Calm Sea (Action VI transport)

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 23:04, 21 December 2020 by Nikora Rhan (talk | contribs)
Exodus era.New Order era.
Calm Sea
Production information

Gallofree Yards, Inc.


GR-75 medium transport


Medium transport


150,000 credits

Possession Item:

ID 46847

Technical specifications

90 meters


35 meters


20 meters

Max acceleration:

900 G

Max speed (space):


Max speed (atmosphere):

650 km/h

Hyperdrive rating:

Class 4.0


Rated 240 SBD


Rated 160 RU


Twin fire-linked laser cannon turrets (4)

  • 3 Crewmen
  • 4 Gunners


Cargo capacity:

19,000 metric tons


6 months

  • Transport
  • Landing craft

Ascendant Fleet

Known owner(s):

Clan Plagueis

Known commander(s):


Known crewmembers:


Current Status:



22 ABY

[ Source ]

The Calm Sea is a GR-75 medium transport under the control of Clan Plagueis. One of a multitude of transports utilised in support of its assets, the vessel is utilised as a support craft and freighter. Maintaining a role similar to its more famous counterparts within the Rebellion, it serves as a vital backbone within the clan's operations.


Purchased during the New Order era, the Calm Sea came into service in 34 ABY. Purchased along with a multitude of additional craft as a means of expanding upon Plagueis' navy, it serves as part of a small mercantile flotilla. With the Clan's focus upon economic gains and sustaining a steady income via both legal and illegal means, it has been utilized for a variety of roles during its service. Having shuttled everything from raw metal ores to slave shipments bound for the Invisible Market, it remains an active component within the clan's assets.


Typical of its class, the Calm Sea is capable of ferrying thousands of tons of cargo between planets. Requiring only a crew of three to operate the vessel while in flight, it allows for organisations to readily move vital equipment and supplies with minimal manpower. Modular cargo crates are held within an ovular shell, held securely within its interior space that remains open to the air while in flight. A single raised bridge serves as the ship's bridge, positioned up and away from the vessel and away from its primary engines, allowing for easy visibility while maneuvering the vessel.

Although equipped with both light shielding and four dual laser turrets, the Calm Sea is an easy target for raiders, and is heavily dependant on escorting ships for protection. Capable of only average speed and maneuverability, it is rarely able to outrun or avoid approaching targets. When required, the ship can serve as a passenger transport, and is capable of comfortably moving up to forty individuals with little difficulty.


The role of the Calm Sea is to ensure a steady supply of cargo is moved to wherever the clan requires. The nature and requirements of this exact duty varies depending upon Clan Plagueis' status, with its destination and tasks varying depending heavily. Capable of acting as a support vessel to the combat elements of the Ascendant Fleet or simply acting as a freighter to bolster the clan's economy, it is expected to fulfill any needs that fall under the broad category of cargo transportation. Due to the GR-75's versatile frame and design, the Calm Sea can easily be adapted to almost any task that the clan requires of it.

Ascendant Fleet
Star Destroyers AscendancyGoliathCenturion
Cruisers/Frigates SeigebreakerHeavenly DragonCloud DragonSnowy WindMountain WindShining MoonWinter MoonSwift TideBlack TideRevengeResolutionMaelstrom
Corvettes ScyllaSolaceLegionLanceLightningSavageSwiftScourgeScorpionPerditionSilent ScreamHunterHereticBrigandBaronHell's IrisMalice
Transports BloodsportCalm SeaNebula StriderPacificaWhydahCythera