Taldryan Communication Platforms
Our clan is more than a collection fellow geeks and geekettes, it’s a community. Part of being a community is the social interaction and friendship that can be achieved from real time communication with others. So Taldryan provides certain communication platforms for this very purpose and in hopes of the enjoyment of those involved.
A list of these platforms include:
- The Taldryan Telegram channel
- #Taldryan - an IRC channel
- The Taldryan mailing list
- Taldryan message board (Discourse)
- Google Hangouts hosted by the Taldryan Summit
- House Dinaari and Ektrosis channels & mailing lists (when in use)
- Battleteam channels & mailing lists
- Various other mailing lists and other channels designated as official Clan channels by the summit
In order to provide a fun and safe environment for the members of Taldryan, as well as guests from outside our Clan, the following policies have been created and include certain guidelines we hope all participants in our communication platforms will follow. For simplicity across Taldryan related groups, and for a consistent message of achieving excellency , these policies apply to any and all communication platforms operated by Taldryan, including official House & Battleteam channels
Official Policies
This section borrows explicit Brotherhood rules from the Covenant
- Free Speech: Members of the Brotherhood have a right to free speech and expression, but must also have respect for and protect the rights of other members and members who are under eighteen years of age. That is, the free speech of a member is subject to the provisions of the Covenant related to the Conduct of Members, such that a member is not free to commit harassment or other such violations of the Covenant. Furthermore, access to Brotherhood communication channels is a privilege—not a right—subject to the access policies established by the Grand Master.
- Crude Behavior: No member shall engage in crude behavior in any mode of communication. Crude behavior includes, but is not limited to: the excessive use of swear words; provocative speech; excessive sexual discussions; and unabated insults toward another’s real-life political affiliation, nationality, gender, race, color, age, disability, creed, heritage, or sexual orientation.
- Verbal Abuse: No member shall engage in the excessive verbal abuse of another, including, but not limited to: insults regarding a member’s real-life political affiliation, gender, race, creed, heritage, age, nationality or sexual orientation; character assassination; or unjust use of Brotherhood resources to attack another through defamatory statements.
- Harassment: No member shall engage in persistent harassment or torment, or outrageous attacks on any other member. This includes statements and actions taken to attack a member’s real-life political affiliation, family or significant other, gender, race, color, age, disability, creed, heritage, nationality or sexual orientation. This article extends to cover harassment through the distribution of personal information, the creation of groups or modes of communication for the purpose of attacking the member, and unwanted contact with the member through non-internet means of communication. Harassment punished under this article must be to the extent and of the form that would injure a reasonable person of normal sensibilities; mere mocking does not suffice.
- Disreputable Behavior: Members must not partake in any action that brings disrepute onto the Brotherhood. This includes any action by a member, whether in a Brotherhood situation or not, that actively harms the image of the Brotherhood or its constituent parts in the view of outside observers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a member is not acting disreputably when they engage in otherwise-legal speech in relation to the Brotherhood.
Taldryan Guidelines
Because of the varying differences in age for members of the clan, we encourage communication at a moderate level (think PG-13). However, an important part of our official policies is that many use the word “excessive” - as a community that has a global membership, we may not all agree on the specifics of a PG 13 rating but we can agree when conversation has crossed into an “excessive” territory. Don’t be excessive, be moderate.
Respect goes a long way, and not only is it something we ask of you; respecting others is a responsibility as a member of the club. That said, Taldryan has a long history of joking & mockery that had furthered our sense of community as a smaller brotherhood; requiring a fine line that must be carefully walked. Remember that some of our members are considered minors. Because of this, the posting of images of a pornographic nature will be referred to the Chamber of Justice.
- Do not spam.
- Do not overuse gifs, stickers, images, text images (ASCII pictures), sound files or other media. Be respectful of others. The general rule is do not respond to media with other media. Gif/image wars are considered spam and will be deleted and warnings will be given out.
- All members have a right to free speech, but if a member requests a certain topic not be discussed then drop the subject and/or take the discussion to a private group.
- Excessive trolling (making controversial statements with the intent of offending / making people upset) will result in a bending...I mean banning.
- Do not feed the panda.
Guests of Taldryan
As of January 3rd, 2017: Guests are permitted in the Clan’s Telegram channel. Any Dark Brotherhood member may contact a member of the Taldryan Summit to be added to the group or use the join link found on the Clan roster or found here. Members of the Dark Council will also be admitted to Taldryan mailing list, as a guest, upon their placement to the Council.
The petition for admittance may be denied with cause. Any denial may be taken to the Consul for review, who has final say on admission. Taldryan also reserves the right to close our platforms to any and all guests, without warning. For the sake of Taldryan coordination; during times of large scale unit competitions, such as vendettas or Great Jedi Wars, platforms may be temporary closed to guests for the duration of the event on decision from the Clan Summit, though all guests approved at the time of temporary close will be welcomed back upon its conclusion.
The Clan Summit, selected members of the Taldrya, and current House Quaestors are all empowered to enforce these policies and guidelines.
- Any member who receives three written warnings will be removed from the platform in question.
- Taldryans will be restored to the platform after a period not to exceed 30 days.
- Guests (non Clan members) who receive 3 warnings will be expelled from all Taldryan platforms and must petition the summit for re-entry.
- Leaders given admin or moderator privileges are empowered to delete any comment or thread they deem inappropriate after recording the content in question through a screenshot or other means.
- Nothing in these rules prevents a leader with appropriate permissions from issuing a temporary ban or deleting content in exigent circumstances. Any ban issued without warning will be reviewed by the Consul or acting Consul within 24 hours.
Special Notes
A member who engages in a discussion through email or a chat program implicitly consents to the dissemination of the email or logs by any person who is in the room or who is the recipient of an email through direct mail, carbon copy or blind carbon copy.