Category talk:Prominent Members
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Minor Fix
"Their hard work has shaped the club to become what it is today." "Their contributions have shaped the DJB into what it is today."
Having both of those sentences seems a little redundant. --BenevolentWhiner 09:00, 12 June 2007 (MDT)
- Looks like someone tacked on thoughts without reading what was already written. This has been corrected. -- KM
Umm. Do I qualify for this? 18:26 (EST) 1 Nov 2007 -- Macron
- I don't mean to be offensive, but it seems to be self-demeaning by simply asking such a question. -- RevengeX Palpatine 17:49, 1 November 2007 (MDT)
I merely asked a simple question. There are no direct guidelines given for inclusion here. I have no intentions of demeaning myself or anyone else. 21:29 (EST) 7 Nov 2007 -- Macron