This article is about the Assembly of Leaders. You may be looking for other uses of DC.
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The Dark Council is an assembly of leaders who have been personally chosen by the Grand Master to assist within the administration of the Dark Brotherhood. The Council is a small yet powerful body which has the responsibility of providing the membership at large a wide variety of services. Some of these services include maintenance of the roster and standards of promotion/award, training of membership, provision of website resources, management of a well-balanced roleplaying system, creation of graphical assets. Led by the Grand Master and his Deputy Grand Master the Dark Council oversees the stability of the entire Dark Brotherhood and the creation of competitions and other events in which the membership may participate.
Dark Council members include:
See: Organizational Chart
The Dark Council is also assisted by a larger body known as the Dark Summit.
See also: Dark Summit, Tribunes, Chamber of Justice
Obsolete Positions
Throughout the years, various positions within the Dark Council have been created to serve a specific purpose. Obsolete or redundant positions were dissolved or combined with current positions, with their respective duties distributed amongst several Council members.
Obsolete Dark Council positions included: