Maida Irvine

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Maida Irvine
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

13 BBY (age 56)

Physical Description





1.73 m


71 kg





Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information
  • Engineer
  • Warhost Fleet

Chief Engineer of Covenant

[ Source ]

Maida Irvine is the current Chief Engineer aboard the Covenant. She ensures the ship stays at full operational capacity as best as she can for as long as possible. Whilst a demanding task to keep everything working during the ships downtime, her true skills come to light when she keeps the ship operational during battles where the Covenant has suffered damage.

Early Life

Maida was born to unknown parents on the outer rim of the galaxy in 13 BBY. Her birth marked a turbulent time for her family, which ended in their deaths at the hands of the Galactic Empire a few years after she was born. She was taken by the Empire and raised by an adoption family who taught her the strict Imperial regime whilst she grew up in space. Her life did not improve much as she never had any place to call home, always moving from ship to ship as she was indoctrinated throughout the years. As a teenager, Maida had very little freedom and few friends. Her only and best friend was a boy named Shawn Vipohas. The boy was slightly younger than her but he followed her around, which she tolerated most times and their friendship grew. As they continued to be amongst each other, they began to view each other as brother and sister, sticking their neck out for each other and helping each other where needed.

Shawn's parents didn't pay much attention to him as he was their youngest son, which allowed the young boy much freedom in his coming and goings. He was able to provide for Maida emotionally and ensured she did not become a lose canon.


Naturally, Maida joined the Imperial Navy and during her training she stumbled upon information that eventually lead to the revelation of who had killed her parents. A group of Admirals had taken the unknown planet by force, and sent down stormtroopers to clear out some of the villages that were deemed unnecessary by them. With this newfound information, a sitch flipped in Maida and she turned from an uncertain young adult to a determined and fierce individual. Though she had never really known her parents, she felt the necessity to enact revenge in their name. She turned to Shawn and revealed the information to him and both of them agreed that these people would be dealt with on their terms. Their relationship had continued to grow, though both had no love interest in one or the other.

Maida began to put their plan into motion, which would span over several years until it came to fruition. As she graduated from her class and was assigned to the ship as an enginner which carried the intended targets, the final phase of her plan was put into motion. Maida Irvine proved to be a cunning and scary individual, knowing all the inns and outs of the ship, its capabilities and how to keep the ship running in even the most dire of situations. In many instances she had saved not only the crew, but also the ship from being destroyed through her quick thinking and intimate knowledge of the ship.

Driven by the thirst for vengeance she had planned for Shawn to be transferred to the same ship in order to carry out their plan together. Once Shawn had arrived they worked quickly and struck in the night when the Admirals were all gathered for a meeting.


Maida Irvine enacts her revenge as Shawn Vipohas stares horrifed at the brutality of it all.

In 14 ABY Maida and Shawn had secured entrance tot he private meeting that the Admirals were holding. Using her engineering skills she was able to force her way into the meeting room. Both her and Shawn were wearing gas masks. Not a word was said from the duo as the Admirals demanded what was going on. A tiny activator in Maida's hand fell to the floor and a deadly gas was pumped into the room through the circulation vents throughout the entire ship.

Maida had come to resent the Empire for their actions, and whilst they were on the verge of defeat, it only seemed fitting to end them all at once. She had no affiliation with them whatsoever and felt no remorse for killing off the entire crew of the ship. As she turned towards Shawn, she was shocked to see him so terrified. As they left the conference room she reassured him that this was necessary, and they were new enemies of the Empire. They would need to flee and build a new life somewhere else. She had read through many files that mentioned a distant place called the Orian System that harbored a small force of ships. She suggested they head there and build up their new life far away from the remnants of the Galactic Empire. Still shocked at what had just happened, but realizing Maida spoke the truth, he agreed to go with her. Abandoning his family wasn't as hard as it seemed it would be.

Naga Sadow

Ten years after the incident, in 24 ABY the duo had reached the Orian System and Maida immediately signed up for the Warhost Fleet. Despite having no formal records of service, she had been accepted as an engineer. She was assigned to the Covenant and quickly found herself living a comfortable and safe life. As the years passed on without any major incidents she was finally promoted to Chief Engineer in early 29 ABY by its Captain, Russell Bartholomew, just before the Invasion of New Tython. Her first real live combat started during the Invasion. The Covenent however was only providing orbital assistance and did not see much action, if any. The scenario however did still test her skills in making sure the ship kept at peak performance levels during their assistance, and she was properly christened during the confrontation. Russell congratulated her on her efforts and ensured that she would be a valuable crew member upon the ship for a long time.

Shawn had insisted on wanting to live a life free of the military, and had instead chosen to work in Seng Karash as a detective. Although the two do not see each other as often as they would like, their bond is still strong and when Maida is allowed leave from the Covenant, she spends almost all of her time with Shawn.

The Dominion Attack

Maida Irvine proves her skills during a mock battle aboard the Covenant.

After another long period of small skirmishes and forgotten battles, the Orian System came under siege by the Dominion. During this time the Covenant was ordered to defend Aeotheran and ensure that the hostile forces were held back. The ship suffered minor to no damage and was ready to partake in the retaliation strike. However, much to Maida's frustration, they were once again ordered to hold back and defend the Orian System in case their main force failed and needed to retreat. Whilst the retaliation attack succeded, it seems the Dominion is once again preparing an assualt on a much larger scale. This can only mean that the Covenant will finally see action once again since.

Until that time comes, the crew have partaken in many mock battles, testing their mettle and cooperation. Maida Irvine has done exceptionally well in all cases. On one occasion she lured a small squadron away from the pivotal equipment that kept the ship running, and baited them into a trap which allowed her to subdue the would be attackers and secure the safety of the ship. She has proven to not only be a great engineer, but also a fighter that knows how to defend her ship from the inside out.