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- "Knowledge and power are one and the same. The more you know, the more advantages you have in any situation."
- ― Arthadonis reciting his favourite quote soon after arriving on Judecca in 37 ABY
Arthadonis Kalderis is an Obelisk Guardian born on the Kaleesh homeworld of Kalee. He has spent the entirety of his adult life with a force ghost residing within him, often communing when in private. Spending most of his life on the fringes of the galaxy, he eventually came to work for the Czerka Corporation.
Using his natural skills at stealth, he became a valued agent for Czerka before encountering the Dark Jedi Brotherhood in 37 ABY on Telos IV. Following a hostile encounter with the Brotherhood recruiter on the planet, Arthadonis decided to leave his old life behind in the pursuit for power within the Brotherhood. Eventually becoming one of the apprentices of Scholae Palatinae's Quaestor, he has since been focusing on his personal development and acclimatisation over the rush for promotions.
Character History
Pre-Dark Brotherhood
Arthadonis at 7 years old
Arthadonis's homeworld of Kalee
In 16 ABY, Arthadonis was born to a small tribe of Kaleesh called the Kalderi. His Father Zeltras was a high-ranking officer in the Kaleesh Military and the alpha male of the tribe. His battle expertise and skill with a blade meant he was called away to duty often for months on end. Because of this, Arthadonis grew up with his Mother Luqem his main role model. She was a kind Woman in contrast to her Husband, she used her stature as the prominent wife of Zeltras as a way of keeping control of the village they lived in, and often became a source of information on the state of affairs throughout the galaxy due to her relation. Arthadonis had 2 direct siblings, His brother Davro born in 13 ABY and Kasru, his sister born in 18 ABY although he was related to almost everyone in the tribe in one way or another with dozens of half-brothers and sisters. The three were very close and were known for causing trouble, often finding themselves being punished for things such as stealing and pranking villagers rather than training as their Father Zeltras demanded. Being the middle child, Arthadonis was often forgotten during family functions, his Mother was happily taking care of youngest Kasru and Davro, while the biggest troublemaker was also the pride of their Father.
As the trio entered their teen years, they each began pursuing different goals. Kasru followed their mother becoming a young peace keeper and diplomat in the village. Davro on the other hand was quickly swept up by their Father with plans to join the military as soon as he was old enough. Arthadonis was once again left to his own devices and allowed to pursue whatever he desired. He saw this as both a blessing and a curse, he was free to do what he wished but with no guidance or assistance he had trouble learning many skills. Several years later, Davro had become old enough to join their Father in service of the Kaleesh military leaving Arthadonis and Kasru with their mother. By this point Kasru had become a promising diplomat earning respect not just in their village but all over Kalee for assisting their Mother on multiple successful missions. The most noteworthy of these was the brokering of a treaty between the Hondar and Breles, two bitter enemy tribes who days before were gearing up for war. Arthadonis however was seen as a misfit and embarrassment to his tribe. He had no goals and no ambition which resulted in frequent arguments and on occasion even fights between Arthadonis and his father Zeltras.
In 37 ABY Zeltras had had enough and after a particularly large brawl between the two, he exiled Arthadonis from their tribe in disgust. Given only his mask, Arthadonis was sent out into the wilderness told only to return if he could prove he was a valuable member of the tribe. Arthadonis spent the first several nights on the fringes of the tribe, stealing food when he saw the chance hoping that his father would reconsider, however after the fourth day he came to the realization that no-one was coming to help him so he wandered deep into the jungles of Kalee.
Several weeks passed and Arthadonis had set up a rudimentary camp at the base of a large cliff some distance from his former tribe. He'd fashioned a Shoni spear and had a healthy supply of Mumuu meat however he was still unsure of what he would do. Soon after setting up camp he began feeling uneasy about the area but putting it down to his uncertainty he ignored it. One night he began to feel an odd sensation deep within himself and his senses became heightened. He also began feeling a presence within the mountain he was camped at the base of. Following the feeling he discovered the entrance to a tomb, the final resting place of an ancient Sith.
Through his progression of the tomb Arthadonis was attacked by several automated traps but using his heightened senses he was able to overcome and in some cases even avoid them before finally reaching the burial chamber. When he entered he was greeted by a Kaleesh ghost offering him power to fulfil his desires in exchange for freedom from the tomb. Arthadonis accepted and was taught by the ghost how to absorb it's power and essence. Once he'd done so, Arthadonis's own power began to grow and could now hear the ghost within his mind. Before leaving, the ghost told him to open the casket. Doing so, he found inside a Kaleesh mask and double bladed lightsaber which he took as his own.
