Arack Tavar
File:RapRapX.jpg | |
Arack Peterson Tavar | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Iego |
Date of Birth: |
12 ABY |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
5'11 ft |
Weight: |
150 pounds |
Hair: |
Black |
Eyes: |
Dark Grey |
Personal Information | |
Allies: |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Position: |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Known masters: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
- "We act upon what the Mentor taught"
- ―Arack Tavar, circa 31 ABY
Arack Tavar is a young Novice with an exciting past as a spice dealer on Iego and later a Lieutenant in Cliffhold's Judicial Authority on the same planet. Tavar served honorably after turning his Crime Syndicate family into the Judicial Authority by becoming a Lieutenat in the CJA's elite unit, Epsilon Team. Shortly before he found the Brotherhood, Arack orchestrated a daring double-cross that left him a hero on Iego but tormented and changed inside. It was during this time that Arack discovered his latent Force-sensitivity and was subconsciously called to Antei. He now serves the House of the Mentor within Clan Naga Sadow and is the apprentice of Equite Raven as well as a fanatical devotee of the Disciples of Ragnos, holding the lowest rank; Solifugae.
Character History
Birth and Life Dealing Spice
Eight years after the fall of the Galactic Empire, two human Spice Dealers on the planet of Iego conceived a male child that they named Arack. From the time that Arack was ten, he was placed in the finest academy on Iego, Drol Academy in the city of Cliffhold. Tavar attended till he was considered a legal adult according to the laws of Iego, which was at the age of 17.
At that age, he was forcibly entered into his family's business of dealing Spice as a Cutter, one who prepared the already-mined drug for sale and distribution. Through sheer force of will and as-of-yet undiscovered Force-sensitivity, Arack managed to stay clean of Spice and came to resent his family, going so far as to delay the production lines by claiming that there were impurities in the drug, especially glitterstim, the most popular variant.
For over a decade, Arack Tavar worked in his family's business, finally making it to the position of sector dealer and responsible for the entire Iego system's provision of the drug. It was this time that the Sector Dealer would start feeding information about his criminal parents to the Cliffhold Judicial Authority (CJA).
Switching Sides
- "You did anything you could do to get high and make money, and this is what happened. You looked over the one integral factor that maybe, unlike the father, the son had morals"
- ―Arack Tavar to his now captured father
In 29 ABY, betrayal wracked the Cliffhold Crime Syndicate when Arack's virtues finally came to light and twelve spice dens were raided by the Epsilon Team, an elite sect of the Cliffhold Judicial Authority. In six of the spice den's that the Team took down was Sector Dealer Arack Tavar, who mercilessly opened fire against his own employees before moving onto the next den with the elite not far behind him.
Within a matter of hours, the spice trade had been extinguished and every single member of the High Council of the Syndicate, including Tavar's parents, was under arrest...all save for the turncoat and now Cliffhold Judicial Authority Lieutenant Arack Tavar. Tavar was given a full-time place as a Lieutenant in the Epsilon Team and stayed with them, training to become not only a ace manipulator but a hardened soldier, capable of taking down a target either with bladed weapons, hand-to-hand combat, or blaster rifles.
However, a year later, the Lieutenant came upon hidden records as he was sipping a brandy in his father's former mansion. These records revealed that over 25 kilograms of glitterstim spice were stored on a mobile Tibana gas platform on the mining planet of Bespin. Packing only his Epsilon armor and weaponry, along with his Crime Syndicate identichip, Lieutenant Tavar left Iego, only to return once more in the near future.
The Double Cross
Through his connections as the Syndicate Lord's son, Arack Tavar was able to claim the 25 kilos and immediately devised an insane double-cross of both his former life as a Sector Dealer and his new life as an officer. Within six months of coming into possession of the glitterstim, Arack had set up over two hundred various business deals, with both low-level dealers and well-connected mafioso's alike and the distribution of the glitterstim had begun.
By 31 ABY, Arack Tavar had made over 5 million credits in the spice trade, as well as closed down nearly 3/4's of his deals by calling in Epsilon Team, squashing the dealers that he had sold his glitterstim to. However, as the Epsilon's, this time with Lieutenant Tavar in the lead, prepared to take down the last of the glitterstim deals on Taris (Arack had already cashed in), the buyer had wised up to Tavar's scheme and had a force the size of two Judicial Authority battalions waiting in the wings.
The elite Team waged a terrible battle against the dealer's armada and over half of the original Epsilon's died that day, causing the Lieutenant to feel terrible guilt, which was then replaced by a horrific rage (fueled by the Force), that caused Arack to charge out into the no-man's zone between the two combating forces, as battle was taking place in an abandoned warehouse, and decimate nearly a fourth of the armada singe handly, armed only with four grenades, a vibroblade, and Soro-Suub Firelance assault rifle.
Spurred on by their commanding officer's seemingly selfless charge, the remaining Strike Team members joined Tavar alongside local police reinforcements from the Taris Civil Authority and finally took down the melting pot of mercenaries, bounty hunters, and other low lives that had made up the armada.
As the dust cleared, two Civil Authority members found a drained and weary Lieutenant Arack Tavar and submerged him in a bacta tank in Taris' Civial Authority headquarters before sending him back to Iego.
For Better or Worse?
