Carr Cinteroph
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Carr Cinteroph | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Seraph |
Date of Birth: |
28 ABY (age 13) |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Shistavanen |
Gender: |
Male |
Eyes: |
Grey |
Personal Information | |
Mother: |
Aimi Cinteroph |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Affiliation: |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
- " If you can get the proper definition of trouble, then we can find out who the real troublemakers are. "
- ― Al Sharpton
Carr Cinteroph, a youth leading what most would consider a privileged life, chose to walk away from it all to stay with his older sibling on the Voidbreaker as a crew member and general nuisance. All with his mother's blessing and his older sibling's chagrin. He is a youth craving genuine connections and life more adventurous than any he found available on Seraph.
Character History
Early Childhood
Carr was born in 28 ABY to Aimi Cinteroph(mother) and Cormac Silvera(father) in the UCE. The pair were well off, and Carr was never left wanting for anything in his earlier years. He was accepted into a prestigious private school when he was tested as having a very high intellect. Of course, the money attached to the Silvera name helped.
The Shistavanen fit in well initially; it was not until he was seven years old that issues began to make themselves known. A group of boys he was hanging out with began bullying one of the kids that were accepted to the school purely on intellect; the boy's family was poor. The bullying, both physical and verbal, upset Carr. He did not stop it, though; he walked away. He found out later that a teacher stopped it, and the victim was expelled. No actions were taken against the aggressors. By the age of eight, he had no friends and spent more time on computers and tinkering with small bits of machinery. He could not stand fakers and people that claimed to be his friend and then talked behind his back or tried to take advantage of his status. Computers and machinery did not use him or lie to him. His grades began to slip. He got into fights. By the age of nine, he was suspended for the first time after punching another boy in the face to stop him from bullying a smaller kid. He had snuck up on the aggressors and caught them completely by surprise. The kid he protected still got expelled.
His attitude shifted further, and his attitude snarkier. He was distracted in class, more often than not busying himself studying mechanical diagrams, tech theory and any number of topics unrelated to what the teacher prattled on about. Seven months after the first suspension, when he defended himself from the bullies, he got suspended again. It would not be his last and became the root of his dislike for authority figures until he was finally expelled from the private school at the age of ten when he said what he thought of the school and its teachers and dean; to the dean's face. His father was angry; his mother was understanding and accepting as she always was.
The Siblings

Carr, by design, did not have anything to do with Saito Osada, his eldest brother and current CEO of some applied sciences corporation. His mother made certain to keep Seito far away. Her youngest son did meet Mune; Carr was seven at the time, and the white-furred Shistavanen, eighteen. They never got very close; the age difference and Mune's not being around. It did not help that Carr's father distrusted Force-users, so there was no love lost between the man and his stepson. Smart kid that Carr was, he picked up on his father's discomfort and contributed to Carr's distrust of his innate Force abilities that had only just begun to manifest. Around the age of ten, he stopped seeing Mune even that much when his sibling left Scholae Palatinae.
Kicked out of school, with no friends, and at odds with himself, Carr's attitude did not improve, nor his pension for getting into trouble. It was decided by his mother, after much arguing with her husband, that their son would be sent to live for a time with his sibling, Mune. Carr was not overly thrilled with the decision, but it allowed him to escape, go on an adventure, and maybe forget how lonely he was.
Voidbreaker II
Carr left Seraph behind when he was eleven, joining his sibling on the Voidbreaker II. He was uncertain about what to expect. Mune and their husband met him, and Carr was given the ship tour. The place was beyond anything he could have expected; someone had designed the place with the comfort of the crew in mind. He was blown away. He was further surprised when he was shown to quarters of his own, a short stroll down the hall from Mune's. It was a big show of trust and freedom that he had not expected but appreciated. Over a few days, he met the crew, a unique bunch. Mune encouraged him to get to know people, but it was perhaps people trying to get to know him that encouraged him the most to get over his issues.
