Sigil 2: Aerun
Jusadih System
18 Hours
320 Days
1.26 Factors
Aerunian, Basic
7.08 Million
Maricuul, Sireek, Tirik, Urdell, Libram Khaan, Yeruck, Koni
Space Transports
Food Goods, Ground Transports, Military Soldiers
Clan Plagueis, House Exar Kun
A planet that plays host to a bipedal special that are considered humanoid, have seen the developments of education, economy and, most importantly, communication beyond the planet itself. As the Jusadih System progressed and her inhabitants, Aerunians, began to interact they secured trade lines within the system and many advancements were made upon the planet. However, it is the most relevant history that comes into play -- that which concerns the Dark Jedi of Clan Plagueis.
A planet once dominated by two large polar caps and vast mountain ranges - Aerun under went an extreme transformation that brought vast, dramatic changes to it's geology. What had once been a heavily enriched oxygen atmosphere was unbalanced as the population expanded and industrial bi-products increased the levels of carbon dioxide within the air. The end result is a gain from one percent (1%) to approximately eighteen percent (18%) carbon dioxide level, thus creating a solar retaining blanket that caused a wild rise in the temperature of the planet's core. The result was an astounding rise in temperature of 30 degrees Farenheit changing the climate from an everlasting winter to a mixed set of climates. The Southern polar cap melted completely, reducing the total land mass to it's current form today, this occurred over a two decade period. The parts that remain above water today are the high grounds or mountain tops that resisted the introduction of tons of new water. The planet's Core, now fully active, continually vents upon the continent of Erineth in a place known as the Valley of Death.
With their old ways of life slipping away as the arctic waters replaced deposits of land, the Aeruns were forced to redefine their customs, culture and hierarchy of life upon their planet. The native Aeruns, the species known as Aerunians, retreated to the confines of a single continent; blocking out foreign intruders and protecting their way of life. The humans, whom were left to deal with the changes on their own formed a singular government known as the Senate; whom was henceforward the ruling body upon the planet. Resources were allocated immediately to form a center of government and securing outposts and cities upon other continents for the residents of the evolving world.
Satellite Description
File:Relaren.jpgRelarenRoughly equivalent to the size of the Earth's moon. The first 'moon' of Aerun is geographically mountainous, in addition to being covered in snow and ice -- completely glacial climate. Several mountain ranges merge into a dormant volcano, Toevarlinli. Recent science studies determine that the volcano will remain dormant for at least the next hundred years. The geothermal energy it produces, however, is harnessed and redistributed to a small station and training facility for the Dark Jedi of Exar Kun. It has a self-contained atmosphere that presents adequate amounts of oxygen.
File:Rakmar.jpgRakmarAlmost equal to the size of Relaren, it is stationed slightly closer to the planet and shares Aerun's ability to support life. Heavily forested, with a cool atmosphere, it is prime conditions for a host of deadly creatures that inhabit the uncivilized 'moon.' Several outposts/fortresses have been strategically placed to allow for training and observation upon the satellite that plays host to the Dark Jedi of Exar Kun. This moon also includes an atmosphere, unlike Relaren, it is unusually high in the amount of oxygen it holds.
File:Joran2.jpgJoranThe farthest from Aerun, Joran is the third 'moon' of Aerun and is roughly half the size of Relaren. Rocky and possessing next to no planet life, it is a desolate satellite that has little life beyond plants. Currently unclaimed, the satellite plays host to several research camps and the planet's HoloNet transmitter. It has no atmosphere, but adequate gravity -- in addition, the normal white dust is instead an intense red.
Planet Geography (by continent)
Located in the Northern Polar Region; Tesh-Relin is covered by glacial ice and snow. Severe storms rage across the vast taundras, causing the temperature to fluctuate dramatically, even violently at times. The approximate temperature range is from -35 to 32 degrees F, leaving the surface of the continent largely devoid of life with the exception of a handful of hardy, determined species. A paradox is found in the center of the continent, underneath a countless meters of thick continental ice lies the Kerrion Sea. Although yet unexplored, sensor readings indicate an abundance of life within the body of water. There have also been erratic magnetic readings picked up by scientists' scanners. The Kerrion, however, is trapped within a semicircle of mountains known as the Kerriag Range, which do not close upon the Northern edge.
Lies mostly in the northern hemisphere and partially along the the equator. Thus it has a range of geographic climates which include a stagnant, insect-infested swampland to the South. The Southern swamplands are a treacherous region, there are no clear roads or paths through the vast expanse of humid marsh and gasses produced from the rotting plant life have been known to have a hallucinogenic effect on several species of humanoids. However, the swamps are home to over a million species of insect, hundreds of species of small mammals and reptiles call the maze of sinkholes and quicksand home, and it's unknown what lurks in the black, fetid waters. In contrast the northern section of the continent is composed of gently rolling, grassy plains. The grasslands of the North are home to thousands of species of herbivore and carnivore, from larger species such as Banthas and Boar-Wolves, to the smallest Scurriers and Kauhuns. The temperature in Barridon ranges from 30 to 60 degrees F in the North, while the South is dramatically warmer at 60 to 90 degrees F. The region between the grasslands and the swamps is considerably hilly breaking the edges of the swamp into drier grassland that extends further north.
In the southern hemisphere and just below the continent of Barridon, is a landscape dominated by arid, rocky deserts. Erineth averages about three centimeters of precipitation per year, while the temperature can go as low as 60 degrees F at night to over 130 degrees F during the peak of day. Most of the daytime wildlife consists of various species of reptile, from Dewbacks to smaller species of Boga, however, at night several types of rodent and insect emerge from their underground dwellings. It is at night the desert is most active, as the animals and inhabitants crawl about in action. And under water mountain range connects the continents of Erineth and Barridon, it is believed these two land masses were once connected in a single mass greater than Decaria. The evidence can be seen in the mountain ranges in the far North Western corner of the continent and within the confines of the massive network of mountains is the 'Valley of Death' which is known for being the most brutal place on the planet.
The largest continent on Aerun stretches from the Northern to Southern hemisphere. It is covered in a multitude of terrain which include mountains, dense tropical forests, swamps and an immense canyon in the north. The large mountain range runs along the Southeastern coastline, stretching a quarter of the way across the continent, before falling into a mix of both grasslands, swamp and forest. In the northernmost region lies a gorge of immense depth, although several attempts have been made to reach the bottom, it still remains a mystery and perhaps one of the safest places to hide one's secrets on Aerun. The temperature in Decaria ranges from 60 to 120 degrees F, depending upon one's location on the enormous continent. It rains almost constantly in the jungles, causing two major rivers and hundreds of smaller ones to wind their way through the dense foliage and grasslands. The Dark Side is strong and permeates everything within the dark, hot, recesses of the Decarian jungles, twisting every form of plant and animal life within. Nearly everything dwelling in the darkness under the jungle canopy is lethal in one form or another, and according to rumor there are even Rancor nests scattered deep within the inner regions of the forests. In the grasslands and marsh exists large packs of herbivores that eventually find their way, as agriculture, to every person's dinner table - It is, in short, the largest and most diverse ecosystem on Aerun.
The smallest continent, it is considered by some to be instead an island - however it is given territorial status because it is the hub of civilization, economy and politics upon the planet. On the Western side of the island resides the only active volcano known to exist, though speculation suggests several other 'possible' volcanoes. Though at first considered dormant, Mount Verinas is in fact active, and the slumbering mountain could awaken at any moment, devastating the entire isle of Nyo. Since the possibility has presented itself, expansive pockets of civilization have popped up around the globe to prevent extinction.
Located in the Northern hemisphere is the last of Aerun's land, perhaps rivaling Nyo as the smallest; the harsh forested world of Kelimar. Densely forested with open patches of land, the continent is mostly known for the small, natural inhabitants of the planet known as Aerunians; whom, with more and more people exploiting their planet, have retreated to the confines of one continent. Little is known about the inner-depths of the planet as almost all foreigners are restricted from entering - what is known can be derived of what is known about the Aeruns themselves. (See below for description of Aerun species)
The City of Naricuul has never outgrown it's ancient customs, preferring to instead stay the same and forsake advancement. The already harsh extremes of Tesh-Relin readily provide a sense of cooperation in the town as they are bonded against the unceasingly dangerous temperatures of the harsh taundras. The buildings range from ancient stonework, wood, to ice and snow itself. Though the appearance is patch-worked, you will find the backwards inhabitants are possibly the kindest people upon the planet. They strive to work hard by daylight, share each other's company at night and provide for those whom cannot take care of themselves alone.
