Aurora Orion

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Aurora Orion
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Date of Death:


Physical Description





1.73 m


60 kg


Black with few brown strands



Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Light blue

Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
  • Shadow fist
Chronology & Political Information



Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Clan Naga Sadow

[ Source ]

Aurora Orion is a young, beautiful NPC Dark Jedi created by Jades "Imperial" Atema and Tyren Atema. Not much is know about her since she joined from the Rogues. The only prominent members she came in contact with are the Atema. She is the container for a long dormant Dark Force spirit. It is one of the main reasons she became a Dark Jedi.


Aurora was born on Albecus, in the Galactic Core, a planet known widely for supporting Jedi. She lived a good childhood with her parents, with no brothers or sisters. Born to a newly built galaxy she never knew the terrors of the Galactic Empire so she lived without fear, free in her own world.

Her parents were of "known" status on their planet. Not politicians or of similar profession. Her parents, both, were in fact working for the planets Military Police. Known widely to the people for their exploits against smugglers, drug-runners and crime lords, they were praised. This did not sit well with some people, however. A "friend" of theirs, or so they thought, in the Police force betrayed them to a crime lord, leading them into a trap, a trap they fell into with dear consequences. The crime lords henchmen raped, tortured and kill her mother and slowly and painfully desecrated her father.

Aurora was left in the care of her grandparents.

Teen years

She never fully understood why her parents never returned home. No one ever told her. It was only on the day, when she was a teenager, she found an interesting globe that she realized the truth.

On that day Aurora was walking down the market and stumbled upon a strange sight in an alley. A big globe of some kind. It was not a big thing, though, the size of a common ball, but it glowed like a bright lamp. Aurora touched the contraption and unintentionally pushed it of its pedestal. As the globe broke she felt a surge of energy move through her, like a gust of wind through her blood. Two traders, large men, came running out of a nearby door and attacked Aurora, wanting to claim her life or maybe her virginity, for the broken contraption. In the instant she felt threatened, Aurora's body worked on it's own. Moving with grace she knocked out the two men, even though she had not had any kind of training in her life. Something was wrong with her but she didn't know what.


As years passed her abilities improved. She learned more and more about martial arts, cold weapons, blasters, rifles. She even went so far as to crave for the ultimate weapon, the lightsaber of the Jedi. She longed for the opportunity to hold a Jedi's lightsaber, even went so far that she would join the Jedi Order on Yavin. But her nature forbid her from doing that, she feared the Jedi would close her up in a prison.

Aurora before joining the Brotherhood

This disappointment lead her to anger and eventually hate toward the Jedi. She became an epitome of malice. But one day, while doing a job she almost killed a Dark Jedi Knight, an agent of the Dark Brotherhood. This knight was Tyren Atema. He evaded her attacks and pinned her to a corner, weaponless and helpless. Still she attacked, as he grabbed her by the neck and drew her over the edge of a building he sensed great potential in her. He invited her to join the Brotherhood, and seek him out once she obtains enough strength.

Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Following Tyren's invitation, Aurora stumbled upon the Orian system, home of Clan Naga Sadow.

She was accepted into the ranks and a year later obtained her own lightsaber.


New Republic Intelligence database

Name: Aurora Orion

Class: Bounty Hunter, Criminal

Threat level: Medium

Profession: Assassination, Infiltration


  • 5 assassination attempts
  • 8 cases of planned assassination
  • 3 attempts at stealing valuable documents and research
  • 4 cases of Murder in the Second degree
  • 7 cases of Murder in the Third degree
  • 12 cases of infrastructural damage or destruction

Psychological Profile: Extremely proficient with blasters and sniper rifles. Gone missing about 2 years ago.

Supposedly in contact with the Dlarit corporation, maybe even working for them. Supposedly proficient with a lightsaber and carries one at all times.


  • Images based on Mara Jade Skywalker and Jaina Solo
  • Created for roleplay purposes and future development of certain characters