Sivall Zoria
![]() | |
Sivall (Zosi'val'ria) Zoria | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Unknown |
Date of Birth: |
21 ABY (age 22) |
Physical Description | |
Species: | |
Gender: |
Female |
Height: |
5'0" (1.52 m) |
Weight: |
130 lbs (58.97 kg) |
Hair: |
Raven |
Eyes: |
Sanguine |
Personal Information | |
Mother: |
Unknown |
Father: |
Unknown |
Allies: |
None |
Lightsaber Form(s): | |
Fighting Style(s): | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Known masters: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
- "To know how to mend a person, to breathe life back into a being, to cure a disease, is the most potent ability known to the universe."
- ― Sivall Zoria
Padawan Sivall Zoria, born Zosi'val'ria, is a quiet and overall unassuming Chiss female from Battle Team Selen Training Corps of Clan Arcona. A Shadow with a medic focus, Sivall can be heavily neutral, but tends to lean more towards the light. Originally born on an unknown planet, she was sold to a human couple on Coruscant. After being abandoned, she was recruited into the brotherhood by Alexandyr Douve and quickly climbed the ranks to Padawan.
Physical Description
Sivall is a Chiss female that sports a lithe but proportionately feminine build. Sivall has a light musculature, which is more apparent in the legs than anywhere else. She has full, doe-like, eyes without pupils or irises that are a deep sanguine in color surrounded by long raven lashes. She sports pale blue skin that is free of blemishes, along with raven colored hair that is of medium length and wavy-- but pulled back into a chignon with hair framing the face. Sivall has a singular beauty mark below her bottom lip and to the left, but lacks any scars or tattoos.
Sivall, though most often wearing medical or Envoy Attire, tends to keep a minimalist but formal fashion. Even her lounge clothes are formal in nature; often consisting of loose slacks and a sweater. Though not having any sort of scars or physical abnormalities Sivall tends to wear clothing that covers as much skin as possible. This includes even dresses, which tend to be floor-length and have high necklines.
Her training attire tends to consist of a long undershirt, a loose tunic, and full length leggings. Though showing skin does not seem to cause her any sort of anxiety, it's clear she does not enjoy it.
Siv is a soft spoken person who is an introvert by base nature. Happy to sit and observe the situation around her, she is not one to start conversation unless she forces herself to. Suffering from PTSD from her previous training, as well as a self-objectification, Sivall can come across as strange and distant. However behind this mask of passivity and blankness lies a pure heart that only wishes to help everyone she can.
The Chiss woman has a bleeding heart for others, basing her entire world view on compassion. She does not believe in abject cruelty or rudeness and strives to understand a person or enemy before resorting to violence. Because of this, Sivall spends most of her time healing or helping instead of fighting, but knows when blades are needed instead of words. "Sometimes the best way to help is to kill" is one of the only things that Ju'lia taught Sivall, and the only lesson she still carries from her time with the Grants.
Sivall is not religious in any terms. Having seen the worst of life, she finds it hard to have faith in any sort of higher power. This in turn sometimes makes it hard for her to lean on the force, but she tries to think of it more as a natural resource instead of something sentient.
Biographical History
Early life
Zosi'Val'Ria was born on a remote desert planet to a pair of Chiss scientists. The two chiss, who never wanted children, were hesitant to raise a baby together-- but they did try. They were hardly perfect parents and often left the tiny child to be cared for by a nanny. This period of Siv's life was without strife despite her parents never being around. She had a roof over her head, food, and was taught all the things a toddler should be taught-- her Chiss nanny even taught her some basic Cheunh.
At the age of four, her biological parents admitted defeat (and were struggling financially due to a slew of failed experiments) so they sold their child to a human couple. The terms of the deal were that the couple would acquire Zosi'Val'Ria for a discount price since the child had not yet shown any talent with the force outside of floating light objects once in a while. Once bought, her owners brought her to their home, a giant estate, on Coruscant. The couple, Connor and Ju'lia Grant, were an aristocratic family well known on Coruscant for the family's technological empire.
The first few years of her "slavery" were without incident; the Grants were decent to Zosi'Val'Ria outside of forcing the child to adopt a new name-- Sivall Zoria.