What had once been a spaceport for those wishing to visit the Laimoon Cathedral, a thriving trade developed to accommodate the tourists and the people serving those whom visited. While the wintery conditions deter a great many from approaching the continent of Tesh-Relin, it is the duo of the Cathedral and the welcoming arms of Maricuul that keep the populace satisfied with their current way of life.
An odd note is that while they observe the truths of scientific discovery there is an unexplained affinity with magic and all things magical within the walls of Naricuul. In the wild Northlands exist a school of Dark Arts, while in the Southland a school for those of the Light exists, contrasting one another. In addition, there seems to be a mistrust of advancement; even though speeders offer a greater mobility and payload the denizens of the arctic world still prefer to use traditional means of travel, such as horseback or tauntaun.
The City of Sireek was founded not for it's people, nor politics or even it's prosperity - instead it was founded because of a scar on the land due east. An immense gorge, with immeasurable depth, is located in the Eastern foothills and originally was thought to be a message from the Gods. Or, to the Aerunians, a blemish in the pattern, to be filled and corrected. Their initial efforts proved fruitless and instead a large group of science oriented individuals occupied the city because it was exceptionally close, and still within distance of the lush tropical rain forests.
The newest part of the city, to the North, displays a modern impression of old Sireek with its skyscrapers and luxurious centers for shopping. Yet it reminds one of the city's history by the wooden houses bordering the ancient lookout, which is connected to the North wall - known as the Bosea. The Bosea is a collection of historical defenses and luxuries: the Ambey Palace, Chantei Palace, Galack Tower, etc. It is a proper fusion of breathtaking history and a romantic display of the past Sireek yearns to escape.
On the southern side of the city is a mixture of modern homes, lovely villas and a collection of new age homes. This is the urban district of Sireek, it is the largest and most popular district because of it's range of homes, yet it retains a class and dignity uncommonly displayed upon the planets surface. This district is paved, provides schooling for the city's younglings and in many ways, superior to the maddening expansion to the North. It should not go without noting that many of the homes are often purchased and sold, as families rise and fall in the fortunes.
To the West is the most perplexing side of town, engulfed in laboratories and makeshift bunks are the scientists of Sireek. It is they who provide research and development upon the planet, often stumbling upon useful creations in their attempts to understand the gorge and discover its mysteries. In addition to their innovative livelihoods they provide the base population of the commercial city, which is what governed free primary education and recent development. Unfortunately they are also devastated the most when no progressive research is found in their camps, often leaving some of them disheartened or flat broke.
In close proximity to the Legion of the East and local manufacturers, the town has begun to recently capitalize on brokering goods between cities, planets and star systems. Leaving it the primary residence of brokers and bankers upon the planet. And with recent proclamations about the instability of the volcano upon Nyo - Sireek would be the front runner for a future political center, to the distress of many.
The only other notable feature of a town searching for its identity lies to the East, where an oddly formed series of arches stand on a plateau. The face no distinct direction, have no similar height and are more ancient than the Aerunians whom have carved the land in the image of the 'pattern'.
Over the azure waters to the south of the town, several rivers bend and work their way to the City of Tirik. This lagoon city is a watery maze of grand canals, 250 smaller canals, over a thousand bridges and the whitest sand available on the planet. Though thoroughly walkable, getting around Tirik is a mesmerizing experience aboard the city's variety of public transport boats, motoscafi or vaporetti, or even the gondola.
Tirik has an enticing, exotic beauty typified by it's architecture, enormous stained glass windows - all of which rises along the Grand Canal. Which, during the Tirik festival, is lavishly decorated with hanging banners, streamers and an assortment of pleasantries. The buildings are fashioned of brick and mortar, each utilizing massive underwater pillars to stand apart, yet connected, from their neighboring structures. The uniqueness is not taken from the city as Aerunian masons have found a multitude of ways to color the brick, creating an optical sense of celebration across the town.
Once a Western trade monopoly, many of adventurers assisted by their Aerunian counterparts forged much of the known sea - making Tirik the central hub of all sea going traffic in the distant past. Because of it's maritime past and it's continued allegiance and support of Koni, it is adorned with many splendors that illuminate it unlike any other city of Aerun.