Zig Kaliska
The Captain of the Voidbreaker II when Carr joined his sibling on board. An authority figure that he was prepared to dislike immediately, except she was nothing like he imagined she would be. She treated everyone fairly and like she was on their level, not above them. She had an interesting dynamic and surrounded herself with a crew that was unique and wonderful in its ways. He decided she was someone he wanted to get to know and learn from. He took up tasks around the ship, what Zig Kaliska likely intended to keep him out of trouble; he took them as opportunities to learn and prove himself. Of course, he usually follows it up by doing something ridiculous, like slicing accidentally into Zig's files and stumbling across her fanfiction (he used this to blackmail his way onto the bridge to learn ship operations.) Or taking control of laser turrets on the Voidbreaker II's bridge during a life-and-death battle against Ascendant monstrosities (he argues he at least did a good job! He did not hit any Arconan forces, that's a win!)
Noga and Leda Tenbriss
Carr eventually befriended the Mirialan siblings, Noga and Leda Tenbriss (likely to Ruka's chagrin, he should really learn to control that frown and eye twitch.) They bond over comic books, comic books his sibling, Mune, is more than happy to purchase for him so he may share them with his new friends. Carr also makes every effort to try and teach them about computers, displaying a surprising amount of patience that most would have previously felt him incapable of. He adores Leda, so far as to even dance with her at an Arconan costume party (they did not do well.) Whether he danced with Leda to try and endear himself to Noga or Leda is debatable, but Mune theorizes he has a crush on one of them.

- "Whatever you do, don’t make it worse by trying to come up with some flimsy excuse for why you were in the ventilation shaft, Lina told herself. "
- ― Jaleigh Johnson, The Secrets of Solace
Physical Appearance
Carr is just above average height for his age, with the promise of being above average as an adult. Being so young and far from finished growing, it is not difficult to see that his body holds the promise of being lean, even lanky in build. Perched upon his head are expressive and largish canid ears reminiscent of a fox. The fur between his ears is left shaggy and unkempt, as if even brushing a hand through it is simply an afterthought.
Pale grey eyes look out from a fluffy face, each pupil vulpine in shape. His face is dominated by a broad muzzle lined with pointed teeth. Carr's body is thickly furred from the top of his to his fuzzy toes. Their fur could only be described as blond and is a rather nice mix of pale yellows, caramels, ivory and sienna, all blending to be rather esthetically pleasing to the eye. All that fur is thick and soft. Their tail is as unkempt as their headfur, looking as though his idea of brushing it out is to run his fingers through it before padding out the door. Upon fingers and toes are slightly dulled black claws. At times, the most that can be asked is that he ensures there is no machine oil, grease or other such things in his fur before he goes out in public.
Their Speech
Carr's voice is a little gravelly, a bit rough sounding, with the promise of getting a little more so as he gets older and his voice gains in bass. Their tone stays much the same whether speaking Basic or Shistavanen.
Personality Profile
Carr comes across as snarky and a troublemaker, often mouthing off or challenging any figure of authority. It is evident within very few interactions that he does not like being told what to do. He has never been given any reason to trust anyone in a position of authority based on his suspensions and expulsion from school due to his defending himself and others from bullies. He dislikes fakers and people getting close to people to access their status, money, or whatever else. Users. Disingenuous folks just looking to use others and discard them when they are done. He hates such people. He craves friends and people to trust and to trust him in return. He has difficulty dropping his snarky, troublemaking armour so people can get to know him. He is pretty kind, if not a bit snappish, thoughtful, and a nerd who loves to talk about machinery and computers. Carr identifies as male and, considering the crushes he has started to develop, considers himself pansexual.
Skills, Powers and Abilities
Carr has no combat skills to speak of unless one counts the punching of bullies in the face with no grace or skill.
Carr excels where technology is involved. He learned how to slice into computer systems as a hobby and has a firm grasp of mechanical things. The youngster has even been learning ship operations from other crew members of the Voidbreaker II in hopes that they would allow him to get at the consoles on the bridge. He swears it will not cause trouble for the Captain and his close friend, engineer Zig Kaliska.
The Force
Carr is a Force-user, though entirely undisciplined. It comes as no surprise, considering his older siblings are likewise blessed with the ability to use the Force, yet, the youngest Cinteroph has no interest in honing those powers in the least, thanks to prejudices held by his father.
Significant Fictions/Character Canon
Title | Summary | Time Period | Link |
Roleplaying Sessions
Title | Summary | Link |
Of Wolves And Sheep | On their way to Seraph, they are intercepted and kidnapped by their sociopath brother, Seito. It is up to their brother Carr, some close friends, and an old friend from Scholae, to save them from the clutches of Seito's sadistic plans. | Session Log |
Other Materials