Taldryan Senate Complex
High hills, water crater
The Taldryan Senate Complex is a sprawling facility approximately 50 kilometers north of Port Kasiya, constructed in the ruins of the Ascendant Crater left behind during the Fifteenth Great Jedi War in 40 ABY.
Shortly after the events of the Great Jedi War and the reformation of Clan Taldryan into the Taldryan Republic, then-Consul Appius Wight knew that a senate building would have to be constructed somewhere. The risk of having it in the city was significantly high, in the event terrorists or other entities may make a move against it; as it would be easy for civilians and other people to get fairly close to it even by air.
It was then that he thought about the crater where the Ascendant Asteroid had fallen, which had gradually begun to fill with water from recent rains. It was a solid location with a high outer rim that provided reasonable natural protection and ample space within which to safely house the Senate. Construction began several days later on the lowest levels of the facility and worked upwards. To ensure secrecy, during this time the Axios was stationed directly overhead to prevent any form of orbital observation. As each section was completed, the water levels within the crater were gradually raised to also obscure visibility of them.
Within half a year, construction was fully completed and private residences for the senators and special areas were constructed along the outer ring and saw its first use shortly thereafter.
The Senate Chambers
Senate Defense System
Except for Taldryanites and the military, access to the senate grounds was strictly prohibited except under very limited circumstances. The safety and security of the senators and the senate itself were held at a level of paramount importance and even had its own dedicated military unit: the Senate Guard. Each senator has a specific guard assigned to them when they are present on the grounds, and all decisions by the Senate Guard have final authority over any other military personnel when it comes to actions on the grounds, including flag officers of the Navy and Army. The sole exception to this rule is the Summit Guard when it comes to the protection and security of the Republic Summit.
The complex itself is surrounded by a massive reinforced wall designed to absorb incredible amounts of shock with sixteen towers around its top perimeter. These towers house special shield generator nodes that connect to a centralized generator within the heart of the complex in the water that enables it to rest a dome-style shield on top of them when it is active.
It is also separated from the artificial intelligence core within Port Kasiya to prevent external access, with a large number of its critical systems independent from each other and unnetworked for the same reason for added defense and security.
The Ambassador Wing There are a number of different locations within the senate complex, most largely unknown and restricted from knowledge such as the power reactor, shield generator, computer data core, senate guard barracks, armory locations, Supreme Chancellor's office and quarters, and escape tunnels hidden all throughout the facility. Areas that are known: The ambassador wing in the northwest, Senator Offices and apartments in the south, and the Senate Building in the northeast.
The Senate Building is comprised of approximately fifty above-ground floors, and an unknown number below-ground. The senate chambers themselves are also underground within this building at it's heart.