Even though the town was forged once above ground, it has finely adapted with the modern necessities of civilization and time. Year round, first rate exhibitions pertaining to art, history, philosophy, law and a great many topics pass through the city's gates and into their base of scholars. In addition, the towns occupants (some 85,000) do more than meditate on their past glories, they are often found in the midst of every activity - often embracing visitors with open arms and knowing minds. Thus creating the most open atmosphere within Aerun.
One facet of the city that is seldom described is the interlocking channels or waterways. Water is pulled from the accompanying rivers and literally, though slowly, sucked through the canals, creating several one way 'streets' in the midst of town. This helps prevent congestion and often sets the pace for all water bound traffic during the day - it is said to be confusing to most, so tourists should stick to the interlocking bridge network.
Perhaps the least populated center of inhabitancy, Tirik sets a standard in gentleness and scholarship - It would not be uncommon to see complete strangers entering or leaving the town. For they are neither detoured, nor unappreciated; the range of exhibits and lectures are an open welcome to all walks of life... some say, even Dark Jedi venture into the amphitheater to hear guest speakers.
The City of Urdell has a long and far from glamorous history. It was one of the first settlements on the entire planet. Though originally it started life as a fort that guarded numerous precious resources in the mountain that surround the city. In time the great demand for labor and a skilled work force grew to such a degree that a town rapidly grew. As technology improved so did the need for a large town.
Over several years it soon grew into a key city for both resources and trading, though it never competed with the mining facilities of other cities or indeed the commercial and political clout of the planets capital it was seen as a place you could make a fortune.
Many of the buildings were made up of the local mountain stone, so an assortment of greys, greyish blues and even browns make up the dull visage. Despite the lack of colour with the city it is an incredibly busy and lively place with the street clogged with traders from across the world, all keen to buy up local stone supplies and many other precious resources held within the mountains.
Unlike many of the cities and towns across the world Urdell has since little military conflict. No doubt a key tactical target, many commanders and generals over history preferred to appease that conquer the great city. Nestled so tightly against the mountains that gave the city its riches, few would directly confront such a naturally defensible city.
One interesting footnote in history points to an attempt at seizing the city. The now nameless General attempted a mad trek across the mountain passes in order to attack the city. Knowing that the few roads in would be heavily defended he gambled on being able to seize the city from its least defended side. Though the theory was a good one, the terrain defeated his army including himself. Many were lost over the many perilous ravines and more than one man became lost in the jagged rocks of the mountain slopes. The general himself, along with quarter of his army were lost to a rock slide.
Remarkably a few survivors did reach the walls of the city, so starved of nutrition they soon surrendered. It was said the final casualties of the invading army were 90% including it must be stated the entire supply train and command staff.
Libram Khaan
On the Southern Coast of Decaria lies the port town of Libram Khaan. A dense cluster of stone buildings and winding pathways, made of cobbled stone, brick and mortar. The homes are rich in detail and gilding, often giving the air of wealth - which was once true. At first it gives an odd appearance, hidden within the coastal fog, but once the for is lifted and the sun bounces off the nearby sea, a wondrous hub of civilization may be found. From the center rise towers and peaks that punctuate the appearance of the lavish city from afar. Located on the coast, Libram Khaan has found a way to defend itself from enemy threat and attack.
Once the major port cities of the past, a great many merchants began their tradelines in the Decarian harbor. As trade prospered and the town grew so did the threat of outside brigands and thieves. Quickly the town fell into an unruly state that was dominated by the Thieves Guild - which reigned supreme over all, even the Governor. Whenever a merchant or Captain refused to pay the Thieves Guild for protection, pirates were sure to attack their vessels as soon as they put out to see. Soon the town and mariners became fed up with the entire situation, crying out for a halt to the unfair advantage held over their lively hoods. Such malice and conflict arose that the Thieves Guild and the local pirates attacked the town of Libram Khaan itself, burning it to the ground.
