Nix Graves
File:Wolfman.jpg | |
Nix Graves | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: | |
Date of Birth: |
32 BBY |
Date of Death: |
Still living. |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
shistavanen |
Gender: |
male |
Height: |
1.8 meters |
Weight: |
230 pounds |
Hair: |
brown |
Eyes: |
brown |
Personal Information | |
Allies: | |
Enemies: |
Anyone who stands in my way of power. |
Lightsaber Color(s): |
none |
Lightsaber Form(s): |
none |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
bounty hunter, Tribal hunter and bar bouncer. |
Position: |
none |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Personal Ship: |
VT-49 Decimator. |
Known masters: | |
Known apprentices: |
none |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Character History
Nix was raised by his grandmother on his home planet of Uvena prime. His grandmother was a near sighted old hound of a woman who would rather tear into you then get to know you. Since Nix did not have any parents the village elders looked down upon him as a mutt and the village shunned him his hole life. Around the age of 18 nix left his village to find a new life. Nix soon found work as a bouncer in a spacer bar in the nearest city just outside of his village. After working in the bar for a few years a bounty hunter by the name of Snoova had stoped by the bar looking for some info on a Shistavanen bounty he had. Nix had seen the bounty he was after so Snoova had asked Nix to help him track the bounty down. With Nix's strong senses they tracked the bounty all the way in the out laying woods. there Nix got into a fight with the bounty and Snoova got to see Nix's wild side. This was enough to Snoova to give Nix a chance to learn a bit or to about bounty hunting. Nix spent the next six years with Snoova training and bounty hunting. Nix took small jobs from the black sun and also worked with the aurodium sword. Soon after joining the Dark Brotherhood did Nix gave up bounty hunting.
Early childhood years
Most of Nix youngest years of his life were his worst. Nix's grandmother was a stern, cold, and evil shistavanen woman. She would beat Nix just for the hell of it and laugh about it afterwards. In the long run Nix would see and understand that she did what she did because she wanted to make him strong and fear nothing but her swinging back hand. As the years went by the beatings became less and less either it was due to one or two things. One, she was geting to old to hit him or two, she became nicer.
There comes a time were young Shistavanenpups are taught by their fathers how to hunt and track prey with out being noticed. Nix did not get to learn this by his father because he had none. Nix was taught be his cold hearted grandmother who happend to be one of the better hunters of the village. This was not common for any shistavanen village but if you were the only daughter of the village chief you happen to learn a few things a shistavanen male would. Nix was taught every thing his vile grandmother had learned from her father. Once Nix's training was finshed nix was given a hunters task and it was to hunt and kill a mother gundark that lived in a near by cave.
A Hunter's Task
Nix was given the test of a hunter by the elders of the his village, this task is to prove his worth as a hunter and the right to be called a Shistavanenhunter. He was given three days and three nights to complete his task. Nix did not waste any time, shortly after he had spoken with the elders he ran back to his grandmothers hut to gather his hunting gear. While nix gathered his arrows and put them into his arrow pack he also stuffed a few chunks of meat in with the arrows. Nix grabed his bow and tied two ends of it with thick string and tied the ends of the string around his chest to hold the bow in place. As he made his way from the hut to start his task nix's grandmother had appeared from nowhere.
Grandmother Graves said not a word to him as she blocked the door way but for a moment she handed nix two vibro daggers. Nix looked down at the twin daggers and saw his family's clan symbol engraved into the base of each blade. "You will need those to kill that gundark" she said with a quite and humble voice, somthing nix had never heard in her voice before. Not saying any anything more Grandmother Graves moved from the door way and into her favorite chair near the fire and began to hum an old hunters prayer for her grandson's safe return.
Now standing out side his grandmother's hut, nix began to make his way to the eadge of the village and into the woods that surround the village. His brisk walk turned into a light jog, then the jog turned into a full sprint. Since nix is of a canine species anytime he sprints he dose so on all fours, allowing him to gain greater speeds then if he was on his hind legs. Nix is now many miles away from the village and is making great time towards the gundark cave. Hours have pased since he left the village and the sun is slowly fading away and turning the forest into a black abyss full of sounds from the little creatures that live on the forest floor. Nix had stoped to give him self a break and rest for a bit before he returns to the move towards the cave. Nix pulled out the meat he had placed in his arrow sack before his trip and began to tear into it with his fangs. The sound of meat being seared form bone is all one could hear for a few feet in the pitch blackness of the forest. Nix was siting on top of a fallen tree and had put what meat he hadn't eaten away and looked back at the way he had came. With his naturally excellent night vision nix peered out looking forward into the direction he need to go, He stood up and stretched out his body.
With one swift move nix stepped off the fallen tree and into the darkness and was back on all fours in a dead sprint. Stoping only when he needed to nix ran all night and countined into the late afternoon untill he was just a few miles from the base of the mountin where the gundark cave was located. The sun was in its highest point in the day, nix knew that now would be the best time to set traps for the mother gundark but the best way to a mother is through her offspring. Nix worked all afternoon to ready his traps for the mother gundark, his traps consisted of several spike pit- falls and non-spike pit-falls. Night soon fell upon the forest again, nix had been sleeping in a near by tree waiting for night to fall. Nix had set out and hung some of the meat he had taken with him to lure out the gundark offspring or if lucky enough the mother her self. Nix had his bow and arrows out and ready for whatever came out of the cave. Hunting any pray takes time, you have to wait and have patience and be ready to kill at any given moment.
