- "Live to Fly. Fly to Live."
- ―Jafits Skrumm
Jafits Skrumm or JS for short, is a Jedi of Clan Odan-Urr. A skilled starfighter pilot and a Force-Sensitive, Jafits later discovered that he was also proficient in Space and Land Battle Strategy using his trained Battle Meditation. He is the twin brother of Jaarek Skrumm, or better known as JScumm, a Sith Battlemaster of Clan Arcona, who presumed killed in action (KIA) in 27 ABY following the invasion of Yuuzhan Vong. Having known his brother's fate, Jafits flew to the remain of Arcona's fleet in the Shroud and took his brother's mantle silently as an Arconan. However after several years of training in the ways of the Dark Side, he still considered himself as a Gray Jedi. So when a light side house was founded in 33 ABY, it didn't took long for Jafits to become a Disciple of Odan-Urr.
Character History
Early Life
Born in 20 BBY, his mother died while giving birth to him and his twin brother, Jaarek. His father was an Imperial Navy pilot, presumed Missing in Action in 5 BBY. He and his brother later were raised in Imperial Academy facility.
Imperial Service
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Character Information
Physical Appearance
Jafits Skrumm stands at 1.83 m in height with weight near 80 kg. He has the look and physique of a typical Imperial starfighter pilot who had undergone grueling physical and psychological conditioning. He likes to have his black hair cut short, a crew cut military style. He has sharp black eyes and lightly tanned skin. In his middle forty, his once short black hair has shown grey hair in several areas, especially near his both ears.
Typical Attire
JS usually wears a TIE pilot suit combined with his black Jedi robe. He keeps his lightsaber in his left belt and a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol in his right.
Personality and Traits
JS is a quite person, introvert kind of person, he only speaks when there is something worth saying. Along with that, his placid demeanor also does not attract attention to others, which makes people tend to underrate him, but he is definitely a snake in the grass. He prefers action over conversation.
Powers and abilities
Jafits's Force-sensitivity first manifested itself in his piloting abilities. Like Jedi Aces, he uses the Force to enhance his piloting skills, doubling his reflexes, his target accuracy and his battle precognition. Furthermore, he uses the Force to sense his enemy pilots minds to anticipate their actions so he can always be one step ahead of his enemies.
DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Jafits's preferred weapon is a custom modified DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol which once belonged to his father. Although the blaster is aged, JS always spares his time to keep the blaster in good condition. He still carries and uses it even after becoming a Jedi Knight and constructing a lightsaber.
Jafits's first lightsaber
Although JS is not an expert swordsman, he has wielded at least three lightsabers throughout his career in the Dark Brotherhood. JS constructed his first lightsaber which had a green blade for about three weeks when he was undergoing his Trials of Knighthood under his master, Odin Vaaj, tutelage. However, shortly after he obtained his first lightsaber and got promoted to Dark Jedi Knight, he lost it following the Yuuzhan Vong first attack to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood fleet in 27 ABY. During Arcona retreat into the Shroud, JS constructed a new red-bladed lightsaber with Jenruax and Upari crystals which fit his preferred lightsaber form, Soresu. He used this lightsaber, dubbed "Rebel", during his time as a Dark Jedi Knight and a Sith Warrior. Upon joining Odan-Urr, he changed his blade color to yellow, which is typically used by Jedi of the Sentinel Order.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Outstanding Achievements
- Won his first Gold Nova for XvT MP event in GJW7 as an Proselyte.
- Earned a Gold Nova in the "Elimination" and a Bronze Nova in the "Skirmish II" gaming events of the Ninth Great Jedi War, undefeated with records 76 - 0 in Empire at War platform.
- Holds 12 ICTE All-Star titles, the most ICTE All-Star titles ever achieved by a member of the Brotherhood.
- JScumm is usually found on IRC with the nick ^JS or other variations around that name.
- His primary gaming platforms are Empire at War and Starcraft2
- JS had been a member of the three houses of Clan Arcona until the clan got resized to a house in 33 ABY.