For those within the stone walls of Gladius, these special titles will be awarded should they prove themselves worthy.
Sheath of Gladius
Those who hold this title have shown that they are Dark Jedi worthy of trust. Their fictional role will be to man the control center of the base. They are trusted to keep the House hidden from enemies and shielded should we come under attack. They are trusted with the most crucial pieces of equipment, the planetary shield generator and the cloaking device. In battle they are to be the ones others look up to for encouragement when times are bad but they will only lead others should the Summit say so or if they and a few others are split off from the main body. This is a purely ‘bragging rights’ title and holds no real power outside of fiction unless the holder decides to take it upon themselves to encourage others to participate in activities or they can choose to watch the clan channel for any abuse to report to the House Summit.
This title is awarded to four individuals, one per competition event. The competition event will be on a smaller scale, House multi event competitions and House vs. House multi event competitions. The awardees must have submitted to all events, not necessarily won all events.
Current holders: Martumal
Shield of Gladius
Those who hold this title have shown their dedication to the glory of the House. Their fictional role will be to defend the House should we come under attack by coordinating the initial counterattack while the Summit make sense of the situation. Afterwards they are the war heroes others follow, but they loyally obey the Summit and their generals. In times of peace they will act as escorts for visitors to the House. They are also charged with manning the control center and the systems that keep the House alive. Their multiple roles allow everyone else to see how great they are in prowess and loyalty. They are something to look up to and are expected to be an example to others. They alone ensure the true will of the House is maintained. This is a ‘bragging rights’ title but it also requires the holders to speak their mind concerning the direction the Summit is taking the House. They are encouraged to suggest competitions, improvements, and what things need changing on the Wiki pages.
This title is awarded to three individuals, one per competition event unless more warrant the title. The competition event will be on a medium, Clan multi event competition or Clan vs. Clan competition. The awardees must have submitted to all or most of the events, not necessarily won all or most events.
Current holders: Dralin
Sword of Gladius
Those who hold this title have shown loyalty and dedication beyond any other in the House. Their fictional role is to act as bodyguards for the Quaestor and Aedile. They will go where the Summit goes and know the secrets the Summit knows. They will whisper advice into their charges ears but they will never whisper secrets to anyone. In battle they are the generals of the House (alongside the BTL) and lead everyone under the orders given to them. Their title and their power are to be the envy of all. This is also a ‘bragging rights’ title but holders of this title are also expected to speak up like those who hold the Shield title. They are encouraged to push others to participate in activities, alert the Summit of IRC abuse, and to be an example to others.
This title is awarded to two individuals, either one or both during a single competition. The competition even will be on a large scale, Great Jedi War or Vendetta involving three or more Clans. The awardees must have submitted to a majority of the events and in those events place at least in the top 30. This is to ensure that they put forth effort instead of just slamming events with half ass submissions.
Current holders: None
Those who hold this title have shown their prowess with the pen. Their fictional role is to advise the Summit during times of battle on how best to employ Dark Side powers and where to place more powerful members to be the most effective. They will be as willing as the Summit to join battle and will fight by their side. Outside of battle the Tactician helps train less powerful members of the House in the ways of the Force and in the ways of battle. They are well learned and well respected in their field. This is purely a ‘bragging rights’ title. The holder is expected to show a high amount of participation in writing events and run-ons and is to help maintain the direction of the run-on storyline. To ensure this, they will be allowed into the plotline discussions. They may also wish to help others with their writing skills but it is not necessary.
This title is awarded to one individual for one large or multiple small-scale competitions involving the writing platform. The awarded person will be chosen by the House Summit who will look at all that person has done before agreeing upon the award. This person will have won a majority of the competitions they entered or at least placed in the top three. For example, for placing second in two Monthly Topics and participating the most in small House or Battleteam writing events.