- "Find Antei, find your Destiny"
- ―The "Whisper
Once arriving on Iego, and after he had personally overseen the burials of his fellow Epslions, Arack was hailed a hero and promoted to Captain within the Cliffhold Judicial Authority, but not everything was the same. His unexplainable rage that was demonstrated on Taris had left Tavar changed and subject to persistent whispers in his head telling him to find Antei and his destiny whenever he would sleep.
Finally, after months of being tormented by what he dubbed "The Whisper", Captain Tavar asked for a leave of absence from the Authority Grand Council, which was granted, and set off with his tactical armor, a small personal armory, passcodes for his now 5.8 million credit bank account and changes of clothes, all stored aboard a rented Lambda-class shuttle. With the preparations completed, Captain Arack Tavar set off for Antei, truly never to return to Iego or Cliffhold again.
Antei and Lyspair
Upon arriving at Antei, Arack was overwhelmed by the ever-present companion that was the Dark Side of the Force, and the former Tactical Officer willingly gave up everything he had brought with him, with the exception of his cred-cards.
After choosing to swear into the Obelisk Order, Tavar was sent to Lyspair, the home of the revered Dark Side learning institute, the Shadow Academy. Spending just about a week there, learning all about the Dark Side and its basic applications, as well as further training in blaster weapons and blades (with an introductory course in lightsabers). After his ten days at the Academy had concluded, Tavar was assigned to House Marka Ragnos of Clan Naga Sadow. Within an hour, a shuttle came to ferry the newly christened Apprentice to Tarthos, his House's capital...the only problem was that it was on fire.
- "I believe so, sir. Arack Tavar...I was transfered to your unit by Quaestor Jade this morning"
- ―Arack Tavar to future friend Fremoc Pepoi on what counted as "important business"
After arriving amidst the inferno that now consumed not only the Ragnos Cathedral but the whole of Tarthos, Arack Tavar was pinged with a transmission from Jade Atema Sadow, the Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos, welcoming him to the House and telling him to report to Fremoc "Demonic" Pepoi, the Commander of the elite Battleteam, the Night Raptors.
Arack did as bid but he walked in at a bad time as one of the Flight Leaders, Valorian, had just told Pepoi that their sister Battleteam, the Night Hawks, had been ambushed by the Yuuzhan Vong. In a flurry of motion, Commander Pepoi grabbed Arack's transfer orders and officially instated him as a member of the Team, ordering him to put on his new Ragnos armor and report to the city of Kar Alabrek to reinforce the Hawks.
Cathedral Mayhem
However, when the battle seemed to be going the Raptors' way, horrible news was given to Fremoc by a Lieutenant in the Dlarit Special Operations Group...the Cathedral had been infiltrated by a unholy alliance of Peace Brigands, Yuuzhan Vong, and Jeedai.
Warrior Priest
- "I see in you the Mentor's dark resurrection"
- ―Manji Sadow after Arack was healed of his wound
Operation: Rurouni
Late Arrival
Suiting Up
I Do What I Do....
Soro-Suub GLX 'Firelance' Assault Rifle
An assault rifle originally designed for use by bounty hunters, the Firelance possess no marking, save for the Silver Dragon crest which is Arack's coat of arms. A high-rate of fire and a steady accuracy make this weapon a real assest in the field and the perk of it being able to be broken down for quick concealment or cleaning makes the Firelance a must have for any bounty hunter...or Dark Jedi.
A majestic longsword that once belonged to a Peace Brigade Captain, Desidirium was relieved of its owner by Manji Keibatsu Sadow during the 31 ABY burning of the Ragnos Cathedral. Made of the rare ore called durasilver, the sword blade is double-edged blade with an indent in the middle to increase streamlined use and to add a majestic look to it.
The crossguard is made of twisted durasilver that seperates the blade from the hilt made of durasteel that was tightly wrapped in black grip-cloth for both a dark appearance and to ensure that the wielder never accidentally lost control of the longsword. The entire sword is sheathed in a simple scabbard of black rancor skin over a hardened durasteel shell. Desiderium is Arack's most prized possession and he keeps the sword with him at all times.
Ragnos Armor
Composed of composite plasteel plates, the House Marka Ragnos battle armor is a state-of-the-art armor suit. Drawing ideas and looks from both the Mandalorian armor schemes and private contractors, and in combination with modern modifications of this day and age, the Ragnos armor was born.
Matte black in color, from the boots to the helmet with a drop-down visor of the same color, the armor shows the true dark nature of the House of the Mentor. The visor provides standard, thermal, and low-light vision modes as well as a targeting computer and the armor itself can protect the wearer from shrapnel and blaster bolts of a low power setting. A utility belt is worn around the waist that holds various mission-specific utilities; med-packs, hydration tablets, field rations, grapple hooks, power packs, and explosives.
The crest of Ragnos is born in blood red on the left shoulder and if the member belongs to one of House Marka Ragnos' units then that crest is born in a matching color on the right shoulder.
The true beauty of the armor is that it comes in specialized variants, the primary being; Assault, Melee, Infiltration, and Demolition. Arack Tavar wears a set of Infiltration armor at all times under his otherwise plain looking Solifugae robes.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
- Assault Trooper for the Night Raptors.
- Apprentice to the Herald's Praetor, Raven.
- Solifugae of the Disciples of Ragnos.
Outstanding Achievements
- Wrote the new history for the Night Raptors Battleteam.
- Arack lives by the song "Freedom" by Akon
- The current character picture of Tavar is in reality a G.I Joe soldier but it's supposed to be the Ragnos Armor.