After the conflict the town took advantage of the open land and possibilities it provided. They kept the old part of town in the center, with its massive towers and high rising manors of the Lords and Ladies of wealth. From there they built a stout wall and strong defense around the inner city; they continued expanding outward. The second ring of homes displays an odd trait, each building's roof is lower than the next... this was done purposely, for the sole tactical advantage that archers could hail arrows down upon an aggressor. The 'Town Proper' or second level, is also encased in a defensible wall, though not as strong or wrought from the same materials as the 'Inner City'. Outside the 'Town Proper' are the densely clustered homes of the farmers, artisans and poorer individuals of the Southern town.
The only remaining truth is the Thieves Guild still rules supreme within Libram Khaan, prowling in the day and night. No longer forcing bribes, they have decided to steal from the wealthy whom visit, rather than those whom reside. Since conventional shipping has slowed and the town no longer enjoys the success of the sea, they allow for the continued theft of their clients - for the thieves will spend their dollar within the walls of Libram Khaan. Thus a symbiotic, unspoken relationship has forged itself in the coastal town.
The saving grace of the harbor town is found in the peculiar wood to the north of the city. In the Decarian jungle exists a deep, lavish wood that is considerably easy to shape and mold. Most often this wood is exported to luxury yachts and personal ships of the rich and famous that live on the Core worlds. Constant vigilance is required as the citizens continue to delve deeper into the forest... they may just stumble across the a denizen of the Diadem Fortress - which plays host to a horde of Dark Jedi.
Located in a dry lake bed in the southern region of Erineth, The City of Yeruk sits alone in the scorching desert heat. The city began as a small settlement of miners, who came to the desolate region to extract the vast quantities of spice from the nearby mountains. Although working in such conditions proved extremely dangerous, the potential profits of the spice trade soon lured miners and their families by the thousands.
Eventually the inhabitants located the enormous aquifer that sits beneath the dry lake bed, and with a seemingly limitless supply of fresh water, plus the huge amounts of granite, copper, and iron ore byproduct of spice mining, the settlement quickly developed into the sprawling white and rusty-brown city that stands today.
The city's remote location and vast amounts of wealth attracted criminals of all kinds, looking to hide from the authorities and cash in on the citys prosperity. Away from the scrutinizing eyes of the senate, several criminal organizations quickly gained power, and began a brutally violent struggle for control of the spice mines.
It was not long before news of the chaos reached the ears of the military. Realizing the threat the city posed, as well as its strategic location, Military Command forced the senate to outlaw the production, trade, and use of spice, effectively crippling the city financially. It then moved an entire garrison of troops into the city, building the planets largest prison, and a giant bioengineering facility on the northern outskirts of the city.
Due to the decreased profits, many miners and their families left the city, and due to the large military presence, most of the criminal element were either arrested or fled. The remaining miners now concentrate on the copper and iron ores, and are forced to turn any spice byproduct over to the military immediately. The result is a half empty, depressing city, now only a shell of what it once was, quietly waiting in the desert heat to regain its former glory.
The capitol of Aerun and residence of the Senate, Koni is an elegant and graceful city that is evidence to Aerunian mason work. Each building reflecting the unique style of the architect, most likely constructed from rock, as to hold up the test of time. In addition to the fine craftsmanship and openness of each building, there seems to be an overall pattern to the city. It is exactly symmetric on each side of the center building, the Ancient Senate Arena.
The Senate Arena is a massive structure that is, when observed from above, a perfect circle. Not only a circle, but it cones upward, allowing adequate space to observe the 'Senate Floor' when a speaker comes on to address the entirety of the group; though some consider the topics discussed there to be petty or trite these days. In short, the building comfortably fits fifty senators and their staff on any given day - the floor is also spacious, considered to be twenty feet in radius.
The rest of the town follows suit, often naturally expressing sophistication or a sage-like quality in the 'pattern'. Scattered about the city are Senators homes, a range of schools including colleges and technical skill universities, and the basis of an intense research and manufacturing presence. The primary, driving force behind the economy of Aerun. This can be observed by the massive industrial plants that are positioned around the circumference of Nyo - where major production plants acquire the latest research from the city, manufacture and export the goods.
The only other feature that dominates the landscape of the otherwise perfect town is the presence of the Aerun Military which is stationed on the Western side of the town, the volcano dramatically adding to it's visage in the background. The Military outpost spans several hundred miles and includes staging grounds for training, defense and all out assault, if it should be necessary. It is a standard military outpost, including buildings for personnel and equipment for: ground forces, air forces and space defense.