Over the next few years after her acquisition, the Grants began training Sivall to be a Sith. They put the child through rigorous and vicious training in an attempt to nurture the child's affinity with the force. They also attempted "trials" or tests that would allow them to gauge Sivall's connection to the dark side of the force during her training. Sivall underwent a total of four trials during her time with her owners; corrupting a kyber crystal, manipulating a local (but small time) politician, torture, and The Sacrifice. Sivall failed every trial, her final failure resulting in the death of her pet loth cat Fia.
Aggravated with the young woman, and having given up hope of turning her to the Dark Side, her owners abandoned her on the streets of Coruscant to fend for herself or die. Sivall was left with only the clothes on her back, with no supplies to get her through her new life. The chiss woman had never had to fend for herself before as she lived a privileged life with the Grants. Siv turned to petty jobs to get the money to survive; ranging from theivery, to prostitution, to hard manual labor and everything in between.

It was on the lower levels of the Coruscant slums that Sivall struggled to feed herself and stay alive for five months. She took whatever jobs would supply her the credits to survive. One of these jobs was handed to her by a Brotherhood member by the name of Alexandyr Douve. The Human Force-sensitive helped Sivall get food, water, and clean clothes before offering her a job. After this interaction, Alexandyr left Sivall and forwarded her information to Clan Arcona as a potential recruit. Though he didn't stay to see the Chiss woman off to Selen, a group of nearby members came to pick her up instead. The trip to Selen was a roundabout one, leading her to several different ships and "pit-stops", but she eventually landed on the home planet of Clan Arcona.
A New Dawn in Arcona

Alexandyr Douve | "Vi'Vickust"
- "My star-chaser, my comfort, my home. If only he saw himself the way I saw him."
- ―Sivall Zoria
Having found her on the streets of Coruscant, Alexandyr is the Arcona member who recruited the young Chiss into the Brotherhood. Though separated for two months while Sivall made her way to Estle the two eventually reconvened on Sundari Station. Once Siv made her way back planet-side, she became quick friends with the man who had disappeared after feeding and homing her.
A relationship quickly formed between the pair, leading to a dinner date and a confession. Quickly after which, Sivall moved into Alexandyr's apartment after hers became unsafe after the events that saw her kidnapped by the Children of Mortis.
Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir | "Vacmi"
- "But home, for your heart? For you soul? That's the same word as family-- teljvriovi. And I'm glad you're mine. No matter what."
- ―Ruka Tenebriss Ya-ir
Ruka was one of the first people in Clan Arcona to interact with Sivall after her recruitment. From helping Siv find a master, to helping her overcome her fears, the Sith member of Arcona welcomed the Chiss woman into the clan with open arms. After opening up to her Proconsul about her past, Sivall quickly became a part of the Ya-ir household and an unofficial adopted child of the family. Ruka has given her the nickname "kollecicia" which means "little cookie".
Bril Teg Arga | "Botmun'i"
- "And you. How could you be so reckless, lora? Offering yourself up as a hostage? He could have killed you. The mission objective was secondary to keeping you safe. That's what my job was. And I failed at that. You can't do that again."
- ―Bril Teg Arga
An unplanned ally, the Plagueian and Sivall became quick friends after their meeting at the Shadow Academy on Arx. The two have gone through a handful of missions together and have become as close as family during their short friendship. Alongside acting as her protection when Sivall goes on martyr-like bouts, Bril also acts as her grounding force and one of the leading figures keeping her in the light. His nickname for the Chiss woman, "lora", means sister in Zabraki.
- "Quote here with Siv's thoughts on the character... or memorable quote"
- ―Sivall Zoria