Torin Erollisi
![]() | |
Torin Erollisi | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Metellos |
Date of Birth: |
10 BBY |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
1.8m |
Hair: |
Pepper |
Eyes: |
Dark Brown |
Personal Information | |
Fighting Style(s): | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Naval Officer Fleet Command (Commander) |
Position: |
Ship Commander |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Personal Ship: | |
[ Source ] |
- "All ahead full. Gunners, crush them."
- ―Commander Torin Erollisi
Torin Erollisi is a Commander in the Taldryan Navy, having served for over a decade in the Taldryan military. He is the current Commanding Officer of the GSP Flamewind.
History Overview
Born on the planet Metellos, Torin grew up to a relatively poor, pro-Imperial family. He lived what ultimately became a double life - studying hard in school to achieve good results for his parents sakes and sneaking out more than once to fight in unsanctioned fighting circles in order to make a few extra credits for himself. He attended public schooling and achieved above average grades but would often come home with fresh scars and bruises, covering them up with the excuse that they lived in a "bad neighborhood" and nothing could be done about it. During his late teens, Erollisi established a life goal during his first close encounter with a starship: to one day be the captain of his very own vessel. His grades were good enough that he could at least apply for a military academy and he intended to keep them that way, even if he had more than one broken bone to show for his fighting efforts.
At the age of eighteen, Torin paid his way to the Imperial Remnant and enlisted in the Imperial Navy. During his tenure at the Academy, Torin took up more formal combat classes, specifically Hapan boxing; he became the Academy boxing champion in his graduating class. Upon graduation, he was given a post as a gunnery crewman aboard a Lancer-class frigate. This vital experience taught him the mechanics of gunnery and basic space warfare tactics. His next post came as the weapons officer aboard a Victory-class Star Destroyer upon attaining the rank of Lieutenant. He would receiving a further promotion to Lieutenant Commander when the his ship was damaged, and his weapons crew blasted a safe path out of the minefield it was stuck in. Ultimately his career spanned eleven years as a serving officer of the Navy, his final promotion being to Commander and commanding officer of a Lancer-class frigate.
When the Taldryan military opened its doors in 22 ABY, Erollisi was approached by a Taldryan recruiter for his skills and was promised a stellar career after some additional training in this new military. He resigned his commission from the Imperial Remnant and signed on with the Taldryan Navy, bringing his expertise to the Brotherhood in order to further his career to heights that the Empire could no longer promise in its weakening state. Despite being a Commander in the Imperial Navy, upon enlistment with Taldryan, Erollisi was commissioned at the rank of Lieutenant, and was given an office posting until the Taldryan Navy could build up its forces. Command and bridge slots were given to those with more experience serving Taldryan and its former allies in the Emperor's Hammer. During his tenure, he served as a logistics officer, sorting out weaponry supply lines and refuelling schedules for many of the ships. He served a generally boring and mostly promotion-less career in that station. However, with job security and decent pay, Torin did not quit his post as a logistics officer, clinging to the hope of front-line command once more.
In the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong War where Taldryan acquired a number of new warships, then-Lieutenant Commander Erollisi was given a shot at a ship command slot once again: this time at the helm of a DP-20 gunship: the Flamewind. This slot was given due to his experience aboard Lancer-class ships, providing him useful knowledge in anti-starfighter combat and patrol protocols. Accepting the promotion to command a warship, he took the helm of the ship and fought in a number of engagements, rapidly earning his promotion to Commander and finally earning the notice of his peers. With the reorganisation of the Taldryan military into new Battlegroups, Commander Erollisi along with his ship and crew, were transferred to the Taldryan Home Fleet.
Physical Description
Of average height and build, Torin looks a little older than he actually is, thanks in part to the stresses of holding a desk job for the military for nearly ten years. His pepper hair is weathered and his hairline receding, face slightly scarred and with a slightly off-center nose thanks to more than one good punch to the face in his youth. He is of good build thanks to exercise regulations being followed to the letter and maintains a pristine personal image, even going to the exteme of receiving partial re-constructive surgery on his face to remove some of the scarring that he attained.
Typically he can be found in his Taldryan Navy service uniform and on duty aboard his ship or in spacedock; otherwise, he can be found in his quarters, in the nearest library or in an auditorium. If he is not in uniform for whatever reason, he tends towards formal shirts and pants; Torin is very fussy about maintaining good personal appearance standards not only out of regulation but also vanity.
Personality and traits
Torin is a cold and calculating man, typically found brooding or lost in thought. His replies tend to be short and terse wherever possible, chosen for maximum effect out of a desire to be economical. He tends to be a reserved person with his thoughts and emotions, refusing to let them show wherever possible so as to maintain good command presence and a clear chain of command. Distant from his subordinates and even those he calls friends, Torin is the very model of an Imperial officer when it comes to behaviour thanks to his time spent in the Academy and Remnant service. He has a penchant for orchestral music and reading - if he is in his quarters, chances are you can hear a symphony playing and find him studying a book or holo-recording of a play.
With his age and experience, Torin is a cunning military naval tactician and strategist focusing on small scale engagements. Having experience with a number of light and medium-scale Imperial-type warships thanks to service in the Imperial Remnant, he knows how to employ a wide variety of ships and tactics. His speciality is the employment of anti-starfighter doctrine. He favours placement on the front line and mobile blitzkrieg-style tactics, engaging the enemy wherever possible and annihilating them. True to Imperial style, he rewards success and punishes failure, though not to the same extremes as many Imperial commanders, instead he prefers a light reprimand in private, rather than the public shaming and demotions many Imperials prefer.
Behind the Scenes
NPC designed by Mirus Cavataio.