Current holder: None
File:Weapon master.png
Weapon Master
Those who hold this title have shown their prowess with weaponry. Their fictional role is to ensure all members of Gladius are well trained and well armed. They are the keepers of the House weaponry. In times of war, they supply the House's members with arms, ensures all the weapons are working properly and ensures that anyone going on a special mission receive the weapons they will need. In times of peace, they instruct others in the use of weaponry of all kind. They are well respected and feared for their ability with weapons. This is purely a ‘bragging rights’ title. The holder will be looked upon to be highly active in first person shooters and will be sought after for advice on gaming events. They may wish to help others learn how to play the games and how to improve their game play.
This title is awarded to one individual for their participation in either one huge event or many small-scale events involving the first person shooter games and/or the ACC. The awarded person will be chosen by the House Summit who will look at all that person has done before making an agreement. This person will have won many CFs for daily gaming, ICTE, and such events over the course of a month, won several ACC matches that did not involve timing out, placed very high in large scale competitions, or a combination thereof as decided by the House Summit.
Current holder: None
Those who hold this title have shown their prowess behind the controls of a ship. Their fictional role is the coordinate the daily patrols in the asteroid belt, ensure all ships are functioning, and to instruct others on the finer points of dog fighting. In times of war, they are in command of the House's fighters but will follow the orders given to them by the Summit. In essence, they are the CAG. This is purely a ‘bragging rights’ title. The holder will be looked upon to be highly active in the games they won the title in as well as being sought after for advice in the games. They may wish to help others learn how to play or to improve their gaming skills.
This title is awarded to one individual for their participation in either one huge event or many small-scale events involving fight simulators, ACC space battles, strategy games, or other miscellaneous games and graphics. The awarded person will be chosen by the House Summit who will look at all the person has done before coming to an agreement. This person will have won many CFs for the various gaming events over the course of a month, events specifically for strategy and/or fight simulators, won several ACC matches that did not time out, or a combination the House Summit agrees upon.
Current holder: None
The above titles may be lost due to several circumstances.
1. Leaving the House.
2. Disgracing themselves.
3. AWOL’ed.
4. At the digression of the joint decision of the House Summit.
5. Through competition as described below.
Point system:
Small scale competition:
1 point for participation
3 points for placing 3rd
5 points for placing 2nd
7 points for placing 1st
Large scale competition:
3 points for participation
7 points for placing in the top ten
13 points for placing 3rd
17 points for placing 2nd
25 points for placing 1st
General gaming:
1 point for a gaming loss
3 points for a gaming win
1 point + the number of posts written for an ACC loss
3 points + the number of posts written for an ACC win
Note: Small scale competitions include: BT and House competitions, Clan and DB wide competitions that require little effort or 2 pages or
less of writing. Pretty much your general activities.
Large scale competitions include: DB level tournaments, writing competitions that require 3 or more pages, GJWs, Vendettas, Clan
Feuds, or any other competition that may occur that the House summit agrees is on a large scale.
The titles fall into two categories. Major competition (Sheath, Shield, Sword) and General competition (Tactician, Weapon Master, Ace)
All holders of the title categories may hold one of each. All title holders must defend their title.
- Major competition title holders must participate in the level of competition they won their title in. For example, the holder of the Sheath title must participate in every multi-event House competition in order to keep the title no matter how many others hold the same title. The only exception is a valid LoA, abuse of this exception will be noted and dealt with. They must submit to at least half of the events to keep the title. If there are an odd number of events then the number that must be participated in will be rounded down. i.e. If there are 5 events in a House competition then the Sheath title holder only has to participate in 2 of those events to retain their title.
- If all available Major competition slots are taken the point system above will be used to determine which holder is removed and who is put in their place.
- Major competition holders may move up but not move down.
- General competition title holders will be given a grace period of one month to enjoy their title before they must defend it. The point system above will be used monthly to determine if a new title holder will be named or if the old one remains. General title holders do not have to defend their title but it is highly encouraged.
- In order for a member to achieve a General competition title they must gain 25 points for their respective title in a month’s time. These points will reset every month.
- Points do not stack. You cannot gain participation points for an event you won; you get the points for winning that event instead.
The images for the titles were created by Szordryn Telnos.