Valley of Death
Scattered within the mountains of Erineth are four active volcanoes, which continually spew magma, ash and noxious gasses into the air, darkening the Western skies of Erineth and making the immediate area unihabitable. Huge rivers of lava twist and turn their way out of the sharp mountains, across the charred and barren valleys and into the ocean.
The Scardion Sea, located within the mountain range's maw, is surrounded by mountains on every side. Otherwise known as the Boiling Sea, its extremely acidic water is constantly scalding hot, kept this way by hundred of volcanic vents at the bottom of the sea. The beaches around it are a dark ebony sort of ash that has been known as a key ingredient in several of the planet's herbal remedies and poisons.
Once the home of a satanic cult, great buildings were carved into the hardened molten rock or built from a matching black stone that was quarried nearby. Though most are unsure what their exact practice was, evidence can be found they believed themselves to be summoning powerful allies from universe's unknown to their aide. This can be seen in the many depictions and statues found within the caverns and buildings - three demons stand apart from the rest, however, and are cause for some concern until the area is surveyed properly.
The inscriptions below the three 'demons' are Khaan, Sarva and Draconis. Perhaps they have an underlying meaning or significance.
Diadem Fortress
Diadem Fortress was built by Scorpius during his reign as Quaestor, in an effort to remember some of the things lost when the Acarr System went super nova. Today, it seats the house's leaders, and is the main base of operations for House Exar Kun and Clan Plagueis on Aerun. For more information, please refer to the main articles.
Mysterious Ruins
On the northern coastline of Erineth, atop a set of steep and jagged cliffs, sits the unusual formation of towers known as the Mysterious Ruins. No one knows when they were made, who they were made by, or even what they are made of. Scientists have determined the pale green material from which they were made has properties similar to jade, yet is infinitely more durable, and definitely not found on this planet.
The largest tower stands 200 meters tall, and has a 50 meter wide square base which slowly tapers to a point at the top. Two small windows can be seen at the top, one facing north, the other south, yet no entrance to the tower has been found.
In a large semi circle around the southern half of the main tower, sit nine smaller towers, standing 20 meters tall. Each of the smaller towers have one small window at the top, facing the main tower, though like the tower they face, an entrance into the smaller towers has yet to be found.
Laimoon Cathedral
Hiding on the peninsula, the Laimoon Cathedral is another astounding testimony to Aerunian masonry work. With high pitched cathedral ceilings and 'flying buttresses' extending from the exterior to support the massive temple, Laimoon Cathedral is renowned for it's beauty and divinity. The outside is a collection of immense chunks of limestone and, perhaps, the galaxy's largest tile roof that is an oddly bleached blue.
The Church studies an odd form of religion that is not based on gods, but rather that that good and evil forces affect the 'pattern of the universe'. Several Aerunians actually preach at the temple, which is a unique treat for Aerun's inhabitants as most Aerunians are secluded from foreign activity. The main host of 'servants' to the Church are human and reside on the Temple grounds itself.
The inside is gilded at every possible edge with immaculate stained glass windows and deep rich mahogany wood benches, tables and altars. Artwork lines the perimeter of the complex, each depicting some action where good and evil have conflicted in the 'thread'. High reaching ceilings are brightly lit by dangling chandeliers wrought of gold, silver and expensive gems. The main altar depicts two 'threads' wrapped within one another's embrace; one is black, the other is white. Another amazing aspect of the temple is the found in the fact it is continually open to all travelers at any time of the day or night. An Aerunian translation was once found in testimony to this, "For the pattern is ever changing, thus, henceforward, we must be here to provide support for those whom are affected by the thread."
One last point of interest for the Laimoon Cathedral is that it is heralded amongst the Aerunians as the basis of many adventurers or heroes beginnings - it is even rumored that young Dark Jedi are brought to this place to be inducted into the House of Exar Kun, for they wish their youngest to aspire to the greatest levels of power. Whether or not this rumor proves true is impossible to know, except for those whom are always present with the Catherdral's walls.
Lake of Dire Souls
The original name has since been lost to ancient history but the name Dire Souls refers to a battle that took place here several hundred years ago. Then the temperature was very different and the lake was for the most part covered in thick ice. As the temperature throughout the world change so did the lake. However it featured dramatically in a battle.