Arthadonis spent the following few days training under the ghost's guidance, as his thoughts of revenge became more potent, the ghost showed him how his anger made him more powerful. The ghost also tutored him in the basics of using the force and rudimentary combat techniques however it forebode him from ever using the lightsaber until he was ready. 2 months after being exiled, Arthadonis returned to the village wearing the mask he'd acquired in the tomb and challenged his father to one on one combat. Zeltras happily agreed knowing that victory would mean the permanent exile of Arthadonis however he wasn't prepared for Arthadonis's new abilities. Arthadonis was amazed by how fast and strong he was, able to easily defeat Zeltras. A thought then entered Arthadonis's mind, kill Zeltras and take up his mantle as leader of the tribe. Before he realised what he was doing Arthadonis had ignited his lightsaber and pierced the throat of Zeltras with one clear thrust. The tribe fell silent, shocked by what had just happened. Luqem came running out from the crowd throwing Arthadonis to the side and knelt down to her husband. Realising he was dead she cried out as a few tribesmen began to turn on Arthadonis. Defending himself Arthadonis turned his lightsaber on them and sliced through the tribesmen with ease, then turned to kill his Mother Luqem barely managing to stop himself before striking. Unable to believe what he was about to do, Arthadonis fled the area back to his camp in the forest.
Once arriving at the camp, he realised that it was the ghost that had pushed him to kill his Father and the tribesmen, and very nearly his Mother. Arthadonis tried desperately to rid himself of the ghost's voice, tearing away at his head but couldn't. The ghost merely laughed at his attempts, reminding Arthadonis of the bargain they'd struck before barraging his mind with thoughts of darkness and hatred causing Arthadonis to black out.
New Life
Arthadonis woke up on board a small freighter with his hands bound behind his back and his mask and lightsaber missing. The voice of the ghost was also missing which Arthadonis was glad for. He used his newly acquired force persuasion to talk his way out of the bindings and into a position on the crew until the ship arrived a few weeks later at Iridonia on a cargo run. The planet felt alive to Arthadonis, he could sensing many others connected to the force which both worried and excited him. Leaving the cargo ship to stay on the planet for a while, Arthadonis encountered a tribe of Zabrak who trained to use the force and requested inclusion in the training. After proving his worth by defeating several other initiates, he was accepted as part of the tribe and learned the Zabrak combat style of channelling force energy into his movements and combat.
Tribe on Iridonia
A little over a month later, Arthadonis was due to have a sparring match with one of the strongest Zabrak of the tribe named Nenion to test how far he'd come. The duel was intense however a trick used my Nenion caused Arthadonis to lose the fight. Arguing his case of an unfair bout, the tribal leader stated that in true battle you must do whatever it takes to win. Arthadonis hated that he was out witted and beaten by someone and thoughts of killing his rival immediately began trickling into his mind. Several days later during a hike in the forest for supplies, Arthadonis came across poisonous Ghdvar mushrooms and thought back to his rival. He gathered the mushrooms up and made for the tribe to put his plan into motion. Several days later Arthadonis extracted the poison from the fungus and mixed it into a drink, he then used his stealth abilities to switch the tainted drink with Nenion's shortly before their rematch. During their first break from the duel, Nenion took a large swig from the drink and the pair resumed their bout. Shortly into the second round Nenion began exhibiting signs of fatigue and confusion, a weakness Arthadonis quickly took advantage of by overwhelming his opponent, thus winning the duel. Nenion's condition continued to decline after the match and was dead within 20 minutes to the satisfaction of Arthadonis. Expecting to be crowned the victor, Arthadonis's rage grew as the tribe leader Oberon called the match unfair and pointless. Arthadonis futilely argued against the ruling until he had enough, he ignited his lightsaber and killed the leader in front of the entire tribe. The other Iridonians were momentarily stunned before attacking Arthadonis in a blind rage. Arthadonis simply smiled, revelling in the emotion the Zabrakians exuded before casually cutting each of them down in turn.
While gathering his belongings, the Kaleesh ghost reappeared and told Arthadonis is was the ghost that had given him the strength to do this and the satisfaction Arthadonis felt was due to his dark influence. Relishing the power he felt when killing the Zabrak, Arthadonis knelt before the ghost and gave himself to the dark side, opening his mind to the ghost's influence. Seeing this, the ghost merged with Arthadonis's mind completely, once again free to commune with him and now guiding his every thought.
Czerka Corp.
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