridia VI • Yridia VII • Yridia VIII • Yridia IX • Itaana Belt | |
Moons | Koros • Fenris • Magnus • Naraj • Kresob • Salam • Joran | |
Space Stations | The Sword's Sheath • Yridian Repair Yard | |