Template:Krath charinfo
Born on the harsh and forbidding world of Iridonia, Kara was no stranger to working hard in order to survive. Even being born into a well-to-do family didn't in any way negate the rigors of life. All Iridonians, Kara included, trained not only for survival, but for their Res Selenoren, a Clan test that they would take before the age of 15. Kara took hers at the age of 8, and passed it, gaining the markings she wears today, and a place in her Clan's order. She was also home-schooled, where she studied languages, science, and maths.
Teen Years
Her teen years were divided between her home world of Iridonia, and the Imperial Academy. She learned various forms of hand-to-hand combat as well as the use of weapons, and vehicles. To further round out her training, she was also given the opportunity to learn languages and engineering. Excelling at both, she opted to get her certification as a Robotics engineer, which took her a total of 4 more years.
Adult Years
After completing her certifications in both robotics and linguistics, she returned to her home world. Upon her return, she found her parents had retired from their professions (her mom was an Archivist for the Office of the Registrar of Vital Statistics, and her father was a Professor of Biochemistry). Both had little about which to worry as their pensions would see them well into old age, and any stocks and bonds they owned would cover the rest.
Kara discussed with them the idea of joining the Dark Jedi to train her abilities in using the Force, a power which she'd noticed she had as a child. They agreed, but cautioned her against the violation of Iridonia's sanctions, an infraction which Khameir Sarin had committed that had given Iridonians a "black eye" as a result.
Reassuring them that this would not be her fate, she joined the Krath and is now a member of House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae. What she makes of her time there has yet to be revealed but, knowing her, the results should not be any less than stellar.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Facts
Having since participated in the Great Jedi War, she came away with quite a few medals to show for her efforts. She now looks forward to being active and helping her Clan and House mates.
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File:Zephyr1.jpgThe Zephyr I
The "Amethyst Star", a ship which had served her well during the abovementioned war, is being decommissioned and sent to Iridonia where it will be displayed in the Iridonian Space and Aeronautics museum as a part of their defense exhibit. A plaque bearing the description of the craft and its specs will also be available. The Amsthyst Star will be replaced by the "Zephyr I", a TIE Interceptor. The "Zephyr I" is being fitted with shields and a hyperdrive prior to Kara's use, as per the specs contained in the manufacturer's manual.
File:Z-95.jpgThe Targeter
Kara also has a Z-95 Headhunter, named "Targeter", that was given to her by her father. She uses it when she goes on vacations, though said vacations are few and far between. It may sound strange to use a craft like that for vacations, but danger lurks everywhere, and even a Dark Jedi (though Kara considers herself more a Grey Jedi than a Dark one) has to have some way to stay safe.
Other Facts
Kara holds the position of Eclectic Pedagogue of Krath Core Studies in the Shadow Academy and is also a member of the Galactic Empire, where she is presently an Ensign in the Navy. As a Zabrak can't be all work and no play, she also owns a few pets. She has a pet Lytton (a female, named Lolli) and two pet cinnabears (a male, Qellan; and a female, Cinnamon). They are all quite playful and tame, unless their owner is threatened.