Taldryan Times
The Taldryan Times is the newsletter of Taldryan. It is compiled periodically by the Quaestor. Almost entirely humorous in nature, the "TT" as it is referred to, it's a favorite amongst members.
Latest Issue
The latest issue of the Taldryan Times is Volume V Issue I
Originally begun by Consul Telaris "Mav" Cantor and proposed by Taku "Crix" Matsuki Taldrya in 2000, the Taldryan Times was revived by Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn. It generally combines news articles, columns, graphics, artwork, puzzles, and occasional House storylines. Submissions are created by Summit members and House members, and generally edited and compiled by the Quaestor and regular Tal Times Staff before release.
Original TT Email
Greetings. There has been talk, for several weeks, of a Taldryan newsletter. This newsletter idea first came from JH Crix, who managed to convince me of its merits. It was also suggested that the name for this news item be "The Taldryan Times." If any members have a name they feel more appropriate for a newsletter from a Clan in the Dark Brotherhood, please inform me of it. "The Taldryan Times" will be a newsletter much like other newsletters, including member submissions in the areas of fiction and/or art. Members who submit to "The Taldryan Times" will receive special recognition and rewards. Submissions will be organized how the Head Editor sees fit.
The Head Editor will be a new unofficial Clan position. The Head Editor will be in charge of putting "The Taldryan Times" together on a weekly or bi-monthly basis, as they see fit. They WILL be responsible for the release of the newsletter on a timely basis. The Head Editor will report directly to the Consul and Proconsul on the status of the newsletter once a week, regardless of if an issue is due out that week. The Head Editor will also be in charge of gathering a submission from each Quaestor on the status of their House. Those who wish for the position of Head Editor should apply to the Consul and Proconsul respectively. Significant ability in the creation of web pages using HTML, or the ability and willingness to learn are necessary. Graphics and other layout/design aspects are a plus for this position, though not necessary. A great deal of time will be needed for Head Editor.
In closing, "The Taldryan Times" will hopefully begin construction of its first issue shortly after the appointment of a Head Editor, so get those applications in to Jac Cotelin and I, so that we may appoint an officer.
Obelisk Battlemaster Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Proud Consul of Clan Taldryan