Hours have pasted and nix's legs begin to burn from crouching in the tree for so long, he moves and stands upright in the tree and is in kill mode once more. Nix starts to smell the roting meat he hung below in the traps, nix says to him self "If i can smell that meat, those gundarks should as well". Not an hour after he said that a gundark slowly makes it's way out of the cave, nix fleches his first arrow and pulls back on the bow string bringing it back to his check. The gundark is nowere near the size of a adult and nix sees that it's not the mother. The adolescent gundark makes it way toward the haning meat and as soon to grab it falls into a branch covered pit-fall.
Before nix could jump out of the tree did the child gundark began to wail in a horrible screeching noise that rang through out the entire forest. Nix covers his ears in pain and drops to his knees, the cry for help lasted for a good three minutes until a break in the noise came but another nosie came but this time it was much deeper and more fearsome. Nix turned on his knees to look face to face with a mother gundark, another deep roar came from this massive beast. The mother gundark swung a mighty back hand toward the shistavanen, nix was struck with the heavy blow kocking him a few feet to his right hitting a tree trunk and nearly making him unconscious. Nix gatherd himself and stood right back up, although feeling a little dizzy he charged the mother.
The mother gundark gave a large grunt and hammer fisted the ground were nix was charging with a quick burts of speed nix had thrown him self out of the way. Once he had hit the ground nix rolled and lunged to all fours. He then began to charge once more at the mother but this time she was unaware of his actions and more on his fallen child. Nix took a short step towards a tree and leaped off the ground and once in the air he pushed of the tree to gain more hight. Nix now in the air right above the mother he pulled both daggers out that were tucked under his belt and now has them placed in hand. He landed on the mother gundarks back with both daggers in her head, time had stood still for a few seconds then it all fell into play. Nix jumped off the back of the mother before she fell, drained of all energy he had nix fell to his knees and sloughed his back and sighed a deep breath of completion.
A hunter's tasks complete
Nix now gathered his daggers and placed them back under his belt and picked up his bow and arrows. He walked over to mother gundark and began to skin it and remove it's hide as to show the elders and give proof that he has done what they sent him to do. Nix had finshed skining the gundark and rapped himself in it's hide to keep himsef warm on his way back to the village. It was on the last day that nix finally made his way back into the village, everyone came out of their huts to see if nix had failed or pasted his test. Nix carried his head high and walked with pride because not many shistavanens have ever kiiled an adult gundark alone.
The elders also came out to see what nix had come back with, as nix removed the hide from around his body the elders were amazed to see such a large gundark hide. One of the elders spoke to nix he said "Young hunter Graves you have passed your task as much as we have expected you too." Another elder spoke " You have restored your clans name and honor young one." The third and oldest elder spoke " I have seen your great grandfather lead this village he was a great man, I see this also in you nix and there will come a day when this village will call upon your clan seeking a leader and i pray that i will be you." The elders handed the hide back to nix because he was to keep it as a trophy and as proof that he is now a shistavanen hunter.
Nix armor is a Dura-armor body suit. The body suit has a internal chest plate and shoulder plates that run down to his wrists. Nix's lower half is less protected due to that fact the he cant wear most boots because of his hound shaped legs. His thighs however are also covered by the body suit.The suit is jet black execpt for the red tops of his shoulders.
Nix wears no helmet because it restricts his head movement and affects his natural night vision that all shistavanens have. On Nix's wristes he has a communicator that he uses to talk to his team mates.
Nix allways carries twin BlasTech K-14 blasters holstered on both hips. He was given the pair of pistols from his bounty hunting master and friend Snoova the [[starwars:Wookiee|Wookiee]. He also carries a pair of vibro daggers that he used as a young wolf on Uvena prime. Nix likes to fight up close so he can let his enemys see his glowing red eyes before they die. Nix uses the DLT-20A blaster rifle manufactured by BlasTech Industries. The BlasTech DLT-20A blaster rifle has a long-barrelled rifle (sometimes referred to as a 'longblaster') with a top-mounted rangefinder and electronic sight. This was one of the few blaster models produced with a magnatomic adhesion grip, keeping the weapon firmly in the wielder's grip. With additional collimating rings and longer conduits of galven circuity, these rifles are have improved consistency in their shots.
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Nix's ship is a VT-49 Decimator heavily armed Imperial transport ship, called the HoundsBane. Nix stole this ship while he was bountyhunting with his friend Snoova the wookiee. The HoundsBane has two Laser cannon turrets and three Missile launchers. HoundsBane can carry up to six passengers and needs four to man the turrets and crew the ship.
Found a new ship
In the years before joining the Dark BrotherHood nix was bounty hunting with his teacher and friend Snoova the wookiee. Things were hard on the pair due to the death mark that Snoova carried for his use of his claws in combat and to the Wookiees that is a serious crime. When the two received a bounty they usually had to pay someone to ferry them to their destination or stowed abored passage liners untill it reached it's next port. That all ended when they came across a bounty who had connections with the remnant empire. Nix and Snoova had stowed abored a large freighter ship bound for Coruscant. As the make the selfs comfortable in the tight spaces of the ships hold they make sure that their gear is in order and all they deadly weapons are in place. Nix made sure that his vibro-daggers were in their usual place tucked under his belt and began to clean his twin K-14 blasters pistols that he holstered on each hip. Snoova only carried his vibro-ax and a large blaster rifle, he never wore any armor because he thought it was a sign of weekness. Nix on the other hand wore armor his armor was made from dura-steel, strong any to absorb and deflect any blaster fire but gave limited protection form any sort of vibro weapon.
With their gear in check and time to kill they try and get some shut eye untill they reach Coruscant.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Commander of Sapphire Squadron
Outstanding Achievements
Anything you're proud of.