The society that existed fell into two categories, the religious fanatics and those that believed in losing what can be considered the old ways. It led to many bloody encounters but the final climatic battle took place on the lake. Meeting in the middle the two factions battled each other for supremacy, turning the pure white snow atop the lake red. Empowered by their own sense of belief and fanaticism the "holy" army forced their opponents back, to the very edge of the lake. It seemed they would be victorious.
As fate would have it the warming temperatures caused the thick ice to splinter and dramatically break up. Most of the holy armies were lost to the icy waters. Many weighed down with their armour simply sunk and drowned. Those that managed to crawl assure were soon hacked down by the murderous armies waiting at the lakeside.
When light finally broke it was said, according to legend that not a single solider of the holy army survived. Massacred to a man or drowned in the lake, more disturbing still was that it took over a hundred years for the ice to completely melt which left many bodies frozen in the waters. The new name Lake of Dire Souls was coined and it is considered a dark place. What life does remain in these cursed shores are twisted evil things. The Lake is almost completely black, trees twist into odd shapes and vermin of unknown ferocity reside there. The few fish that do dwell there are said to be possessed of the direst spirits.
The echoes of the dead, their spirits restless still saturate this evil place and are a natural source of the dark side. Though it must be said there are far worse places in the world than this, but few visit this bleak region.
Ash Citadel
Ash Citadel is one of the first bases built on the planet by House Exar Kun. It use to seat the leaders of the house, but when Diadem Fortress was built everything was moved. Today, many members still use the building as their place of residence, due to its close distance to Diadem Fortress. For most information, please refer to the main article
Political Outlook
Officially it is a Republic style government, Senators are elected from key regions and cities across the globe, in turn they all live on the center isle of Nyo to discuss the laws. For some time the discussions have become petty and trite. The system is highly prone to corruption and there is a growing divide between the classes they represent, those that have and those that have not. Underneath the veneer and gloss of a democratic society the military lurks, seeking to access and control the planet completely.
While the upper echelon of nobles, ambassadors and other powers have become resentful of the military - they are not as foolish to disband their only protection from outside intruders. So while the Senate is the ruling body, the Generals of the Armed Forces have been conspiring and making designs on removing their political counterparts from 'real' power. In cooperation with the Dark Jedi of Clan Plagueis, they have given over to anarchy with a Dark Jedi Force behind them, creating an additional threat beyond military occupation. As it stands now several of the Senators have kept their positions, but they are merely figureheads and mouthpieces for the Generals and their Dark Jedi host.
Some would say Civil War looms on the eclipse of the young planets future, as long as several Senators are allowed to speak out against the militant overtake of the free-commerce planet. For now, however, the world will be divided amongst the upper class, lower class, military and Dark Jedi. It is the Quaestor's hope that, with time, the House Exar Kun will be able to settle upon this new planet and find peace once again.
Military Presence
Four Generals stand atop the chain of command on Aerun, each identified by a cardinal direction: General of the East, General of the West, General of the South and General of the North. Since there must be a firm leader in times of war, the eldest General will be elevated to Commanding General, which is the paramount rank amongst them. Each of these men have worked their way through the ranks to attain this right, so they are reluctant to give up their power and prestige - in truth, they desire more power and it was found in the founding of a friendship with the Dark Jedi Master Sarin. They were promised the true power they had been making designs on and positively leapt at the chance to overtake the 'meddlesome' Senate that had long blocked their ability to grow Aerun into a militant planet.
Each General is in charge of a Legion... and each Legion is strategically positioned to provide support to the planet as a whole. Garrisons can be found on the continents of Tesh-Relin, Decaria, Erineth and Barridon. Each supports ground forces, air-to-air forces and planetary defense teams - these bases, however, are pale in comparison to the Military Head Quarters upon Nyo. But should not be taken lightly, as a united front they are enough to press the Dark Jedi presence from the planet, if so desired.
As previously stated the main military presence is located on the continent of Nyo, just on the western outskirts of Koni. It is here that all defense force fighters are trained for combat, advanced individual training and then they are reassigned to their next post. It is important to stress that while the base on Nyo is primarily concerned with the training of new members that they also specialize in training the elite - it is considered a very dangerous place, even to the Dark Jedi of Clan Plagueis.